Using just a Samsung Smart TV for displaying Blue Iris cameras


Getting the hang of it
Dec 25, 2014
Hello everyone!

What's the best approach when we want a Samsung Smart TV to be displaying the selected cameras?

If possible using only the TV connected to internet, without PCs. There's a compatible Samsung App or similar, as there is a Blue Iris app for Android?

Hello everyone!

What's the best approach when we want a Samsung Smart TV to be displaying the selected cameras?

If possible using only the TV connected to internet, without PCs. There's a compatible Samsung App or similar, as there is a Blue Iris app for Android?

Just use an android stick...this makes it much easier to switch to the camera view by just changing the input.
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I use an HDMI extender/splitter - - to extend the HDMI output from the PC running BI.
To view the cams, as fenderman suggests, I simply switch between TV inputs. I tried the browser function/app built into the Samsung SmartTV (definitely an oxymoron, as these tvs have a LOOOOOOOOOONG way to go to live up to their alleged "smartness") but it was too slow and it would shut down after a short time of inactivity since I wasn't clicking around in it but simply using it do display my remote camera view from the BI server.

On another TV I use an android stick, as also suggested by fenderman, and use the tinyCam Monitor Pro app for android.
@sprucecams : You're using tinyCam Monitor Pro as a Blue Iris viewer?

Yes, I have an MK808 - - Android stick. I came across this by chance and had not known about these types of devices, but there are many others out there and someone here can likely recommend better ones. Having experience with tinyCam Monitor on my Android phone it occurred to me that this could be used to run the app and feed the cam images to my TV through an HDMI connection.
You can use the built in browser just fine using the allcams.htm from BP2008 custom addon files. You must set BI webserver authentication to "non-lan only" I just save my cams to be the homepage in browser and can pull it up very quickly. Keep in mind on a older model smart tv it may take some time to load apps, but on my 4k 75" model it loads very quickly.