How to downgrade firmware to DAHUA NVR5216-4ks2


Young grasshopper
Dec 26, 2017
Perhaps someone could help me?

I have upgraded the firmware of my NVR5216-4ks2 to V4.002.0000000.5.R.220729

But that firmware has a heavy bug and I want to go back to a previous firmware. When trying that, the "upgrade"-process stops at 50%. I tried both configtool and webpage.

After that trial the NVR is still useable, but still has the same bug as before. The bug is that - whenever the ethernet connection from the NVR to a cam is interrupted - the configuration in the NVR for that particular cam is lost regarding e.g. the external sensor alarm-input (at the cam).

Perhaps there is a newer firmware which does not have that bug Or perhaps there is a tool by which I could do the entire upgrade (means downgrade...).

With earlier firmwares it was possible to downgrade the firmware...

Thanks for help!

I can put a USB with the bin-file, FAT32 formatted, into one of the USB-ports of the NVR. I can connect the NVR thru HDMI with my external monitor. I then can start update. However, using any former firmware, the update fails also using this method. Just to make clear: My NVR is not bricked, I can still use it. Except that the very very important function of external alarm input (referring to the cam alarm input) has become useless with the newer 4.x-firmware, because even short interruptions in the ethernet connection between NVR and any type of cam leads to a loss of configuration in the NVR for that cam where the network connection got a little disturbance. Never happened with any earlier firmware. I cross-checked by using another reserve NVR 5216-4Ks2 (which I fortunately have...) : With an older firmware of type 4.x it works. Of course, I do not upgrade firmware on that reserve NVR...
Я могу вставить флешку с bin-файлом, отформатированным в FAT32, в один из USB-портов видеорегистратора. Я могу подключить NVR через HDMI к внешнему монитору. Затем я могу начать обновление. Однако, используя любую предыдущую прошивку, обновление также не удается с помощью этого метода. Просто чтобы прояснить: мой видеорегистратор не заблокирован, я все еще могу его использовать. За исключением того, что очень и очень важная функция внешнего тревожного входа (имеется в виду камерный тревожный вход) стала бесполезной с новой прошивкой 4.x, потому что даже кратковременные перерывы в ethernet-соединении между NVR и любым типом камеры приводят к потере конфигурации в NVR для той камеры, с сетевым подключением которой возникли небольшие помехи. Ни с одной из предыдущих прошивок такого не было. Я перепроверил с помощью другого резервного NVR 5216-4Ks2 (который, к счастью, у меня есть...): Со старой прошивкой типа 4.x работает. Конечно,
Я могу читать и писать только по-английски или по-немецки, но не по-русски или им подобным.
We connect any bootable USB flash drive from a Live CD to the registrar.
When loading the recorder, press ESC, after the menu icons appear, click Boot Manager
Select our flash drive and launch the live cd.
The explorer has 3 partitions on disk 0 (nand flash memory of the recorder) (photo 1)
View attachment 744
The first section is dom_bin - files with firmware
The second section is dom_data
The third partition is a local disk - files with factory firmware, I had version 3.210.
5. The partitions have an ext3 file system, read-only. I previously copied the Ext2Mgr-2.48 program to a USB flash drive with liv sd. We run the program and unchecked "mount volume in read only mode" in the properties of section 1 (photo 2)
View attachment 745
6. After that, it is possible to copy the files to the firmware partition. Copied and replaced files from section 3 to section 1: bzImage, svr_image, grub folder. (after making a full backup of the partitions)(photo 3)
View attachment 746
7. After restarting, the registrar started with firmware 3.210, 3.216 was quietly installed on it.
After upgrading from 3.210 to 3.216, it is mandatory to perform a full factory reset.

