US Elections (& Politics) :)


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Jul 16, 2015
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Getting comfortable
Jul 17, 2022
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In Iowa and to some extent in Illinois, Nebraska they are proposing to build a co2 capture pipe line. To build this the Republicans in Iowa are using eminent domain which gives state the power to take away the land in which the pipeline is going to built. Not even Trump wants to talk about this. Desantis is quiet because he has been endorsed by Iowa governor and others.

Only Vivek is bring up the issue. It doesn't make any difference China, India and whole bunch of countries will still release the co2 elsewhere and its not like co2 which doesn't have particles will fall to the ground it will all be evenly distributed throught the world, only the particles will settle in their respective countries.

Vivek said if Iowa goes ahead with it in the name of climate, then then can use this eminent domain to come after your gas stove, regular fuel driven vehicles alll in the name of the new climate cult.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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In Iowa and to some extent in Illinois, Nebraska they are proposing to build a co2 capture pipe line. To build this the Republicans in Iowa are using eminent domain which gives state the power to take away the land in which the pipeline is going to built. Not even Trump wants to talk about this. Desantis is quiet because he has been endorsed by Iowa governor and others.

Only Vivek is bring up the issue. It doesn't make any difference China, India and whole bunch of countries will still release the co2 elsewhere and its not like co2 which doesn't have particles will fall to the ground it will all be evenly distributed throught the world, only the particles will settle in their respective countries.

Vivek said if Iowa goes ahead with it in the name of climate, then then can use this eminent domain to come after your gas stove, regular fuel driven vehicles alll in the name of the new climate cult.

Here's just 2 of HUNDREDS of papers that point to the whole CO2/Climate change bullshit as being bogus, a colossal hoax and LIE made for idiots who lack critical thinking skills.

Climate Scientist Says It's 'Unreasonable' To Call Climate Change An Existential Threat
Climate Scientist Says It's 'Unreasonable' To Call Climate Change An Existential Threat | ZeroHedge

The greenhouse effect is primarily caused by water vapor and clouds, said Richard Lindzen, professor emeritus of atmospheric sciences at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

CO2 reduction is “the dream of a regulator,” Mr. Lindzen said. “If you control CO2, you control breathing; if you control breathing, you control everything. So this always is one temptation.”
“The other temptation is the energy sector. No matter how much you clean fossil fuels, they will always produce water vapor and CO2,” Mr. Lindzen explained.

CO2 is being treated as a poison and most people believe that CO2 is dangerous, the scientist continued, but they forget that CO2 is essential.

“The concentration of CO2 in your mouth is about 40,000 parts per million as opposed to 400 outside,” Mr. Lindzen said. A concentration of “5,000 is permitted on a space station.”

“It's partly poisoned—but worse than that—it's essential. If you could get rid of 60 percent of the CO2, we'd all be dead.”

“This is a very strange pollutant; it's essential for plant life," Mr. Lindzen said. “Yet, because it is the inevitable product of fossil fuel burning in the energy sector, it's being attacked.”

Princeton, MIT Scientists Say EPA Climate Regulations Based on a ‘Hoax’
Princeton, MIT Scientists Say EPA Climate Regulations Based on a ‘Hoax’

According to Mr. Happer and Mr. Lindzen’s testimony, “600 million years of CO2 and temperature data contradict the theory that high levels of CO2 will cause catastrophic global warming.”
They present CO2 and temperature data indicating much higher temperatures and levels of CO2 than are observed today, with little correlation between the two. They also argue that current CO2 levels are at a low point historically

“Increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere create more food for people worldwide, including more food for people in drought-stricken areas,” they wrote. “Increases in carbon dioxide over the past two centuries since the Industrial Revolution, from about 280 parts per million to about 420 ppm, caused an approximate 20 percent increase in the food available to people worldwide, as well as increased greening of the planet and a benign warming in temperature.”

More CO2 in the atmosphere leads to more plant growth and higher farming yields, they said. Synthetic fertilizers, which are derivatives of natural gas, are responsible for nearly half the world’s food production today. “Net zero” goals would reduce CO2 emissions by more than 40 gigatons per year, reducing the food supply proportionally, according to the scientists.

