Wyze Cam Vulnerability - They knew and did nothing.

This exploit (or exploits? it isn't really clear) seems to require local access to obtain secret information before it can be exploited remotely. So it is kind of like, gee, someone took a high resolution picture of my house key and fabricated their own copy, lets go sue Schlage for making unsecure keys.

Yes, computer systems can be built more securely than that. But lets be honest, a lot of cameras let you just scan a QR code and get remote access.
This exploit (or exploits? it isn't really clear) seems to require local access to obtain secret information before it can be exploited remotely. So it is kind of like, gee, someone took a high resolution picture of my house key and fabricated their own copy, lets go sue Schlage for making unsecure keys.

Yes, computer systems can be built more securely than that. But lets be honest, a lot of cameras let you just scan a QR code and get remote access.
To be fair it does allow a roommate, friend, or ex who had Wi-Fi access to spy on a user.
He feels better about it because someone has to be one the same network so if they steal your home wifi they can access the key.

How many people fail to secure Wifi? Yes you can say it's their own fault. But it's a lot which surely immediately takes out that as an excuse for saying it's secure as they need to get onto your home network 1st.
What concerns do you have? Curious.

Don't think I have anything the Chinese want. As for the rest. They make money selling your personal info and the result is targeted advertising and oceans of spam spam spam. 3 years ago I bought a Toyota and was immediately inundates with garbage spam that continues until this day. I recently bought an iPhone and the same thing happened. After that I set up a junk account with Google. I know it won't provide instant relief but going forward I'm hoping most junk will end up in my Google account. I never never received any junk mail from China as far as I know. I do get an occasional scan email but nothing aimed directly at me and not in any volume. As for the other scammers and spanners, they know all about me. Wonder how they came about all this info?

Pardon me if I sound pro Chinese, I'm not, but US companies pose a much greater threat to my personal peace and security than China does.

And btw, I recently did a little research on hot air rework stations via my phone. Amazon was not one of the sites i visited, in fact I have never visited Amazon on my phone, but before the day was out I got a promotional email from Amazon pushing, you guessed it, hot air rework stations.

I'm sure everyone's experience isn't like mine and I'm equally sure not everyone is as sensitive to this sort of thing as I am. But I'm me, what can I say.

And another btw, all my cams are on a non routed subnet and I use a second NIC in the BI server and the server I administer it from.
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Oh yeah, I have fun with my apple friends LOL.

I just start talking about random stuff like Tommy Johns and next thing you know, their phone was listening and they start getting ads for underwear lol.
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Is that why I keep getting Sheep Raping links?
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Don't think I have anything the Chinese want. As for the rest. They make money selling your personal info and the result is targeted advertising and oceans of spam spam spam. 3 years ago I bought a Toyota and was immediately inundates with garbage spam that continues until this day. I recently bought an iPhone and the same thing happened. After that I set up a junk account with Google. I know it won't provide instant relief but going forward I'm hoping most junk will end up in my Google account. I never never received any junk mail from China as far as I know. I do get an occasional scan email but nothing aimed directly at me and not in any volume. As for the other scammers and spanners, they know all about me. Wonder how they came about all this info?

Pardon me if I sound pro Chinese, I'm not, but US companies pose a much greater threat to my personal peace and security than China does.

And btw, I recently did a little research on hot air rework stations via my phone. Amazon was not one of the sites i visited, in fact I have never visited Amazon on my phone, but before the day was out I got a promotional email from Amazon pushing, you guessed it, hot air rework stations.

I'm sure everyone's experience isn't like mine and I'm equally sure not everyone is as sensitive to this sort of thing as I am. But I'm me, what can I say.

And another btw, all my cams are on a non routed subnet and I use a second NIC in the BI server and the server I administer it from.
Apple sells oh sorry "shares" your data as well. You will get spam regardless of whether or not your data is collected - its just that with the collected data the spam is targeted.
China as well as other bad actors world wide (including in the US) use the exploits you seemingly only associate with the Chinese to steal your passwords, private communications, photos, videos, socials, bank records etc. I dont know about you, but I would rather get an add from amazon than my personal photos, texts emails being traded online.
I do tend to be a bit paranoid. Especially with this new phone. I had a Android phone for 7 years and had to give it up because the bank said it was no longer compatible. With the iPhone i worry that I'll inadvertently buy something by mistake. Seems like everything has a welcome screen with a continue button. What happens if i continue? When I bought the phone the dingle berries at T-Mobile didn't know how to transfer my stuff to the iPhone and i ended up with 4 copies of everything. Then Apple started dinging me to pay for more iCloud space so I turned off iCloud. Maybe I'll go back to the devil I know, time will tell.
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I do tend to be a bit paranoid. Especially with this new phone. I had a Android phone for 7 years and had to give it up because the bank said it was no longer compatible. With the iPhone i worry that I'll inadvertently buy something by mistake. Seems like everything has a welcome screen with a continue button. What happens if i continue? When I bought the phone the dingle berries at T-Mobile didn't know how to transfer my stuff to the iPhone and i ended up with 4 copies of everything. Then Apple started dinging me to pay for more iCloud space so I turned off iCloud. Maybe I'll go back to the devil I know, time will tell.
I am surprised you kept your phone for 7 years despite serious vulnerabilities that you were not getting patched. Your bank was right. Not sure why you think you will buy something by hitting continue - nonsense. I am further shocked that someone as paranoid as yourself would hand their phone over to a store employee....how many copies did they make for themselves?
^^^ Blasphemy!
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And btw, I recently did a little research on hot air rework stations via my phone. Amazon was not one of the sites i visited, in fact I have never visited Amazon on my phone, but before the day was out I got a promotional email from Amazon pushing, you guessed it, hot air rework stations.
Similarly, I unplugged 2 Echo Dots in 2020 when, after neither myself or my wife had done any searches online of a specific and unusual topic and that we had discussed that topic verbally only between ourselves......shortly after (like by the next day) when I opened amazon to browse my account / order status page, I received popup suggestions that clearly suggested items that my wife and I discussed privately!

I wonder what else had been heard? My political views? :wtf: