Schedule causing only two cameras to stop recording


Pulling my weight
Aug 23, 2017
This is very odd, I have a schedule setup for night time which is linked to sunrise/sunset. Works just fine but two out of my six cameras stop recording when the night schedule kicks in until I go to settings on each camera, change nothing and simply say OK/save??? The time line for these two cameras appears again but nothing is recorded since the sunset profile change and me going into settings. Bizarre, oddly enough it is fine when switching from night to day on the schedule!

Any ideas, settings look no different to other cameras, mystery to me at the moment.

Wondered if anybody else has seen similar.

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Update on this, I ended up removing the two cameras from Blue Iris and adding again, I then imported their settings and the problem was still there. Both these cameras did not record and worse now was that they would not record even when I went into settings and came out again. This was on version but also the same issue on previous version.

I changed all sorts of settings in these two cameras but nothing helped. In the end I deleted them and setup as new without importing previous settings and that appeared to get them recording again. I will know later today if the schedule issue has been fixed or not. Essentially though it appears if I tried to import camera settings from a previous version of Blue Iris it failed to record.

The odd thing was that whilst I was doing this one of the other cameras which had been fine also stopped recording. This one had to be added as new and settings modified from the ground up, annoying since I had various motion and Deepstack settings on all three cameras.

This could simply be some bugs in the latest versions or maybe some bizarre issue on my system, can't say for sure. All I can say is that initially, two of my cameras stopped working on the schedule when once they were working fine, I put that down to an update.
Well removing the cameras and creating as new without importing settings appears to have cured the problem. Painful putting settings back in but what can you do, also I have begun playing with shutter speed and gain within the Dahua settings :rofl: :lmao: not again!! it never ends well.
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OK, it happened again with version, this time I missed it and also missed some critical footage of an event, very annoying, had been fine for a while. I don't mind bugs but not when they are this big :facepalm:
Currently the issue still occurs on, will try over riding the default schedule on the camera which stops upon default schedule switch to see if it resolves. Getting a bit tired of this happening, if no luck I will switch back to stable version.
Well I thought this was fixed but again it is happening in version, for me at least, I deleted the camera being effected and added again, this one is now fine but within 24 hours one of my other cameras now stops recording in Blue Iris when the night schedule switches in. Usual procedure, right click, camera settings, say OK and it is back again :banghead: :banghead:
Now on version and this problem still occurs, every day I have to trigger one camera to work again after switching to night profile. Driving me nuts and I am done with deleting and adding cameras only to have it happen again to another :banghead:

I reported it to Blue Iris but they wanted chapter and verse along with a short essay regarding the problem to 'prove' I wasn't making it up, essentially, I find them incredibly difficult to deal with at times. Now I just don't bother reporting anything and either fix it myself, roll back to a version that works or consider switching to something else entirely. I know this must be a version issue since it never used to be a problem. Maybe I am alone on this one, sounds a bit like it, if this turns out to be something stupid I have done then I will happily hold my hands up :thumb:
What about doing a screen video showing them that it isn't switching?
Yes, indeed, I could do that, they wanted screen shots, written accounts, etc, etc, honestly I just can't face it, the email I sent explaining was pretty clear with good detail. Not going into detail here but the responses I get recently have been less than polite for no apparent reason, which is a shame to be honest. I know some of these tech guys are not great communicators but there we go. In the past I have had quite good responses from them but recently not so much. I am polite, forthcoming with information and not an unpleasant person :lol: we do what we can I guess :idk:

It annoys me a bit because I promote the product on here and to customers, friends etc, it is a great piece of kit and we all know there isn't much to touch it as an all around package. Ah well, what can you do, I guess it will get fixed at some point or my specific issue will rectify itself. Most likely just me done something stupid but I don't think so, like I say it worked fine for a while.
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The problem is that they can't solve it remotely without the information they either really need or think they really need. Bantering back and forth, with both sides getting irritated, won't solve the problem.
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Fair comments, I get that, like I said if it turns out to be me then I will put my hands up, no question. It helps others to know what causes a problem :thumb:

This is not a simple one sadly, I have a problematic camera relating to this issue, I delete it, recreate as fresh and it is fine, the symptoms then pass to another existing camera and so it goes on. Anyway, leave it with me, I will either swallow some pride and send them chapter and verse or wait it out.

The part that frustrated me most was the response I got, it was less than accommodating, a simple 'Please could you provide more information, with some screen shots' would have sufficed, I can be a sensitive soul :lol:
It sure sounds unique to your install without a doubt. I wish you luck finding the root cause.
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But we can't help you if you don't post screen caps of your settings, it only takes a minute or two using Windows Snip.
It's most likely user error.
Just for reference the settings for the cameras are the same as the other 10 which are working fine with the schedule change. Even with default settings the problem occurs, it then shifts to another camera if I delete the one which is screwing around at the time. Very odd indeed. I am in tech support so not a stranger to these kinds of issues, in a roundabout way but it has got me drawing a blank this one.
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It sure sounds unique to your install without a doubt. I wish you luck finding the root cause.
Thanks, I am inclined to agree, surely others would have flagged it, wondering if it might be linked to the GPU. What puzzles me is the way it shifts from one camera to another after recreating. It isn't a huge deal, I just need to remember to right click it each night so I don't miss footage. My Dahua NVR is recording 24/7 as backup so I am covered either way.
The registry, where all of BI settings are stored, the BI section seems to be easily corrupted by settings made in BI at times.
Worst case, you un-install BI, go into the registry and delete everything that is labeled Perspective Software.
Re-install BI, and then set it back up from scratch, don't import any saved settings.
The registry, where all of BI settings are stored, the BI section seems to be easily corrupted by settings made in BI at times.
Worst case, you un-install BI, go into the registry and delete everything that is labeled Perspective Software.
Re-install BI, and then set it back up from scratch, don't import any saved settings.
I did wonder, could be fallout from a major version upgrade, that will be my last resort I think. See if I can thrash it out in the meantime with myself or Bi :lmao:
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Out of curiosity are you using hardware acceleration and if so what flavor?
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