US Elections (& Politics) :)


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Good read

The Next Four Months Will Be A Political War Without Limits

....... With the attempted assassination of Trump, the political and social stakes have once again been raised, in a system that seems ill-equipped to meet such a significant challenge. Any attempt at return to a procedural normalcy that was already badly weakened before Trump took office seems entirely beyond the capacity of America’s callow and insulated elites, which have lost themselves for nearly a decade in the fantasy cosplay of anti-Trump.

What we will witness over the next four months will be an election campaign pitting the hero figure of a bloodied but unbowed Trump, a man despised by nearly half the country, against the anti-democratic manoeuvrings of the country’s institutional elite, as exemplified by whichever hand-picked candidate Democratic Party insiders choose to field against him. The resulting campaign will be a game without limits, in which the level of violence seems likely to escalate — which will further diminish the interest or ability on either side to acknowledge a victory by the other. Americans are about to find out what it feels like to live in a country at war with itself — no matter who wins the presidency in November.

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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Its been on/off all day on Twatter. :idk::idk:

I had posted it earlier and took it down, too many conflicting stories
Thanks, think I will do the same. Yeah I found a YouTube video right after the shooting labeled with the Shooter's name and a movie review he did the day before, the guy in the YT video was talking about a movie, thinking the latest Mad Max movie, anyway he was smoking on a pipe, guessing Pot. Long hair, they are look similar. But took it down too.