Samsung / Wisenet SNP 6320H PTZ set up to return to preset view after auto tracking


Jul 3, 2024
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Hi, i'm after some help to enable this PTZ camera to return to a pre set position after successfully auto tracking .

Currently it will follow a person or car, then stay in the position where tracking is lost,. I have searched all settings, but cant find anything obvious.

I can set it on XNP cameras, which has an Auto tracking > Autorun tab setting, but cant find it for the older snp 6320 H.

Thanks for any suggestions / help


Jul 30, 2024
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Hi, i'm after some help to enable this PTZ camera to return to a pre set position after successfully auto tracking .

Currently it will follow a person or car, then stay in the position where tracking is lost,. I have searched all settings, but cant find anything obvious.

I can set it on XNP cameras, which has an Auto tracking > Autorun tab setting, but cant find it for the older snp 6320 H.

Thanks for any suggestions / help
Were you ever able to sort this? I have xnp6320 I can’t get it to track at all.


Jul 3, 2024
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No, never found a fix for snp. My xnp camera are fine though


Young grasshopper
Jan 1, 2024
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Can I ask to see a picture of your Preset Setup page? I don't remember that camera much but if memory is correct seeing I have had a lot of older Samsung PTZs. I could be wrong. Yet I think in the Preset Setup page there is a Last Position and a setup time that started out at like 400 seconds and you could setup a time of 30 to 800 I think. Something along them lines. Also in that page there should be a Home button and a Set home. I know one of the models had for action setting you could have it go home again after a set time.

I know I had one that was broken. When you would setup last position it wouldn't work and would just set your home to what ever your last location was rather then going home to the one you setup. Meaning I setup a preset to home preset 1. Then when I would go to home position, I setup the Last Location, It turns off the go home and setup home button, Then when I would set it, I would move the camera to a different location it would make that home. So if I went to preset 2 and clicked on the home when in monitoring mode it wouldn't take me to the area that was setup in Preset 1 where I clicked the set button it would take me to where ever I moved the camera too. So that one was broken not sure again what model it was but was either the 5321 or my 6320 series.. Still have older Analog 37x PTZ 3371H and a few others that are still in use lol. When you pay them $$$$.$$ you don't want to give up on the device until it dies. Only thing ever gone wrong was had to replace pan belt once.


Young grasshopper
Jan 1, 2024
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Sorry I am wrong.. Go to your preset page, then go to Sequence area. Then in the Trace Auto Run area, click on Auto Run and choose the preset you want or if you have it setup for a Home Position you can choose that. Then you need to setup the time from 5 seconds up to 5 minutes. To test this move your camera to a new preset and wait. For testing I would make a trial run at 10 seconds and once you know that works setup how ever long you want to wait before it goes back home.


Jul 3, 2024
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Screenshot 2024-08-12 191557.png

Thanks, I think this is what you mean, I'll give it a go.


Young grasshopper
Jan 1, 2024
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Yes as long as you have setup home on the PTZ menu. When you look at the little window it will have a Icon of a house, Click the one below that should say Set home.. Once you setup the Home if you have not already and then in that box that you posted the picture of it would return to home after 10s. Personally I do 30 sec to 1 min as long as you have the option enabled to pickup a lost motion tracking. There should/could be a timer on that option and if there is make sure that your return home is after that timer runs out.. Have an older PTZ camera that is Analog with that and setup return to home to soon and in the middle of tracking some one it would return home. Now I setup for a minute and works well enough..
May 8, 2024
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Can I ask to see a picture of your Preset Setup page? I don't remember that camera much but if memory is correct seeing I have had a lot of older Samsung PTZs. I could be wrong. Yet I think in the Preset Setup page there is a Last Position and a setup time that started out at like 400 seconds and you could setup a time of 30 to 800 I think. Something along them lines. Also in that page there should be a Home button and a Set home. I know one of the models had for action setting you could have it go home again after a set time.

I know I had one that was broken. When you would setup last position it wouldn't work and would just set your home to what ever your last location was rather then going home to the one you setup. Meaning I setup a preset to home preset 1. Then when I would go to home position, I setup the Last Location, It turns off the go home and setup home button, Then when I would set it, I would move the camera to a different location it would make that home. So if I went to preset 2 and clicked on the home when in monitoring mode it wouldn't take me to the area that was setup in Preset 1 where I clicked the set button it would take me to where ever I moved the camera too. So that one was broken not sure again what model it was but was either the 5321 or my 6320 series.. Still have older Analog 37x PTZ 3371H and a few others that are still in use lol. When you pay them $$$$.$$ llaollao price you don't want to give up on the device until it dies. Only thing ever gone wrong was had to replace pan belt once.
Look for a house icon in the menu's small window and click on the option below it labeled "Set Home." Once your home position is configured, the camera will automatically return there after the set time, such as 10 seconds, as shown in the box from the picture you mentioned. I recommend setting a delay of 30 seconds to 1 minute, especially if your camera has a motion tracking feature. Ensure that the "return home" timer is set to activate after the motion tracking timer expires.