Camera layout feedback


Mar 3, 2016
Reaction score
Some friends of mine are building a house and I am the most technical person they know so they asked me to help with cameras. I am not a camera expert by any means, but understand the general concepts and am comfortable being able to put something together that will be a lot better than they could do on their own, which is all they are asking.

One of them wants a "blanket of cameras" around the property and the attached layout is what we came up with on an initial pass and I am looking for feedback. I've included a few non-marked up floor plans in case anyone wants to mark up one on their own. If anyone wants to provide specific camera suggestions, I am all ears.

Note: As of now, they said no doorbell camera, so the cameras noted by the front porch door and garage side door would be facing downward from above to cover the door area. I need to explain to them that this won't give you any way to see the face of someone at the door unless they look up, so I think those overhead cams will get swapped out for doorbell cams.



IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
Reaction score
Some friends of mine are building a house and I am the most technical person they know so they asked me to help with cameras. I am not a camera expert by any means, but understand the general concepts and am comfortable being able to put something together that will be a lot better than they could do on their own, which is all they are asking.

One of them wants a "blanket of cameras" around the property and the attached layout is what we came up with on an initial pass and I am looking for feedback. I've included a few non-marked up floor plans in case anyone wants to mark up one on their own. If anyone wants to provide specific camera suggestions, I am all ears.

Note: As of now, they said no doorbell camera, so the cameras noted by the front porch door and garage side door would be facing downward from above to cover the door area. I need to explain to them that this won't give you any way to see the face of someone at the door unless they look up, so I think those overhead cams will get swapped out for doorbell cams.
Hi @HDClown ..

corner lot ..

imho not enough cameras ...

remember the N+1+ rule .. run extra cables .. remember to not mount cameras too high ..