The registrar in the liv sd mode works only 3 minutes, and reboots, so you need to have time to do everything in these 3 minutes.
Я могу читать и писать только по-английски или по-немецки, но не по-русски или им подобным.
[/ЦИТИРОВАТЬ] Воспользуйтесь переводчиком , как делаю это я.
I can put a USB with the bin-file, FAT32 formatted, into one of the USB-ports of the NVR. I can connect the NVR thru HDMI with my external monitor. I then can start update. However, using any former firmware, the update fails also using this method. Just to make clear: My NVR is not bricked, I can still use it. Except that the very very important function of external alarm input (referring to the cam alarm input) has become useless with the newer 4.x-firmware, because even short interruptions in the ethernet connection between NVR and any type of cam leads to a loss of configuration in the NVR for that cam where the network connection got a little disturbance. Never happened with any earlier firmware. I cross-checked by using another reserve NVR 5216-4Ks2 (which I fortunately have...) : With an older firmware of type 4.x it works. Of course, I do not upgrade firmware on that reserve NVR...

I am using the same firmware and I also have an annoying problem. Did you ever manage to revert to an older version?
Kind regards,Demesmaeker
I am using the same firmware and I also have an annoying problem. Did you ever manage to revert to an older version?
Kind regards,Demesmaeker

Hallo "Leidensgenosse" !
Ich hatte inzwischen Kontakt zu Distributoren und Händlern. Die Distributoren prüften zunächst, ob meine Fehlermeldung echt war und nicht etwa auf Fehler von mir oder einen zufälligen Hardwaredefekt verursacht war. Nachdem mein Fehler distributorseitig verifiziert war, wurde DAHUA distributorseitig informiert. Meine Frage, ob ein Downgrade der Firmware technisch möglich sei, wurde seitens DAHUA über Distributor verneint. Nur ein neueres Upgrade der Firmware wäre denkbar. Wann jedoch ein derartiges Upgrade verfügbar wäre, konnte man nicht sagen. Allgemein wird ja auch dringend abgeraten, Upgrades zu machen, nur weil es eine neuere Firmware gibt. Ich werde irgendwann im Jahr 2023 versuchen, zunächst einmal nur noch einmal dieselbe 4.002er Firmware mittels TFTP-Server und RS-232-Schnittstelle einzuspielen, um den TFTP-Prozess überhaupt zu verstehen. Damit ein Downgrade zu versuchen, werde ich jedoch nicht. Zum einen, weil ich bisher in keinem einzigen Forum bzw. im Internet jemand finden konnte, auch keinen Händler oder Distributor, dem das schon gelungen war. Zum anderen, weil DAHUA mich distributorseitig davor gewarnt hatte, weil es zu einem Gerät "brick" führen würde, weil ein Downgrade durch einen Blockierprozess verhindert wäre. Mir wurde empfohlen, beim Kauf dieses Gerätes ausdrücklich vom Händler eine ältere Firmware zu verlangen, in meinem Fall 4.001.x. , derartige Geräte gibt es noch im Handel. Der von MIR berichtete Fehler lässt sich jedoch trickreich auf zwei Weisen umgehen: 1) Man nutzt einen der Alarmeingänge des NVR auf dessen Rückseite bzw. eine entsprechende Alarmeingangserweiterung ODER 2) man betreibt den NVR über ein 12V DC USV, welches aber 35 bis 40 Watt bei einer eingebauten Festplatte liefern muss. 1) oder 2) gibt es für unter Euro 100 im Handel. Habe mich dann für die USV-Variante entschieden, seitdem kein Problem mehr. Ich empfehle, dass Du Deinen Händler genau über den Fehler informierst, so dass dann Händler bzw. Distributor ihrerseits prüfen kann, ob es wirklich an der neuen Firmware liegt und dann ggbfs. DAHUA informieren können. Wenn jedoch Dein Gerät im Ausland gekauft worden war und/oder Gewährleistung abgelaufen ist, könnte eine Lösung für Dich schwieriger werden, so es denn wirklich an der Firmware liegt.

Wenn Du mir Deinen Firmware-Fehler genau beschreibst, könnte ich versuchen, ihn zu reproduzieren und, wenn reproduziert, "meinen" Händler bzw. Verteiler entsprechend informieren. Aber auch das wird sicher erst in 2023 zu Erkenntnissen führen.


