Stop Sign Camera - Coming to a city near you!


Known around here
Aug 11, 2020
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We don’t have any of these stop sign cameras where I live. I personally don’t have a problem with them unlike the red light cameras.

As our city goes out of their way to program the lights to change from green, amber, red in mere seconds vs following industry standards!

You literally can’t clear the intersection before the light snaps from green to red! :angry: Every day you see vehicles slamming on their brakes just to stop and avoid getting a ticket because the assholes in this city!

Regardless, I found the lady in the beginning the perfect example of why this technology exists!

It’s obvious she hasn’t learned to follow the rules of the road, traffic laws, and driver training! :facepalm:

How you could receive so many $100.XX tickets and NOT change your behaviour and than complain about it?!?
