Train hits police cruiser with suspect handcuffed inside


IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
Pretty much what the post title is...I don't what else to say. I am pretty close to speechless...... :blankstare:

The entire video:

Right before impact:

Is all of this saying that the cops knowingly parked their car on a train track? I feel like it's a stupid question because nobody should be dumb enough to do that.
Not to be a MMQB, but I can't think of a valid reason for this to happen. :idk:

I believe this: 1) Somebody (or more) will lose their job(s). 2) That same person(s) may be charged and 3) the injured suspect has a valid claim to the Colorado municipality for liability.
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I saw that and have to wonder why, for any reason, two, hopefully, sane LEOs would park a cruiser on train tracks. Those two idiots are in some deep doo doo no matter what the motivation/circumstances were and rightfully should be.
I feel like it's a stupid question because nobody should be dumb enough to do that.
I understand, it IS hard to believe. And I support LEO (we need them more than ever) it's just that stupid knows no boundaries and can affect just about anyone, any time.

If there was really inclement weather and the suspect was resisting viciously, shooting at them, other words there were many, many distractions that would contribute to the bad decisions I could somewhat understand that happening but I just don't see any of that here.
Watching the video and listening to the chatter afterwards, it appears that she didn't immediately stop and some sort of "chase" or long following of the vehicle happened that caused them to immediately draw guns once the vehicle stopped, and the suspect stopped just beyond the train tracks, so in the heat of the chase and what not, I think the police probably didn't realize they were stopped on the train track as they were so focused on the subject and not their surroundings?

Sadly, it shows like some of the other incidents that caused issues in our country, the outcome for an alleged suspect is much better if they simply obey and comply and not try to run.
Situational awareness always has to be the first thing. That includes not only the focus of the incident but all the surroundings. What if the same sort of thing had happened in a mall or other densely occupied area and these guys were totally focused on the target, ignoring surroundings, and gun fire erupted. More training is the key for all of our LEOs just to prevent this kind of dumb mistake. Heaven knows we really need our LEOs to be there and well trained. Thankfully the lady in the cruiser survived, albeit with some pretty severe injuries.
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"Situational awareness always has to be the first thing. That includes not only the focus of the incident but all the surroundings. .. "

This is .. so .. very .. hard to find words, so understatement: This is "why body cameras, and cameras matters" .. , finding it a complete failure of operations that the LEOs did not move the car before putting ( her ) in .. EVEN if they failed to have situational awareness when they first stopped .. should have figured it out when they were about to put her in the car ...
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They conducted a felony stop after the pickup failed to pull over for what sounds like a long distance. Not knowing who was in the truck and if weapons were present, they had to park close for both lighting and to use the squad as a shield if gunfire erupted. Unfortunately the pickup pulled over just after the tracks; if the squad stopped on the other side, the mound that the tracks sit on could have possibly obstructed the officer’s view.

That being said, as soon as the suspect was detained and the vehicle cleared, the rest of the scene should have been cleared and the squad moved off the tracks.
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I expect the woman now understands the full impact of being engaged in criminal activity.
Sadly probably not. She will get millions at the expense of honest taxpayers and possibly an officers job, then spend it on drugs and alcohol.
I am a rail would think cops would know better....but so many dont. I see it here all the time. I've actually chewed a couple out over the years for doing the same thing or actually going through flagged crossings with signals going and live trains moving... (and not on any kind of call ...just tired of waiting on train....) part of my job is to inspect damaged railcars to assess damage and decide where to send for repairs... you wouldnt believe some of the stuff I've seen over the past 36 years...
.. you wouldnt believe some of the stuff I've seen over the past 36 years...
I've likely seen a lot of what you speak. I spent 31 years working on traffic signals in the roadway, many of them a RR Xings and the traffic signals pre-empted by the RR. Stupid knows no limits, IMO. 1973 to '93 was bad enough but it really started getting worse for the roadway workers in early 90's when more cell phones began showing up.

Honest to God, some people grab the wheel, look straight out the windshield and just stab the gas, stab-steer-stab-steer, never look around or up ahead, no further than the other car's bumper 10 feet in front of them, making it to 75 or 80 on the freeway with same spacing, still fiddling with the radio or cell phone. They drive 4,000 pounds of metal at great speeds in close proximity to other motorists, no look-ahead plan for safety, just wild abandon. Much like Russian roulette, keep pulling the trigger, taking chances, making unfounded decisions and one day your good luck will end abruptly

We can go through drive-thru's and get food, withdraw money from an ATM, pick up from Home Depot, all from our driver's seat. I've heard there's a chapel In Las Vegas where you can get married in your car. We've grown lazy and complacent driving, it's become too routine, it seldom gets the attention it deserves, our lives are too busy to deal with slowing down and paying attention to the dangerous task of driving. We've decided that arriving at our next stop as quickly as possible is more desirable than arriving at all. :confused: :screwy:
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Situational awareness always has to be the first thing. That includes not only the focus of the incident but all the surroundings. What if the same sort of thing had happened in a mall or other densely occupied area and these guys were totally focused on the target, ignoring surroundings, and gun fire erupted. More training is the key for all of our LEOs just to prevent this kind of dumb mistake. Heaven knows we really need our LEOs to be there and well trained. Thankfully the lady in the cruiser survived, albeit with some pretty severe injuries.
I agree. Situational awareness. Know what your surroundings are and where you park your vehicle. One of the first things they taught us in the fire service is before you park the engine and setup a drop tanks or stage, always know what is around you.....and what is above you. The last thing you need at a fully involved structure fire is to park the engine under the fully involved structures power lines. It could render a bad day for a few people, all at once when the power lines fall, on top of your engine.

The idiot cop, running around like a chicken with it's head cut off had enough time to grab that girl and pull her out of the car. Public safety is definitely not a priority on his list.
I watched this on Youtube last week I think. Absolutely shocking and I hope the cop gets fired. Really is no excuse for stopping your car on an active rail track and then putting a suspect inside.

I just hope she recovers fully from her injuries although it sounds as if it could be life changing.
Sad they were looking for a gun, but it took over 7 minutes before one cop said did you check the center console. That should have been the first place to look and the second place the glove box. I have police officers and military officers in my family. I am behind the police one hundred percent. But these officers need more training. They need once a month training to reinforce what they are taught in the academy.