Relee - myanycam - RL102, Rl103, Rl107, Rl108?


Sep 9, 2015

has anyone modified a small wifi, p2p camera called myanycam?
It has a ARM926e cpu
it runs armlinux

it runs a binary to comfigurate the camera...

I would like to modify so I can get ONVIF or RTSP support :-)

any ideas will help..

Greetings Eddie

has anyone modified a small wifi, p2p camera called myanycam?
It has a ARM926e cpu
it runs armlinux

it runs a binary to comfigurate the camera...

I would like to modify so I can get ONVIF or RTSP support :-)

any ideas will help..

Greetings Eddie
Dont bother, if onvif and rtsp are not supported you are not going to "unlock" that function unless you have the skillset to rewrite firmware...
Dont bother, if onvif and rtsp are not supported you are not going to "unlock" that function unless you have the skillset to rewrite firmware...

yes I am agree.. :-) I maybe there is another firmware allready? maybe for a identical camera hardware?

the strange thing is that I can use a p2p app to watch the video stream... but no1 knows how to "catch" that into a PC, vlc, ete etc...

