Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

Aug 19, 2020
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San Antonio, TX
Fauci and those involved, should (as we all know) be in orange for life right now!


David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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Fauci and those involved, should (as we all know) be in orange for life right now!

View attachment 191850
They think we forgot the Imprisonment our Gov't bestowed on us. As we say down in Texas, REMEMBER THE ALAMO!!!

Even if they are not held accountable, which we pretty much know they won't be, we will Yell Louder if they are planning for a Next time. We will flood Social Media with their Exposed Lies...Trust from its people is a Huge part of keeping a Gov't together, they know that, once trust is gone, laws no longer work...
We just need to keep educating those who were and are still Blind to what happened during the Pandemic.

I can say, sadly, the majority of our family got the Clot Shot, I can count on one hand those who didn't. There are only a few of those who got the shot that still won't come to terms they were lied to, of course they are Democrats :), but the majority of the others now know they were lied to. My wife and I and the others that did not get the Shot kept sharing with them all the Hard Evidence of what really happened. Thank God, most of them only got the first shot and no boosters...

Fear is a tool used by our Adversary.

2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

Just as we were taught when Angered to step back and take a few deep breaths, we need to do the same and not be first in line when a outbreak happens...


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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They think we forgot the Imprisonment our Gov't bestowed on us. As we say down in Texas, REMEMBER THE ALAMO!!!

Even if they are not held accountable, which we pretty much know they won't be, we will Yell Louder if they are planning for a Next time. We will flood Social Media with their Exposed Lies...Trust from its people is a Huge part of keeping a Gov't together, they know that, once trust is gone, laws no longer work...
We just need to keep educating those who were and are still Blind to what happened during the Pandemic.

I can say, sadly, the majority of our family got the Clot Shot, I can count on one hand those who didn't. There are only a few of those who got the shot that still won't come to terms they were lied to, of course they are Democrats :), but the majority of the others now know they were lied to. My wife and I and the others that did not get the Shot kept sharing with them all the Hard Evidence of what really happened. Thank God, most of them only got the first shot and no boosters...

Fear is a tool used by our Adversary.

2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

Just as we were taught when Angered to step back and take a few deep breaths, we need to do the same and not be first in line when a outbreak happens...
I have been thinking and wondering why on earth can we not hold those accountable who have sworn to uphold the US Constitution and yet break our constitutional rights .

Some of the laws they pass clearly break constitutional rights .. and THEY who make and pass them KNOW that ..


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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But, but, but... My Government and Pfizer wouldn't lie to me...:rofl:

Pfizer And A Corruption Too Deep To Fix
Pfizer And A Corruption Too Deep To Fix | ZeroHedge

From the outset, The Epoch Times was reporting skeptically about it, the only media venue to do so. More and more doubts emerged, not in official circles but online in alternative media.

Now we come to the kicker. Pfizer itself has finally published its randomized placebo-controlled trial of several hundred individuals with the Delta variant, which would have been two and a half years ago. The title of the results as published in the New England Journal of Medicine: “Nirmatrelvir for Vaccinated or Unvaccinated Adult Outpatients with Covid-19.”
Notice the absence of the word Paxlovid, making it all the more difficult for regular people to find. Nirmatrelvir is the clinical name.

And the conclusion: “Nirmatrelvir–ritonavir was not associated with a significantly shorter time to sustained alleviation of Covid-19 symptoms than placebo, and the usefulness of nirmatrelvir–ritonavir in patients who are not at high risk for severe Covid-19 has not been established.”

In other words: this drug does not work. At all. It is no better than nothing. It is not useful. Countless billions later and this is what we have, a completely useless thing. At best. In fact, that Pfizer itself admits that its own drug is useless, one wonders what the bad news is!

The drug was not a game changer at all. It was a vast waste of money.


Getting the hang of it
May 7, 2022
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The drug was not a game changer at all. It was a vast waste of money.
I don't think Pfizer would view it that way with over 12 billion in US sales and 22 billion globally and counting. This is standard business practice, look at statin's, best selling drug ever, less that 2% effective and that is from company trials, not independent analysis.
Just the world we live in.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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True, but recall if you DIDN'T take the jab or later get paxlovid, you were sure to die imminently in the "Winter of Death", and we dont normally have Presidents on Prime Time TV pushing a specific drug.

You're right, the world we live in is one in which your government is quite literally trying to kill you.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Fauci and those involved, should (as we all know) be in orange for life right now!

