US Elections (& Politics) :)


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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View attachment 202133


Holy Shit.
Sen. Hawley SKEWERS Sec. of Energy, Jennifer Granholm for perjuring herself in previous testimony.
ENJOY !!!!

And NOTHING will happen. Again.

I hate to keep bringing up the obvious, but the Republican Senate and House are useless. They are clearly controlled opposition for the purpose of keeping the whole Red/Blue Team charade going.

They've had countless opportunities to shut down funding of various depts and Liberal initiatives and don’t do squat. They side with the Dems on major legislation, then push bills like the SAVE act that they know won’t pass and accomplish nothing but to give them another fund raising talking point. That’s the goal, not real legislation. The GOP Congress are, with very few exceptions, laughing at you.

When they get back from their current 45 day vacation, they’ll be in session for two weeks then off for another vacation. During that short time they’ll pass yet another DEMOCRAT CR spending bill instead of doing their specified job of submitting a budget, again.

Their goals are no different than the Dems: increased government control, importing 3rd world voters, and spending us into oblivion.

There simply is no difference between the two parties except that the Republicans lie better.
Last edited:
Oct 16, 2018
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Florida, USA
I seldom post on FB, but had to tonight.

Having watched the CNN interview with Harris and Walz, it is obvious that Dana Bash was the third in a threesome - all were in bed with each other. What a love fest!

Now that Harris & Walz have reversed every single important position to attempt to sway voters (both American citizens and Illegals - look it up) that they are now MAGA conservatives is absurd.

Harris’ various positions.

The Wall is a vanity project (2019). I will build the Wall (2024).

I was the deciding vote for the Inflation Reduction Act which, among other things, targeted tip workers by the IRS (2022). I will abolish taxes on tips (a Trump position) as said by her in 2024.

On day One, I will ban fracking (2019). I will not ban fracking (2024).

On day One, I will tackle inflation (2024). What have you been doing for the last 1,300 days (2024)?

There are many more flip flops - more than can be written here.

Dana Bash - This was the first unscripted interview with Harris. Really? Unscripted and not edited?

If you believe in Harris, I would suggest that you do a lot more digging into her policies, otherwise, you are just voting based on emotion.

Cape Fear

Pulling my weight
Jul 5, 2021
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North Carolina, US
Don't worry about this, the guv says it's not real...

Democrat governor of Colorado Jared Polis dismissed outrage over a video showing what appears to be armed Venezuelan gang members in an apartment building as "imagination" despite significant evidence...
according to police intelligence this purported invasion is largely a feature of Danielle Jurinsky’s imagination..."
"[Governor Polis] hopes that the city council members in charge stop trashing their own city when they are supposed to keep it safe..."
...the recent misinformation campaign threatens actual criminal investigations...
Fox News Link