birdfeeder cam that's simple to stream to youtube


Dec 28, 2020
IP cam research is a DIY nightmare or Disney land ride depending on your interest level in IP technology. There's an unbelievable number of details. I've spent dozens of hours reading here and elsewhwere, and just when I think I know what I need another variable pops up. . . so, I'm posting and hoping this isn't covering ground detailed elsewhere here.

Ultimate goal: stream high quality vids of my bird feeder to youtube

Current status: After my first round of research, I bought a cheap sv3c 55.00 5mp cam. Since I didn't know much, I thought this would be an good way to learn and get a baseline from which to advance. It's been a big help and fun.

Next step: I'd like to bump up the quality and go for a camera in the 200 range or so. Here's what I (think) I'm looking for:
  • outdoor (ip65)
  • poe
  • good quality lens and sensor
  • 4mm or larger
  • 2k+
  • 24fps minimum; 20-60 adjustable based on res settings ok.
  • audio
  • bitrate???
  • RTMP?? RTSP?? HLC?? Want to stream directly to YT without intermediate software/hardward. Camera direct to YT.
  • Optional: 3d DNR
Don't need:
  • Night vision
  • wide angle
  • PTZ
  • autofocus
Don't want: Any additional software or hardware involved other than free apps that install on my mobile devices

So basically I"m looking for a simple daytime cam with a good sensor, lens, and res that can easily stream directly to the web. Any suggestions would be helpful. An indoor cam would likely work since it's stationary and I could build a housing for it. I'm willing to make some compromises (resolution for one), and will likely work my way up the quality chain in small steps.
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Have a look here, search is your friend and is located in the upper right corner of every page.

Also look in the Wiki, in the blue bar at the top of every page, and read the section regarding securing your network prior to opening ports to view whatever camera you decide on. Cameras are magnets for hackers.
Yeah, after 30 years working in hi tech at a fortune 500 silicon valley company, I have heard of that search widget thingy. . .

Actually, as mentioned in my post, I did search here, ready hundreds of posts (including your link), searched the internet, read dozens of articles, etc. The thread you link to does not talk about all of the features I'm looking for in a package--in particular I want to stream directly from the camera to youtube with no intermediate hardware or software: from camera to ethernet cable to my router to YT. No Blue Iris, no yellow daffodils, no NVR, no computer, etc.

Other parameters like 24fps min and a 4mm+ lens are also important (no ptz, no wide angle, etc.).

If you have some thoughts on a good cam that meets the specs I've laid out in the first post, feel free to chime in.
Find an IP camera with rtmp to directly stream to youtube. Many late model Dahua cameras support rtmp.
Google "youtube rtmp IP camera". First two videos there show how Dahua rtmp cameras are set up for youtube.
You missed out one vital bit of info..what sort of distance from the birds or feeders will the camera be. it makes a huge diffrence in your choice for instance if its going to be around 4 foot away you would get away with a fixed lens. if it's 10 feet or more a varifocal would be a better choice. i have one that is only 4 foot away from the feeders and although it's not the best camera in the world it works for now, if the feeders were further away i would use a varifocal and zoom in closer. in the video of my feeder you can see what i mean about the distance .i will post a couple of links to cameras that could suit your needs .they both have mics and rtmp. ask andy from Empire tech he will be able to help,
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