US Elections (& Politics) :)


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Aug 3, 2015
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The Republican National Congressional Committee (RNCC) actually includes an unsubscribe link in their e-mails. Apparently, it takes several days to take effect. So while they continue to spam my Inbox, I keep hitting the unsubscribe page, submitting the reason of Other with a comment: McDaniel Somebody's gonna read it, right?

Meanwhile, LiberalHivemind posted this video regarding a recent Joe Rogan Experience podcast.


Known around here
Jul 16, 2015
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I just watched the documentary "The Fall of Minneapolis". It reinforces my opinion that the media, politicians. and justice system are to blame for this. All the video the court blocked and media ignored while cops are in prison for doing their jobs. Now Minneapolis PD has about half as many officers as before, all the officers that spoke in the documentary are retired - I can see why.



Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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And CDC is content to allow Ebola and other pathogens sit around unattended in a Chinese Govt funded lab in Cali.

Our government is out to flat kill us

Illegal Biolab In California Received $1.3 Million From Chinese Banks: House Committee
Illegal Biolab In California Received $1.3 Million From Chinese Banks: House Committee | ZeroHedge

............ After repeated requests by local and state officials, the CDC ultimately responded to the site in May 2023 and found thousands of vials containing at least 20 “potentially infectious” agents, including SARS-CoV-2, chlamydia, E. coli, streptococcus pneumonia, HIV, hepatitis, herpes, rubella, and malaria, sparking serious concerns regarding biosecurity, according to the report. However, the CDC had identified the agents based only on the labels on the samples, said the report.

Despite offers from city officials to cover testing expenses, the CDC declined to conduct tests or examine the unlabeled vials and samples, said lawmakers.
The report stated, “Even though it had not tested any samples from the Reedley Lab, the CDC concluded that ‘[t]here was no evidence of select agents or toxins.’”
Meanwhile, local and county officials, along with a contracted hazardous waste removal firm, continued to investigate and clean up the site, which confirmed and expanded on their prior findings.
“Local officials and contractors reported that they found a freezer labeled ‘Ebola’ with silver sealed bags found inside consistent with how the Reedley Biolab operators stored sensitive biological and other materials,” the report stated.

Ebola is considered a “select agent,” according to the committee.
The report criticized the decision made by the CDC to not test the materials, saying it could have endangered local residents.

Chairman of the Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.), speaks during a press conference unveiling the results of the Committee’s investigation into the biolab discovered in Reedley, Calif., in Washington on Nov. 15, 2023. (Madalina Vasiliu/The Epoch Times)

“CDC’s refusal to test left local officials unable to assess the danger to the City of Reedley community or inform the community about what steps, if any, it should take to protect public safety,” the report said.

Mr. McCarthy echoed the message.
“The CDC and others hung up on them, ignored them, until Congressman Jim Costa called them,” he said at the press conference. “But when the CDC showed up they should’ve done what was right then, and they did not. They did not test the pathogens. They did not even find all of them. They left a freezer with Ebola in it, and we know how lethal that is and what could happen, especially in the Central Valley,” said Mr. McCarthy.
Aug 3, 2015
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Warning. That NY Post page link will kill you with way too much advertising.
There are a few paragraphs to the actual story, presented below:

Elon Musk said he was preparing a legal challenge against Media Matters for America, a liberal watchdog group, which has repeatedly targeted him and X in the past. “The split second court opens on Monday, X Corp will be filing a thermonuclear lawsuit against Media Matters and ALL those who colluded in this fraudulent attack on our company,” Musk thundered on X Saturday. “Their board, their donors, their network of dark money, all of them.”

The billionaire took issue with an article from Media Matters which accused X of running ads for Apple, Bravo, IBM, Oracle, and Xfinity next to “pro-nazi content.” Since it was published Thursday, Apple and IBM both announced they were suspending advertising on X. In a statement, Musk claimed Media Matters had manipulated the platform in order to deceive advertisers.