I am using the same firmware and I also have an annoying problem. Did you ever manage to revert to an older version?
Kind regards,Demesmaeker
I am using the same firmware and I also have an annoying problem. Did you ever manage to revert to an older version?
Kind regards,Demesmaeker
Sorry that I wrote in German. Here version in English: Distributors resp Dealers whom I contacted answered me - after having contacted DAHUA technical support - that it is technically NOT possible to downgrade that Firmware and that any trial could potentially brick the NVR making it completely (!) unuseable. There is a firmware process which normally blocks such trial for protection of NVR. One would have to wait for a new firmware (date cannot be given) or one would have to buy such NVR again with older firmware from summer 2021 (4.001.x) which is still available in market - unless your dealer accepts it as warranty case. My market investigation showed that my NVR-model with such older firmware is still available in Europe between around 450 and 650 Euro incl. VAT. In China it might be only slightly cheaper. I suggest that you report the problem in detail to your dealer, so that the dealer together with his distributor can first verify the error and, if verified, can inform DAHUA. In my case I am now using a UPS to avoid that the NVR could go off-power and, by this, my firmware error (verified by Distributor/Dealer ! ) cannot create the problem reported.
Thanks for the link!!! According to my todays knowledge should this firmware at least fix the problem which I had reported to DAHUA via dealer/distributor, namely the configuration loss regarding external alarm input (at ipcam) after powerloss of NVR. Whether this firmware fixes also other problems (if they are real) I do not know. I will try to test this new firmware with my NVR after X-mas. It is worth noting that DAHUA has reacted very quickly on the error report....which however seems to must be filed (common practice) via dealer/distributor towards DAHUA.
I hope it solves my problem as well (the problem that all my non dahua cameras cannot be renamed. They are all called "IPC".
Unfortunately, I cannot flash my NVR because of an ongoing research project (recording birds, day and night).
When I get my hands on the document that belongs to this update, I will tell it here.
Thanks for the link!!! According to my todays knowledge should this firmware at least fix the problem which I had reported to DAHUA via dealer/distributor, namely the configuration loss regarding external alarm input (at ipcam) after powerloss of NVR. Whether this firmware fixes also other problems (if they are real) I do not know. I will try to test this new firmware with my NVR after X-mas. It is worth noting that DAHUA has reacted very quickly on the error report....which however seems to must be filed (common practice) via dealer/distributor towards DAHUA.
I updated my NVR5216-4ks2 today from 4.002.0000000.5 to 4.002.0000000.6 (dated 15.11.2022) which I downloaded from
Unfortunately does this "new" Firmware not remove the bug which I had reported to DAHUA through dealer and distributor. There is also no release note what this F/W changes. In order to prevent that the configuration (for records and pictures of the NVR) inside the NVR regarding the external alarm input of a registered camera (which has an external alarm input...) will become factory setting, means gettting lost, after e.g. two or more power losses have appeared, I still must use a 12V-DC-UPS. If I use one HDD (not two) inside the NVR, the UPS should deliver 36 Watts because during start-up (reboot) process the NVR draws temporarily high current, means needs higher power. In steady state the NVR only needs about 12 Watts with 1 HDD.
Not Shure if this would help or not but I also had some crazy bugs with the firmware till i did a factory reset then upgraded firmware and reprogramed all the cameras and settings back in, real pain in the but for Shure but fixed all my issues.
I have the DHI-NVR5216-16P-4KS2E with

3.216.0000000.0, Build Date: 2018-05-30
and 7 chineese cameras should i upgrade ?

Why upgrade? You are literally posting in a thread where someone said updating caused them issues...

You really need to be asking yourself why are you updating? If it is just for grins and giggles or OCD behavior to be running the latest firmware, think twice.

A common theme around here is don't fix what ain't broke. If the unit is working and meets your needs, in many instances an update breaks what you had working and provides you with something you didn't need or bricks the camera. In most instances, updates are simply security vulnerability patches (usually years after the breach was found), but since we do not give our cameras internet access, the update is useless to us.

Unless the release notes specifically mention it fixing a problem you are experiencing, more than likely it won't fix an issue and may make the camera worse by removing functionality.