Mr. Clauser said of the climate consensus, “We are totally awash in pseudoscience.”

Mr. Happer said, “There is this huge fraction of the population that has been brainwashed into thinking this is an existential threat to the planet. I don’t blame the people; they don’t have the background to know they are being deceived, but they are being deceived.”

The World Bank announced in September 2022 that it paid out a record $31.7 billion that fiscal year to help countries address climate change, a 19 percent increase from the $26.6 billion it paid out over the previous fiscal year. And according to Reuters, the United States is projected to spend about $500 billion to fight climate change over the next decade, including $362 billion from the Inflation Reduction Act, $98 billion from the Infrastructure Act, and $54 billion from the CHIPS law.

“What would happen to sustainable energy, the worthless windmills and solar panels, if suddenly there were no climate change emergency?” Mr. Happer said. “They’re really not very good technology, and they’re doing a lot more harm than good, but nevertheless people are making lots of money.”

Many investors, most notably BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager, have cited government regulations and subsidies as a key reason why investments in “green” energies would be profitable.

Research grants to study climate change are offered by many government agencies, including the EPA, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, as well as by nonprofits, including Bloomberg Philanthropies and the MacArthur Foundation, which have paid out $458 million since 2014.

“Going back to ’88 to ’90, funding went up by a factor of 15,” Mr. Lindzen said. “You created a whole new community.

“This was a small field in 1990; not a single member of the faculty at MIT called themselves a climate scientist. By 1996, everyone was a climate scientist, and that included impacts. If you’re studying cockroaches and you put in your grant, ‘cockroaches and climate,’ you are a climate scientist.”
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Known around here
Jul 16, 2015
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Aug 19, 2020
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San Antonio, TX

As some of you life long Texans know, this is just common sense. I mean, if anyone is here illegally, they are breaking our laws, should be arrested, FINED, and expelled immediately. But that isn't how it works use to. I can remember school kids disappearing when I was in Jr. High and High School. Heck, even made friends with a few. But when they didn't show back up to school, we knew that they were either in hiding or had been arrested and deported. I have no problem with this AT ALL.

About 4 years ago, we were driving back home from South Padre Island, the Schlitterbahn, and was pulled over by the State Troopers and Border Patrol. They asked my wife if she was legally in the US. As some know, my wife was born in the Philippines, but is a US Citizen. Neither of us were upset with the question. It was justified. Screw hurt feelings and social profiling.

We need BIG, BIG, HUGE round ups. I can remember when they would happen (vaguely though). Seem to remember a lot of people suddenly vanishing for quite a while.

But it will not happen because POS's, I mean Politicians, are more worried about the $$$$$ and their shit-ass careers then what SHOULD be happening. THAT is why we are done. The course cannot be corrected. Not any longer.

How long? IDK.

I wanted to add to this. There is a house on the next block from girls are always laughing at it when they walk our dog. The owners have a 'Mothers Against Abbot' sign in their yard. They have finally put the house up for sale and the sign is gone. Good Bye!!
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David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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As some of you life long Texans know, this is just common sense. I mean, if anyone is here illegally, they are breaking our laws, should be arrested, FINED, and expelled immediately. But that isn't how it works use to. I can remember school kids disappearing when I was in Jr. High and High School. Heck, even made friends with a few. But when they didn't show back up to school, we knew that they were either in hiding or had been arrested and deported. I have no problem with this AT ALL.

About 4 years ago, we were driving back home from South Padre Island, the Schlitterbahn, and was pulled over by the State Troopers and Border Patrol. They asked my wife if she was legally in the US. As some know, my wife was born in the Philippines, but is a US Citizen. Neither of us were upset with the question. It was justified. Screw hurt feelings and social profiling.

We need BIG, BIG, HUGE round ups. I can remember when they would happen (vaguely though). Seem to remember a lot of people suddenly vanishing for quite a while.

