Recent content by area651

  1. area651

    2023 EmpireTech Spring Sales

    <----quickly starts searching the couch cushions for lost change. I can do this!!!
  2. area651 new features?

    Sorry to bump such an old thread but I wanted to find out if anyone is still using this feature. I remember that it was working and I used it for a long time. I recently rebuilt my machine and now I cant seem to get the autocycle to pause anymore. Post #1 and #3 in this thread explain it...
  3. area651

    Short one from my cheap Amcrest cam...

    idk, that's beautiful (from here in South Texas)
  4. area651

    Does anyone LiveStream their camera on youtube?

    Using Live Broadcast from my Synology NAS. I'm not sure what other youtube "creators" use.
  5. area651

    Does anyone LiveStream their camera on youtube?

    I searched and didn't see any mention of live streaming on Youtube. My idea is to set up a wildlife camera similar to this one or There are a LOT more of these on youtube. Just search wildlife live stream. I have mine set up but it is nowhere near as clear as some of what I'm seeing...
  6. area651

    replace damaged female connector on a camera?

    I just found this but the price is not in line with the cost of the camera. I only have 10$ invested in the camera to start with! lol...
  7. area651

    replace damaged female connector on a camera?

    looney, do you have any idea what I would search for on ebay for this? asking you specifically as you often have the best answers!
  8. area651

    replace damaged female connector on a camera?

    unfortunately not. thanks to all for the info!
  9. area651

    LaView no longer accept new orders

    Definitely. I have 4 of those cameras, and I have invested about $10 each in them. They work great inside with room lighting and I really just use them in the garage/shop with my BI setup.
  10. area651

    replace damaged female connector on a camera?

    When de-installing a camera from inside of a house, the connector was pulled off the camera pigtail and now I have a broken connector. Does anyone know what part I would use to replace this? This camera will forever be inside (its a free LAView fwiw) so I don't need it to be weather proof. I...
  11. area651

    2022 EmpireTech Chirstmas Sales

    maybe I'm just dense but it's hard to sense sarcasm online. are you serious? trust the process. Trust Andy
  12. area651

    2022 EmpireTech Chirstmas Sales

    I've been off the forum for a couple months b/c of moving. Unfortunately, I had his cameras saved in my Amazon list but never saw the alerts saying there was a "price drop since added". :(
  13. area651

    2022 EmpireTech Chirstmas Sales I guess I missed those prices. I just ordered one from his amazon storefront and also DM'd him to ask if I could also buy one of the refurbs and how to pay for it. Hopefully he replies soon. I've been absent from the forum for a few months as I moved houses (and towns) and took down...
  14. area651

    2022 EmpireTech Chirstmas Sales

    I guess they did here but I didnt see them change on the amazon page. Maybe I'm just dense and didnt catch them though. I just now went ahead and ordered a camera using the info from the pdfs. I like how that pdf helps compare the cameras! Now I just have to return the camera that ordered on...