Qcam IP3M952E Video Glitch


Jan 8, 2016
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I'm running BlueIris with a mixture of IP Cameras, 2 POE, 2 wifi and 1 webcam. Everything is working fine except for the Qcam IP3M952E which is 98% operational. Every now and then the Qcam "glitches" with a thin horizontal band of multi color artifacts spanning the entire image from left to right (it also triggers a record). I can view the exact same feed using the included Amcrest Smart Client side by side with BlueIris and the glitching does not occur in the Smart Client. The camera Make and Model I chose when setting up the camera was Amcrest 960H DVR H.264 RTSP. There two other peculiarities when viewing recorded footage from the Qcam in BlueIris. The video speeds up from time to time and then pauses for a second or two at which point it will continue without actually missing a frame. All the evidence seems to point to BlueIris not handling the stream properly so I wanted to see if anyone had a similar experience with another Amcrest camera or the Qcam model in question and what the remedy was. Thanks.


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Mar 9, 2014
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I'm running BlueIris with a mixture of IP Cameras, 2 POE, 2 wifi and 1 webcam. Everything is working fine except for the Qcam IP3M952E which is 98% operational. Every now and then the Qcam "glitches" with a thin horizontal band of multi color artifacts spanning the entire image from left to right (it also triggers a record). I can view the exact same feed using the included Amcrest Smart Client side by side with BlueIris and the glitching does not occur in the Smart Client. The camera Make and Model I chose when setting up the camera was Amcrest 960H DVR H.264 RTSP. There two other peculiarities when viewing recorded footage from the Qcam in BlueIris. The video speeds up from time to time and then pauses for a second or two at which point it will continue without actually missing a frame. All the evidence seems to point to BlueIris not handling the stream properly so I wanted to see if anyone had a similar experience with another Amcrest camera or the Qcam model in question and what the remedy was. Thanks.
Welcome to the forum. Here are two things to try.
1) in the camera interface set the i-frame interval to the same as the FPS
2) In blue iris set the receive buffer to 20mb...camera properties>video>configuration
3) try using a different url, try the dahua rtsp first, then see this thread. https://www.ipcamtalk.com/showthread.php/4099-How-to-add-camera-to-BI-that-is-not-in-the-drop-down-list


Jan 8, 2016
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Thank you for the prompt response. I switched the network settings to Dahua Mainstream RTSP as suggested in your note and so far so good (I did not try 1 or 2). I had to make two tweaks in case anyone else is interested. The first was to set the Discovery Port to 9000 (which was QCAM default) and the Video Path to /h264Preview_01_main.

A quick review of one aspect of the camera.

This QCAM was a little cheaper than the 3MP Hikvision bullets I already had (USA versions) but if I had to do it over again I'd probably spend the extra to get Hikvision. The manner in which the QCAM increases tension on the vertical pivot of the bullet leaves a lot to be desired. It is a tiny allen wrench screw that tightens a coupling to increase or reduce tension. If you make it looser the camera will just fall to pointing down and tightening should in theory increase the tension allowing for specific placement. When I tightened it the threading inside the coupling stripped on the outer edge. The supplied screw is barely long enough to get any sort of threading to occur. I purchased a longer screw at the hardware store and put in some washers to get the desired tension. I also added a snake clamp to hold things tightly in place. The Hikvision has a superior method of applying this same tension. There is an easy to turn by hand wheel that makes this a lot easier when you are two stories up on a ladder and have limited range of motion.


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Mar 9, 2014
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Thank you for the prompt response. I switched the network settings to Dahua Mainstream RTSP as suggested in your note and so far so good (I did not try 1 or 2). I had to make two tweaks in case anyone else is interested. The first was to set the Discovery Port to 9000 (which was QCAM default) and the Video Path to /h264Preview_01_main.
If you changed the path then its not going to make any difference because all the camera selection does is change the path and default ports.
You will likely need to make the other changes mentioned.


Jan 8, 2016
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Thanks, it may have been wishful thinking that my other changed helped things :) I did see an additional recording of corrupt data earlier today which was a whole lot better than the every few minutes I was getting overnight. I wonder if cold air is playing a role but then again I'd expect to see the artifacts in the SmartClient software provided. Speaking of that software I do not see the ability to change the I-frame. Perhaps QCAM (Amcrest) removed that setting. I will increase the BlueIris buffer size to 20mbs. We'll see if that makes a difference.


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Mar 9, 2014
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Thanks, it may have been wishful thinking that my other changed helped things :) I did see an additional recording of corrupt data earlier today which was a whole lot better than the every few minutes I was getting overnight. I wonder if cold air is playing a role but then again I'd expect to see the artifacts in the SmartClient software provided. Speaking of that software I do not see the ability to change the I-frame. Perhaps QCAM (Amcrest) removed that setting. I will increase the BlueIris buffer size to 20mbs. We'll see if that makes a difference.
You generally have to log into the cameras interface to do change the iframe interval.


Jan 8, 2016
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Sadly the camera interface doesn't offer the iframe setting. If logging in via browser it requires the use of an NPClientDVR plugin which is virtually the same as the fat SmartClient application. You can change the bitrate but not much more.

The amount of glitching is picking up again this evening likely due to increased motion caused by car lights on the snow nearby. The SmartClient software isn't showing the same. I may just dedicate an old standalone computer to this one camera and record using the SmartClient software. Now I have to figure out how to get .264 DAV files converted to something I can use. The little utility I found from BahamaSecurity does not seem to work.


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Mar 9, 2014
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Sadly the camera interface doesn't offer the iframe setting. If logging in via browser it requires the use of an NPClientDVR plugin which is virtually the same as the fat SmartClient application. You can change the bitrate but not much more.