But it will not happen because POS's, I mean Politicians, are more worried about the $$$$$ and their shit-ass careers then what SHOULD be happening. THAT is why we are done. The course cannot be corrected. Not any longer.

How long? IDK.
Since the Cartel is majorly involved in the criminal extortion of these Illegals, I blame the current administration for supporting Human Trafficking. Truthfully that is what is happening here...
Aug 3, 2015
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New Epstein Leaks & Reports by Media: Everything is Coming into the Light!
Shawn Bolz shares: The list of people is starting to come to light: People like Chris Rock, Richard Branson, Woody Allen. Chase Bank was involved with transactions between those in the private address book and Epstein, but not sure what the transactions were. Epstein was holding some of the JP Morgan executives hostage with information, Prince Andrew and his ex wife Sarah Ferguson, and had very detailed information about their finances. Was he blackmailing them? Bill Gates and Epstein were working on a 100 million dollar fund. Bill Gates finally admitted he did have an affair. One of the main accusers of Giselle Maxwell was murdered. So much is happening still around this that people are still dying for cover ups. More will come out and I believe God will use this as an example.

Video Source: Shawn Bolz - [Embed]

New Epstein Leaks & Reports by Media- Everything is Coming into the Light!
Aug 3, 2015
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Jeffrey Epstein's high-profile associates will be NAMED in documents

EXCLUSIVE Over 170 of Jeffrey Epstein's high-profile associates will be NAMED in court documents set to be unsealed in the first days of 2024
A judge has ruled to unseal documents that would name 177 Does who are Epstein's friends, recruiters and victims within the coming weeks
The material is related to a defamation case brought by Prince Andrew's accuser Virginia Roberts in New York against Epstein's madam Ghislaine Maxwell
The hundreds of files will shed new light on the late financier's sex trafficking operation and his network of influence

PUBLISHED: 08:57 EST, 19 December 2023


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Jeffrey Epstein's high-profile associates will be NAMED in documents

EXCLUSIVE Over 170 of Jeffrey Epstein's high-profile associates will be NAMED in court documents set to be unsealed in the first days of 2024
A judge has ruled to unseal documents that would name 177 Does who are Epstein's friends, recruiters and victims within the coming weeks
The material is related to a defamation case brought by Prince Andrew's accuser Virginia Roberts in New York against Epstein's madam Ghislaine Maxwell
The hundreds of files will shed new light on the late financier's sex trafficking operation and his network of influence

Judge Loretta Preska wrote 'unsealed in full' next to the names of 177 Does who are Epstein's friends, recruiters, victims and others whose names will be revealed when the material is released within the coming weeks.

NOT CLIENTS. ....wake me up when that happens...


IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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This cracks me up....the nation is circling the #$%& drain and this state's commission members and legislature is pulling their hair out over a state flag and a state seal.....
When a group of people's vision is clouded by poor judgement and inability to prioritize, this is where the concern, the effort, the time and the money is spent. :confused:


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Achieving Equity Through Mediocrity: Chicago Moves To Eliminate "High-Achieving" School Programs
Achieving Equity Through Mediocrity: Chicago Moves To Eliminate "High-Achieving" School Programs | ZeroHedge

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson and the Chicago Board of Education are following the lead of other major cities and eliminating gifted school programs in the name of achieving greater racial and social “equity.”

....... As previously discussed, school boards and teacher unions have long treated parents as unwelcome interlopers in their children’s education.

That view was captured in the comment of Iowa school board member Rachel Wall, who said:

“The purpose of a public ed is to not teach kids what the parents want. It is to teach them what society needs them to know. The client is not the parent, but the community.”
State Rep. Lee Snodgrass (D-Wis.) tweeted:

“If parents want to ‘have a say’ in their child’s education, they should home school or pay for private school tuition out of their family budget.”
Parents who question unpopular policies are often treated as extremists.

Michelle Leete, vice president of training at the Virginia PTA and vice president of communications for the Fairfax County PTA, said parents would not force them to reverse their agenda:

“Let them die. Don’t let these uncomfortable people deter us from our bold march forward.”