View attachment 191850

Similar article on ZE
15 US Agencies Knew Wuhan Lab Was "Trying To Create A Coronavirus Like COVID-19": Rand Paul | ZeroHedge

It means that at least 15 federal agencies knew from the beginning of the pandemic that EcoHealth Alliance and the Wuhan Institute of Virology were seeking federal funding in 2018 to create a virus genetically very similar if not identical to COVID-19.
Disturbingly, not one of these 15 agencies spoke up to warn us that the Wuhan Institute of Virology had been pitching this research. Not one of these agencies warned anyone that this Chinese lab had already put together plans to create such a virus.

Peter Daszak concealed this proposal. University of North Carolina scientist Ralph Baric, a named collaborator on the DEFUSE project, failed to reveal that the Wuhan Institute of Virology had already proposed to create a virus similar to COVID-19.

And now we know that 15 agencies heard the proposal and when each agency discovered that COVID-19 was strangely similar to DEFUSE’s proposed virus creation, not one agency head stepped forward to warn the public that the virus might be man-made and therefore already adapted to transmit freely among humans. -Rand Paul

Paul further writes that Fauci's NIAID was not only briefed on the DEFUSE proposal, his "Rocky Mountain Lab" was named as a partner in it along with the Wuhan Institute of Virology.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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In their defense, Faux has allowed actual facts and truth about the Covid scam to seep into their programming for some time,.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Even if you already believe in Ivermectin over anything made by Pfizer for treating Covid like I do, you should still read this. It kinda puts an exclamation mark behind what i thought I already knew,

How Ivermectin Trials Were Designed To Fail
How Ivermectin Trials Were Designed To Fail | ZeroHedge

...... Since the beginning of the analysis, ivermectin has consistently shown efficacy. This meta-analysis provides a thorough and transparent real-time analysis of all eligible ivermectin studies.
The trials were conducted by 1,139 doctors or scientists from 29 countries with 142,307 patients. Out of the total studies, 86 have been peer-reviewed with 128,787 patients, and 49 were randomized controlled trials with 16,847 patients.

In the studies with comparative groups, ivermectin was shown to reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection by 81 percent, mortality by 49 percent, ICU admission by 35 percent, ventilation usage by 29 percent, and hospitalization by 34 percent.

In comparison to the control groups, the use of ivermectin as a preventive measure before infection reduced the most severe clinical outcomes of COVID-19 by 85 percent. When used in the early stage of COVID-19, ivermectin decreased the severity of the disease by 62 percent, and when used in late stages, it reduced the clinical severity by 39 percent. Clinical severity is measured by death, ventilation, disease progression, or hospitalization.

Ivermectin treatment effects in COVID-19 patients, based on a meta-analysis of 102 clinical trials. (

Considering the Entire Picture
It’s difficult to believe that the designers of these studies were unaware of the dosing of ivermectin. Despite all of the above analyses, the reasoning behind the ivermectin underdosing or unfavorable study design may be linked to factors beyond science.

A new drug or vaccine cannot achieve an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) status if there is an existing viable therapeutic available. This fact alone may have impacted many decisions.
The NIH website lists only those RCTs that I found to have design flaws (or potential fraud) to justify its recommendation against the use of ivermectin in the treatment of COVID-19.

Peer-reviewed studies showing the efficacy of ivermectin in treating COVID-19 have been retracted without explanation, and doctors have been demonized, censored, and doxxed for speaking the truth.

Legacy media, including The New York Times and CNN, reported incomplete and improperly interpreted trials that failed to present an accurate representation of ivermectin’s effects.

It’s important to keep an open mind and consider the entire picture when examining the ivermectin issue, rather than dismissing it as conspiracy or misinformation. This can lead to more informed decisions that could ultimately save lives.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Known around here
Jul 16, 2015
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I Was listening to a Megyn Kelly podcast today where lawyers were discussing what kind of jurors Trump's team should want or avoid. She said she thought his team should avoid anyone wearing a mask which I thought was pretty good. Others mentioned anyone with purple hair or anyone who looked like Rachel Maddow.


Getting comfortable
Dec 3, 2021
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I Was listening to a Megyn Kelly podcast today where lawyers were discussing what kind of jurors Trump's team should want or avoid. She said she thought his team should avoid anyone wearing a mask which I thought was pretty good. Others mentioned anyone with purple hair or anyone who looked like Rachel Maddow.
Besides obvious looks, which is a dead giveaway. A few questions too.
1: Have you held the same full time job continuously over the past 2 years.
2: Are you a homeowner, and own property.
3: Do you pay income taxes
4: Do you receive any government assistance

If no to question 1, 2 &3, ax them.
If Yes to #4, ax them


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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