Here are issues I have seen people report here where they were upgrading just for the sake of upgrading:
  • Dahua 5241E-Z12E that someone updated and then constantly reboots.
  • Dahua 49225 and 49425 PTZ that Dahua intentionally removed autotracking with an update to force people to buy the more expensive PTZ.
  • Hikvision DS-2DEA425IW-DW PTZ that Hikvision intentionally removed autotracking with an update to force people to buy the more expensive PTZ (*V5.7.3 220315 -Remove auto-tracking functions on DE4A).
  • Hikvision ANPR camera losing half the FPS and loses the ability to read US plates - those are big deals to have happen, especially if you live in the USA.
  • Hikvision ANPR DS-2CD4A26FWD camera that lost all ability to read plates - kinda makes a plate reader camera useless.
  • Hikvision camera that the user lost ability to control the LED light function at night.
  • Hikvision DS-7616NI-Q2 NVR that has the APIs changed. This is a big deal if you run automation.
  • Hikvision wifi camera that loses the ability to use wifi after a firmware update and was intentionally removed due to too many complaints that the camera was dropping signal.
  • DH-DB61 Doorbell that loses API functionality. A big deal for someone with automation.
  • Hikvision iVM4200 v3.8 - loses the free ability to use the computer as storage and now need to subscribe.
  • Dahua IPC-HFW1320S that started phoning home using 60MB/hr and costing someone thousands of dollars in data overages when he got his next mobile bill.
  • Dahua 5442 that will not allow playback of the SD card.
  • Dahua NVR58XX-4KS2 that had custom protocol (ability to add a camera via RTSP) removed possibly to force people to purchase same brand cameras.
  • Countless other instances where the camera or NVR simply bricked and became useless.
  • Countless examples where the camera or NVR went into Chinese.
  • Manufacturers are now preventing their equipment to be updated with an older working firmware after it was updated to a more recent firmware.
Don't do it unless it is fixing a problem you are experiencing or adds a feature you really need.

Another thing to consider is that the same model could have different firmware for different chipsets used during the life of that model. So you run the risk of bricking if you do not know what chipset you have.

Here is an example - the HFW3549T1-AS-PV is available in 2 versions of firmware across 3 different chipsets for the same model camera:
  • HFW3549T1-AS-PV-S4 uses the HX3XXX-Taurus firmware.
  • HFW3549T1-AS-PV and IPC-HFW3549T1-AS-PV-S3 use the HX5XXX-Volt firmware
In this instance, Dahua added an S# designation after the model number (while Hikvision adds a C), but many do not and then you try to update with a firmware not compatible with your chipset and potentially brick it.

Further, it is best to obtain any firmware updates from the vendor you purchased it from so that you do not run into issues. Any firmware you find here or elsewhere is obviously proceed at your own risk. We have many threads here where someone tried an update with a firmware they found on the internet and bricked their unit.

Many units being sold are Chinese hacked units into English that will either brick or go into Chinese upon updating. Some vendors will be upfront and tell consumers that as part of their website, but many do not or the consumer is one such example....

Thank you for the quick reply, I was thinking of upgrading the firmware mainly because it is 5 years old. I use it with DMSS and I thought it might be safer to have a new firmware
Thank you for the quick reply, I was thinking of upgrading the firmware mainly because it is 5 years old. I use it with DMSS and I thought it might be safer to have a new firmware

Yeah, about the only benefit would be the somewhat safer firmware BUT if you do not have the unit exposed to the Internet and use a VPN to view it, then it isn't as critical.

Keep in mind too that an update may force you to use the new DMSS which everyone hates and doesn't seem to be set up ideally for mobile devices. I hate the new one myself as well.

New Dahua DMSS Mobile App Problems
3.216.0000000.0, Build Date: 2018-05-30
and 7 chineese cameras should i upgrade ?
Your NVR firmware version is already newer that the first version I thought began rejecting chinese market cameras (V3.215.0000001.0.R.20180326 ). Here's a thread about it Important! About dahua hacked Chinese cams and NVR issues . I went to an early version of the v4 NVR firmware a couple of years ago. I'm not sorry I did, but it also wasn't a huge improvement. I do almost all of my viewing with smartPss, and spend very little time in the NVR's web interface. Have you possibly loaded the chinese market cameras with the firmware on the "dahua firmware mod kit" thread? This firmware made my chinese market cameras identify as international cameras and they work with the v4 nvr firmware. With the stock hacked firmware I'd expect them to be rejected. As a summary, if the NVR is doing what you need it to, it's safest to not mess with it.