Playback painfully jerky, slow and stuttering.


Getting the hang of it
Aug 18, 2021
Hey all,

Lately I've been realizing that my playback is cripplingly slow. When I double click an alert from the BI Windows app, it takes at least 3 seconds to open, and then the video plays back at least 1 frame per 5 seconds. It seems to be skipping 99% of the frames. If I wait long enough, the video plays back smoothly enough (with a few stutters here and there lasting a couple seconds each), but as soon as I try to reverse playback or increase playback to 2x, it completely craps the bed. However, live view is totally unaffected, and motion is totally smooth.

My specs:
Intel 11500
512GB PCIe 3.0 M.2 SSD
2TB 2.5" HDD

Running 6x 4MP and 1x 5MP cameras in continuous+alerts, all using substream unless alerted.

I've allocated the 'new' and 'alerts' folders to be on the dedicated 2TB drive.

My cameras are all set to Intel+VPP.


My recoding settings haven't changed since I set it up:


My i-frames are synced to the frame rate:


... I've set up exclusions in Microsoft Defender:


... And defrag is disabled:


I don't understand, because when I first set all of this up, I was getting silky-smooth playback of my clips, even at 1x reverse speed at mainstream resolution!

My performance graphs in Task Manager while playing don't indicate any bottlenecks...

... And there's definitely space on the HDD:


I've also got all my cameras set to 'Intel+VPP' at the moment, but doesn't matter what I change it to. I've tried every option.

I've also followed every optimization in the wiki.

Any suggestions?
Wow do you seem to have the issue LOL :(

Is anything else running on that machine?

An 11th gen with 7 cameras and every optimization should be purring along.

Many members here have way more cameras and a way less capable machine and don't hit 85% CPU during playback.

Have you changed any other settings in BI other than what the wiki says that you think improves performance, but in actuality does the opposite? There are a few settings like that.
Is anything else running on that machine?

Nope. This is 100% a dedicated Blue Iris machine. Absolutely nothing extraneous running on it. It's a brand new Windows 11 install otherwise.

Have you changed any other settings in BI other than what the wiki says that you think improves performance, but in actuality does the opposite? There are a few settings like that.

Not that I can think of. I did change the video acceleration method to DirectX VA2 to fix the huge brightness disparity between how BI renders its live/recorded images vs the direct feed from the camera itself, but even after changing this back to Intel+VPP for all cameras (and 'also BVR') and restarting, it didn't have any noticeable effect.

So I thought it might have been a Deepstack issue, as I've been having huge problems with it lately.

This takes me onto another saga that I just posted about here:

Anyone running DeepStack 2022.01.1? | Page 2 | IP Cam Talk

I feel like I've FUBAR'D the entire thing. :(
Please help?
Not many are running WIN11, but almost have to wonder if there is something with that conflicting your system. I do know someone else here just upgraded to WIN11 and is having nothing but problems.
The "also BVR" can cause these types of issues. I would suggest turning HA off on every camera, uncheck the also BVR and reboot your computer and see if that fixes it.
Ok I'll try that - but can we fix the problem with Deepstack first? It's not starting and/or BI is not connecting to it.
What flavor of Hard Drive is recording and playing back the video? ( I had playback issues with WD Blue drive)
Try Turning intel hardware decoding off. ( Intel+VPP)

Possibly. Here's what my Deepstack\Server folder looks like.


I don't see any server.exe file.

Even when I change the DS target directory within BI to C:\DeepStack\Server, it still gives me the same error message when I try to start it.

Is the idea that I should rename 'deepstack.exe' to 'server.exe'?
Are you really recording video to a 2.5" HDD? or is that a typo?
Or it worked buttery smooth when nothing else was on the drive....and it shows it is 97% fragmented and needs defragged.

You have got some serious $#!+ going on in your system LOL :(

I have ran WD purple HDD for my cams for years and when I recently went to add another HDD and shut down everything, I went to try a defrag on that drive it didn't need it. You haven't had this system that long for it to get that defragged....
I'm running an i7-6700, which is not close to your machine. I run 20% CPU, with 14 active cameras and DS and ALPR. I just started a video playing from alerts, and run 50-70% CPU through RDP. It is a Win10 Pro machine though, with no intention of "upgrading" to 11. You have an issue. I would fix that before fooling with DS. If BI or the machine has issues, DS isn't going to help that at all. I recommend you start by disabling HA , even though you don't want to. It's easy enough to try.

My GPU, onboard Intel, is running at 8% during playback. Yours is 95%. What display, etc. are you running?