Recent content by Ball Sac

  1. Ball Sac

    Please help a noob out with new router

    Sorry about being in the wrong section. Yes cameras have static ip & i do have written down. Yes LAN ip of router Cable router only router Asus AC3100 (RT-AC3100). Under options web server i have but new router is 192.168.1 & all cameras are etc. The .1...
  2. Ball Sac

    Please help a noob out with new router

    Had to get a new router old one finally died after almost 10 years. Just installed it & of course nothing on the cameras Blue Iris PC is working. Im totally lost its been so long since i set this up with your guys help i dont even know where to start. Can anyone help me out with what i need to...
  3. Ball Sac

    BI 2 cameras live view side by side possible?

    Thanks I will check that out
  4. Ball Sac

    BI 2 cameras live view side by side possible?

    Nice thank you. Thank u for your help.
  5. Ball Sac

    BI 2 cameras live view side by side possible?

    Thank you I will try that out.
  6. Ball Sac

    BI 2 cameras live view side by side possible?

    Screenshots of the 2 cameras below. Is it possible to somehow watch the 2 cameras live in the console side by side to get a wide view of the front of my home? Maybe 2 monitors or any ideas? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks
  7. Ball Sac

    Weird issue after updating

    Yes it's been open for 30 minutes & hasn't happened yet again. Will definitely keep an eye on it.
  8. Ball Sac

    Weird issue after updating

    So I just opened up the console to try that & it is not doing it now. When I got home from work though & opened up the console it wouldn't stop flashing when I took the screenshot.
  9. Ball Sac

    Weird issue after updating

    I'm having the same issue with two cameras. I have not changed any settings just the BI updates.
  10. Ball Sac

    Please help me with laggy skipping ghosting recordings

    Thanks alot for the help looney2ns, SLC, & everyone else that chimed in I sure do appreciate every single person. You guys sure nailed it with this damn memory leak. I hope to be able to repay it back in some way. Thank you!
  11. Ball Sac

    Please help me with laggy skipping ghosting recordings

    OMG tell me about it! So glad this seems to be working.
  12. Ball Sac

    Please help me with laggy skipping ghosting recordings

    So its been over 24 hours & I have not restarted the BI PC. She is still running about 10% as a service (console closed) & about 30% with the BI console open. Video continues to be smooth as silk with no hiccups yet. I'm so happy!!!
  13. Ball Sac

    Please help me with laggy skipping ghosting recordings

    Happy New Year fellas! I'm back at it. Going to try this one first. Rolled back the Intel graphics driver & looks to be a huge difference already in cpu consumption. Going to monitor this for a few days & see how she does. I will report back. Here a few screen shots!
  14. Ball Sac

    Please help me with laggy skipping ghosting recordings

    Thank you guys. I will check into both of these extensively soon as I get back home in about a week. When i view from my phone on the app i continue to see the same issues on the recordings so i cant wait to get this straightened out so that its finally reliable.I really appreciate the help!