Recent content by jon2

  1. J

    huisun problem Hi njnetman. i hope you are safe and well. i was hoping you may be able to help...

    huisun problem Hi njnetman. i hope you are safe and well. i was hoping you may be able to help me out i have what appears to be the exact same problem you had with your huisun camera a few years ago could you please explain how you solved this problem i,m not very good with networking but i can...
  2. J

    no internet connection

    Hi all I have a problem with one of my ip cameras . it went offline a couple of days ago and i cannot get it back online. so help is needed. the camera is a Qvis ptz i think it is a huisun camera. i have it plugged into my router via ethernet cable and powered by a powerblock. the camera does...
  3. J

    Out with the old one. in with the new.

    Both cameras set to default. cam 1 sensor 1/3” 4Megapixel .frame rate 20 2.8mm cam 2 Image sensor:1/3"4Megapixel frame rate 20
  4. J

    Out with the old one. in with the new.

    Camera that is . so iv'e replaced one.. can you see any difference which do you think is better. there both cheapish cams.i will tell you the makes a bit later,
  5. J

    2,8mm or 3,6mm

    Thanks for the info.. it;s 1/3 sensor so i will go for the 2.8 it will do for me,,
  6. J

    So I roughly have installed a 5442 6mm birdhouse camera on lamp post 50' from my front door....with tire slashing incursion discussion

    I was looking at the trailer and the wheel is over a post hole .but it's difficult to judge on a photo. also the car looked a bit close to the fence but i was forgetting you guys across the pond get out of the wrong side of a vehicle lol. only joking
  7. J

    2,8mm or 3,6mm

    Hi all i hope your all staying safe and well, A quick question i'm putting a new camera near my bird feeders. it's goin to be around 4 to 6 feet away. 7 ft high. what would be the best lens size. i have a choice between the two lens size's. the photo is where the camera is going it's a 2.8mm...
  8. J

    I tip my hat to these guys and girls

    Not much happens were i live, but today it did a building opposite from me as been having a flat roof fixed repaired lagged. first day back on the job for the guys doing the work. i don't know what happened but i assume a spark or something dropped in the place below were they storing the new...
  9. J

    birdfeeder cam that's simple to stream to youtube

    Hi You missed out one vital bit of info..what sort of distance from the birds or feeders will the camera be. it makes a huge diffrence in your choice for instance if its going to be around 4 foot away you would get away with a fixed lens. if it's 10 feet or more a varifocal would be a better...
  10. J

    Merry XMAS

    MERRY XMAS To you all from me here in the uk.. stay safe
  11. J

    Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

    We are been told that they is a new mutation of the covid 19 in the uk.. but don't worry it's no worse just carry on taking the same precautions IE washing hands wearing face mask etc oh and the vacine also works on this mutation ..nothing to worry about then ,, where have i heard this before,
  12. J

    2nd vadalism in 3 months. Tire slashing

    Sorry to hear about your troubles. Maybe put a sign like this up,
  13. J

    Bought a SD1A404XB-GNR on Andy's BlackFriday deals and can't seem to power up

    Hi why don't you just try a 12v DC plug to make sure it fire's up even without a ethernet cable connected it should still go through a start up cycle . then you would know it's something else wrong...
  14. J

    Very small PoE Cam for bird feeder?

    Hi Here's a few to choose from Andy from empiretech may be able to help you out.. these are just a few i found with a quick search,