Getting the hang of it
Done, thanks.
I have been very pleased with CodeProject.AI DeepStack worked great for me too. CP.AI YOLOv5 6.2 worked with no problems so I am sure YOLOv5.NET will do the same.
Our Neighborhood Cats are still being Identified as Birds, but Persons, Cars, Trucks are spot on which is all I care about.
Are you using Mike's custom model, ipcam-general or ipcam-combined? To my understanding, if you're using the ipcam-general model, it shouldn't have animal detection in it, but only person and vehicle, so it shouldn't have confirmed within Blue Iris as bird or whatever. I'd try that model if you're not using it now.
Also, if you're using IVS rule for triggering instead of BI's built-in motion detection, one thing you can help reducing the actual false alert itself is increasing the minimum size (0 x 0) inside the Target filter of the IVS rule itself. I'm using 5442 with AI detection and occasionally I see cat being triggered by the IVS rule so I added the min size like below and it seems to help reducing this false alert. If you're using SD card with the camera like I do, you actually review the playback clip within the web browser with the IVS "Rules Info" button enabled so you can see what rule is being triggered and in the video, you will notice there's a green box around the object it detects. You can then adjust the min size slightly bigger than that box to help prevent the cat or dog or etc.. from triggering the IVS rule again in the future.
Another thing to note, from the my observation, it seems "Intrusion" box detection with "appear, cross, enter&exit) options all enabled is more prone to false alert than using tripwire, but neither never missed any actual human or vehicle detection for me. I don't even use BI's built-in detection at all.