Networx nx-8v2


Young grasshopper
Mar 11, 2014
The home I live in has a GE Networx NX-8V2 system.
We do pay for monitoring, which in my opinion is a waste of money.
When ever an alarm is triggered it takes the monitoring company between 7-10 minutes to call.

I was wondering if anyone knows a way or addon to have this system text my cell when triggered.
The home I live in has a GE Networx NX-8V2 system.
We do pay for monitoring, which in my opinion is a waste of money.
When ever an alarm is triggered it takes the monitoring company between 7-10 minutes to call.

I was wondering if anyone knows a way or addon to have this system text my cell when triggered.

Also, to add to what fenderman said, If you ever want to get into the home automation fun. Micasaverde has a Z-wave Vera 3 and I noticed they offer a plugin for some GE panels. is the forum for the plugin.
Great. I will take a look into these. Thank you Gents.

Alarmrelay is cheap but do not think they monitor us Canucks.
I will do a search for someone that can monitor Canadians.
That NX8 is an outstanding panel capable of more than you can possibly use. I use a slave communicator product from IPdatatel model CBAT. I do not know if they will work in Canada. However it can report alarm both over ethernet and Verizon CDMA. It has apple and android apps for alarm panel control control, arm/disarm, event reporting even programming capable. Check this out
That NX8 is an outstanding panel capable of more than you can possibly use. I use a slave communicator product from IPdatatel model CBAT. I do not know if they will work in Canada. However it can report alarm both over ethernet and Verizon CDMA. It has apple and android apps for alarm panel control control, arm/disarm, event reporting even programming capable. Check this out
Cool thanks for the link