Recent content by Madflamethrower

  1. Madflamethrower

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    and his husband too;)
  2. Madflamethrower

    Funny / Satire

    I need one of these for trespassers edit: found it and order placed...thanx for the idea @wittaj !!
  3. Madflamethrower

    Long outdoors netwok cable run

    Just saw this thread for the 1st time and it was very much informative. Thank you OP!! I was on the verge of forgetting to go with fiber for my 600' driveway, even though wittaj highly suggested it. 2 reasons...having to farm out the terminations and the fiber install guys from Frontier internet...
  4. Madflamethrower

    Dahua DVR-Xfinity Modem

    @TonyR I tried searching for your Noobs Basic Networking thread, but didn't find it. Do you have a link as I'd be interested in reading it. You along with several others here post some very useful info that I always take the time to read, no matter how long it is. I checked my file of saved...
  5. Madflamethrower

    Dahua DVR-Xfinity Modem

    I try to as there is much to learn still. Its those little details like what you posted that get my attention. :)
  6. Madflamethrower

    Dahua DVR-Xfinity Modem

    You threw me a curve for a min. Thought it was something new lol
  7. Madflamethrower

    Dahua DVR-Xfinity Modem

    good to know...thanx! I knew about ipconfig for clearing dns btw...I assume you meant ipconfig? ipcong doesn't do jack...I tried lol
  8. Madflamethrower

    Dahua DVR-Xfinity Modem

    I'm not sure which router the OP has, but Xfinity/Comcast no longer allows customers to access the router settings. Even with the app, there are limited functions you can change. With a new router, all your devices reset and you have to reinstall all of them. I wonder if thats why you had...
  9. Madflamethrower

    Dahua DVR-Xfinity Modem

    Not faulting you OP, but your situation is EXACTLY why I am avoiding hiring anyone to do my install/setup. They lock YOUR system access with a password so only they can make any changes, which equals more $$$. F that!! There is a fairly steep learning curve to these cameras and setting up the...
  10. Madflamethrower

    Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

    I did the same last summer after I discovered there was no positive benefit for me, only negative from taking them. My records also show I am now pre-diabetic, which I believe is related to taking statins. No more for this guy, no matter what they say. I'll keep that tip in mind when I next...
  11. Madflamethrower

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Here in CT, I am thoroughly enjoying seeing Tong, Blumenthal and Murphy squirm uncontrollably. They think they have a fighting chance against DJT, but even a prayer won't help them with that battle.
  12. Madflamethrower

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    One of several shining moments of this Inauguration is to witness Bidumph and Kamalass sit there and eat crow...FJB!!
  13. Madflamethrower

    LAWYER: How to Stop Cops From COVERING Your Porch CameraHampton Law

    I went down the rabbit hole with that atty. Good stuff to know from this guy.
  14. Madflamethrower

    Cams / NVR Arrived - Have I Made a Mistake :-/

    There was some good info in this thread that I actually understood and can use. Not long ago, I was in the same boat as the OP and like...huh?? lol Thanks @machineageage for this thread and the others for the easy to understand replies
  15. Madflamethrower

    Malibu Fires

    The only aid those trucks are capable of is for when a hibachi gets too hot at a tailgate party. I grew up in CA and left for the east coast in the late 70's with much regret. I returned 10 years later with the intention of moving back, which I never did. That was an eye opening experience to...