Recent content by Gymratz

  1. G

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports

    The file backup is tied to the "Local Info" stuff. For a "quick-ish" fix, you could clear out the LPR_LocalInfo table -- that should prompt the next nightly task (or a manual click of that button) to go through and do them all again.
  2. G

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports

    Fairly large update has been published. See below for some of the key changes as well as some basic instructions. Viewer & Downloader Updated You only need to run the SQL Update (more below) from one of them, not both. Suggest you run SQL Update, Update Downloader, and then update Viewer...
  3. G

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports

    Yes. You can create your own tags. Filter by then. Etc.
  4. G

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports

    I ordered two new cameras last week. My Wednesday & Thursday were spent mounting them. One of them filled an odd blind spot... Glad I got that in, got some unknown people pull into our neighborhood around 1am, park just beyond my house / normal camera view (but in new view), pull out a drone...
  5. G

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports

    Yes. Definitely check out the thread that @tech101 created - he has a very thorough walkthrough on how to set it up. It's not a "install it and walk away" program. It's something I created for myself and then worked with DLONG to improve and make it reusable by others. But, you'll still need...
  6. G

    OpenALPR Custom price plan?

    Are you currently using and testing their service? What plan are you on? My understanding is that they basically have three models: 1. Open Source (run your own on your server) - Free, Limited 2. Commercially Supported (run your own on your server) - Paid, Improved Performance/Options 3...
  7. G

    OpenALPR Custom price plan?

    I'm not sure if we are on the same page... you use the same agent. My tool just scrapes their service for the info every minute to retain a local copy, local alerting, etc. If you're using the $5 plan to test, and you're just missing alerts and storage....
  8. G

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports

    I updated the "Auto Correct" to remove and re-add when you want to change it - to account for duplicate keys. But I didn't touch the Hide All code. Can you clarify for me what you mean by "doesn't always seem to work?" - The code for which plates to show is in SQL. So either: 1. I need to...
  9. G

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports

    LPR Viewer updated (Minor, no real new features) Added icon that @tech101 provided for the Viewer. Added event log capability. Updating "Auto Plate Corrections" should now work without error - also wrapped it in error handling (into event log) just in case... Moved some of the logic for the...
  10. G

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports

    Update Released LPR_Downloader App Only (so far) - I don't believe anything in here requires any SQL updates - just the code updates. Added ability to write to Event Log. I'm using the source .NET Runtime and Event ID 1001. Added a Try/Catch/Log around the saving to archive folder so that...
  11. G

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports

    Mine did this for a little while after ALPR changed their login page. Here's the updated code I use (it was the login button that had to be changed, I believe) wb_OpenALPR.Document.GetElementById("username").SetAttribute("value", Constants.alprUser)...
  12. G

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports

    As of right now... open up the database in SSMS and edit that table (PlateCorrections) - delete the record that is wrong. I'll update the code to account for changes in the future.
  13. G

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports

    I finally had mine crash 10 days or so ago. I ran the program in debug mode to try and catch where it was crashing - but it's been going ~9 days strong with no crash.... Hard to catch an error that won't happen! I wonder if there was either a Windows Update that mucked something up - or some...
  14. G

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports

    Randomly crashing isn't good.... This a new issue? Anyone else experiencing it? If it happens often enough, could you run the downloader from VS as a Debug - it should break on whatever is causing it to crash - if you can pass on where in the code it's happening, I can take a look and see if...
  15. G

    OpenALPR Tool - Save and Query CSV Exports

    This already exists. Part of the original release, actually! Click "Fix Entry" and then choose the option to "Hide All." This is the same place you'd "Auto-Update All" to have commonly misread plates automatically updated to the correct one.