The amount of glitching is picking up again this evening likely due to increased motion caused by car lights on the snow nearby. The SmartClient software isn't showing the same. I may just dedicate an old standalone computer to this one camera and record using the SmartClient software. Now I have to figure out how to get .264 DAV files converted to something I can use. The little utility I found from BahamaSecurity does not seem to work.
Running a separate computer, particularly one that is old will cost you more than buying a new camera that works well. What other options are there on the same page as fps? Can you choose various h.264 modes?


Jan 8, 2016
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The options are very limited. There is bitrate, fps and resolution. Nothing regarding encoding and nothing regarding iframes. This camera is really marketed towards the out of the box NVRs that QCAM (Amcrest) sell. I don't think would care if it didn't work with BlueIris which is a pity because from a picture and night vision perspective the camera is not bad. Perhaps the BlueIris author will see this and tweak his support for the camera (not even sure if that is possible). Thanks again for all your help. I will likely end up getting another HikVision and throwing this in an area that isn't as important. Another option would be for me to set it up to start recording as part of a group versus on it's own. I have another camera facing the opposite direction from higher up that would detect motion in it's field of view.


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Mar 9, 2014
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The options are very limited. There is bitrate, fps and resolution. Nothing regarding encoding and nothing regarding iframes. This camera is really marketed towards the out of the box NVRs that QCAM (Amcrest) sell. I don't think would care if it didn't work with BlueIris which is a pity because from a picture and night vision perspective the camera is not bad. Perhaps the BlueIris author will see this and tweak his support for the camera (not even sure if that is possible). Thanks again for all your help. I will likely end up getting another HikVision and throwing this in an area that isn't as important. Another option would be for me to set it up to start recording as part of a group versus on it's own. I have another camera facing the opposite direction from higher up that would detect motion in it's field of view.
The developer does not read the forum. You need to send a message to support. There might not be anything he can do if it doesnt send the proper rtsp stream (its own software may be using a different protocol)..


Feb 7, 2016
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I had same camera and same problem. The mount also broke like yours did. Used that for an excuse to send it back and get a different camera that works fine, I think the replacement I got a was a 2mp dahua.


Jan 8, 2016
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Chabon thanks for confirming I'm not the only one with the issue. I wish I saved the packaging so I could send it back. I've tried other techniques such as choosing lower frame rates / resolutions etc.. and while they provide some relief the problem isn't gone entirely. I've been in touch with Ken from BlueIris and provided him with uid/pwd along with forwarded ports but haven't heard back. I purchased a replacement Hikvision and will put the the qcam to service with something less important.


Jan 8, 2016
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Just a quick note. I provided Ken access to my QCAM and it appears he modified something in the release to fix whatever incompatibility was going on. He now has a distinct selection for this QCAM model and while the settings look like what I had previously using other cams I am no longer getting any sort of artifacting. I never heard directly back from him but considering the camera just showed up in his list he must have done something.

Assuming it keeps working the camera isn't half bad for the price at Amazon. I still don't like the physical issues I had with tension described above but I've also noticed that even Hikvision cameras have some peculiarities in this area as well.


Feb 7, 2016
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Good to know, now I wish I hadnt sent my camera back! I do have a 2MP Qcam and will use the 3MP in the setup and see if that works for it. The 2MP has a few artifacts but the 3MP was bad before the update!


Feb 16, 2016
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Hey thanks for update! I have the same issue as you. I see the qcam setting now for that model however i am still getting artifacts. Not as bad but still there which cuases BI to miss some recordings. Do you notice anything else different in the settings he set?

Just a quick note. I provided Ken access to my QCAM and it appears he modified something in the release to fix whatever incompatibility was going on. He now has a distinct selection for this QCAM model and while the settings look like what I had previously using other cams I am no longer getting any sort of artifacting. I never heard directly back from him but considering the camera just showed up in his list he must have done something.

Assuming it keeps working the camera isn't half bad for the price at Amazon. I still don't like the physical issues I had with tension described above but I've also noticed that even Hikvision cameras have some peculiarities in this area as well.


Feb 7, 2016
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I have a 2 mega pixel model I just tried, QCam IP2M822E. Same problem I had with my 3mp Qcam. There is no setting to adjust the key frame interval so not many options to play with other then frame rate in the actual camera setting. Works fine with the provided software, only have this problem thru blueiris.


Jan 8, 2016
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It may have been wishful thinking on my part. I had the camera running for awhile without issues but it was right next to my BI computer. I have moved it to a further location (still inside) and immediately saw it glitch out. I'll let it run overnight to see if it continues to happen.


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Mar 9, 2014
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It may have been wishful thinking on my part. I had the camera running for awhile without issues but it was right next to my BI computer. I have moved it to a further location (still inside) and immediately saw it glitch out. I'll let it run overnight to see if it continues to happen.
If you only have the issue when its connected on a longer run, then you need to check your cables and crimps.


Jan 8, 2016
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Alas, I was able to force a glitch by turning lights on and off. It is definitely not happening as often as before but I still wouldn't want to hang this camera in a location where I wanted dependable video. I don't believe this has anything to do with cable runs/connectors since the video works just fine in the supplied QCAM software (smartclient). I also now have an Hikvision hooked up to the original cable run and it operates without issue. Sorry for getting people's hopes up.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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Alas, I was able to force a glitch by turning lights on and off. It is definitely not happening as often as before but I still wouldn't want to hang this camera in a location where I wanted dependable video. I don't believe this has anything to do with cable runs/connectors since the video works just fine in the supplied QCAM software (smartclient). I also now have an Hikvision hooked up to the original cable run and it operates without issue. Sorry for getting people's hopes up.
The smart client likely uses a different protocol to stream the video...