“This week Media Matters for America posted a story that completely misrepresented the real experience on X, in another attempt to undermine freedom of speech and mislead advertisers,” Musk said. “Media Matters created an alternate account and curated the posts and advertising appearing on the account’s timeline to misinform advertisers about the placement of their posts.”
“Media Matters is pure evil,” he said in a follow up message.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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The New American Credo: When The Truth Hurts, Lie
The New American Credo: When The Truth Hurts, Lie | ZeroHedge

......... The U.S. Treasury is being looted for their benefit and political money laundering on a massive scale until the bonds can no longer be sold to other nations or corporations that see the writing on the wall. The bond rating has been rightfully downgraded from AAA+ to AAA- and should actually be AA+ or effectively junk, because no one believes they will ever pay them off. This places the banking system and the industries who depend on it in jeopardy from rising interest rates and no one says a word about it, because to acknowledge it would be to recognize our economic demise. To recognize that would be to understand the completely broken nature of the whole system. Vote for whoever you want, the financial and therefore the political structure is unsustainable, by any party no matter who controls the government and the further left the party is, the quicker it will be done.

I wish more people would understand that the union is already dead and the corpse is being shocked to life just enough to extort tax dollars from the people. There is no republic, we’ve been dealing with the shattered remains of it for seven years. The illegals are being brought in partly to punish the people for exerting their own authority and electing Trump and partly to satisfy big donors and their thirst for cheap labor. So much so is this true that Biden recently demanded that industries hire illegals. I’m not saying there are no other benefits of it, but it’s intended to show the people if they won’t accept the globalist raping of America, they will bring in people who will. That’s how little they consider themselves Americans. They are globalists first and foremost and the little whitewashed parade in San Francisco with Xi, was a demonstration of how loyal they are to China, not the United States. Good Lord, how obvious do they have to make it? We settle for their allegiance to be shifted to a foreign nation and we still can’t utter the word treason or enforce it by proper measure?

The one undying theme from the government apparatus is that not one penny can be spent to appease the attitudes or desires of the American people.

Billions can be spent humiliating, denigrating, robbing, surveilling and framing them for crimes, but not a penny for them or what they want. You don’t appease slaves or they’ll start thinking they run the plantation.

The sooner the individual states recognize that they’re aboard the Titanic after the iceberg, the better. Instead of looking at all of their citizens as dual citizens, they would be wise to recognize that loyalty to their state is primary and only statutorily to the United States Government. The tax revenues not spent paying the service on the debt would be better put to use shoring up their own states against the massive social unrest brought upon them by the reckless federal government.

While federal officials are spending the national treasure like a drunk stumbling around a strip club with the corporate credit card, they are building toward an economic implosion never before envisioned. The only way FDR was able to use government programs to try and relieve the unemployment in the nation (though I can argue the true purpose) he did so with a debt to GDP ratio of 21.96%, now the debt to GDP is 120%, federal debt is $36 trillion, with $2 trillion annual deficits and will likely pay $1 trillion per year in interest on that debt with not nearly enough in the House or the Senate who recognize the ship is taking on water, much less that the stern is nearly submerged.

Add to that the millions of potential terrorists roaming around the nation with re-fillable bank cards being paid out of that same credit card in the strip club and you’ve got a serious problem. I know this chaos is what they want because they’re arrogant enough to think they can handle it, to manage the terrorist attacks to impose martial law and reboot the nation with communism, but when they fail, the states will have to make the move to independence or fall in line with Xi Jinping.

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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I just watched the documentary "The Fall of Minneapolis". It reinforces my opinion that the media, politicians. and justice system are to blame for this. All the video the court blocked and media ignored while cops are in prison for doing their jobs. Now Minneapolis PD has about half as many officers as before, all the officers that spoke in the documentary are retired - I can see why.

Thanks for sharing. I watched this one from Candace...She exposed the lies of BLM...very good...One of the things she found that got me was None of the Floyd family retrieved any of George's belongings nor contacted his roommates where he lived for several years...Real caring family he had... :(



Known around here
Jul 16, 2015
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Aug 3, 2015
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Shit done got real, yo.

For the benefit of people who prefer not to use X/Twitter, see the content below the link.

Remember this November day.
Dutch central bank admits it has prepared for a new gold standard.
Mainstream finally admits Ukraine has lost the war against Russia.
Putin will participate in an emergency BRICS summit.
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has sued Pfizer.
X data confirms Media Matters manipulated the algorithm using inauthentic accounts to produce false ad results.
Elon Musk finally comments on a pizzagate related post.
X (Twitter) officially files lawsuit against Media Matters.
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton launches investigation into Media Matters for potential fraudulent activity against X (Twitter).
Truth Social just filed an unprecedented defamation lawsuit incorporating twenty media companies.
Elon Musk’s lawsuit against Media Matters will be heard by a judge who was appointed by President Trump.
The same judge, Mark T. Pittman, ordered the FDA to release the Pfizer files.
House Speaker Mike Johnson met tonight with President Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago.
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