Recent content by Matt L.

  1. Matt L.

    Not worth it using cameras

    Yeah. It's harder since I'm depressed. Also this thread may be null and void, detective says the forensic lab can't get any data off the computer. Oh well. It's fair time to give it back then!
  2. Matt L.

    Not worth it using cameras

    I am. It's scary as hell losing everything you know all at once. I can't think coherently. I'll have cameras again, but safeguard it against hijacking with means... Ideas? Encrypt it?
  3. Matt L.

    Not worth it using cameras

    They did take the camera which was stupid. It had no card in it
  4. Matt L.

    Not worth it using cameras

    Kind of. I'm sick
  5. Matt L.

    Not worth it using cameras

    It's highly subjective. Can't elaborate.
  6. Matt L.

    Not worth it using cameras

    They are life savers but circumstance turned them
  7. Matt L.

    Not worth it using cameras

    Understand your frustrations, clearly I can't divulge much. Let's just say you are very warm, and i am meticulous with saving surevilance, I had 6 years on a PC of compressed but not encrypted video. Not fun knowing someone is going thru that with a fine toothed comb. No subpoena, raided (no...
  8. Matt L.

    Not worth it using cameras

    May not ever use a camera again! They can get you into serious fucking trouble. Remember anything you own becomes property of police at thier will if it aids them. Nothing I did wrong but I'm short several thousand $ of eat.
  9. Matt L.

    Escam RT-IPC (telnet) login?

    Not that observant myself... I know blueiris won't toggle it. Problem was a window reflection, which kind of tiles out light sensor as they probably are sensitive to ir not a big deal though.
  10. Matt L.

    Escam RT-IPC (telnet) login?

    Thanks those credentials worked for my qd300. Now if I could only control ir. Web ui is shameful.
  11. Matt L.

    Amcrest 1920TVL - pings only. No TCP!

    Amcrest 1920TVL I have a 1920 TVL I believe. Darn power jack pin broke. Come on, it was in window, then I stapled the wire down the moulding to ac. How much stress can that be? Well moot point because I snapped off the jack and found a point for vIN. It starts, but light goes red...
  12. Matt L.

    Power port broken - EasyN

    Well - I lhave bad luck. ANOTHER of my IP cams bit the dust for the same damn reason - the power jack broke. It's not like I'm swinging the damn things by the cords, by nature they are stationary objects,,,, I'm probably wasting my time. No reply on my amcrest Q.... It's a cheap-o "Easy-N"...
  13. Matt L.

    Moved: Find alternate +5V power input for Amcrest 1920TVL

    Hi! I spent all day on this!!! My cam has a loose barrel jack - the anode pin in middle fell out!! So I traced the center + to it's pin, transverse arranged to jack (odd), and the neg... Well, some detialed ass soldering finally got wires on those pads from the bottom where the pins went thru...
  14. Matt L.

    Limiting space per drive, not per-folder basis

    Gripe warning: I dont understand why BI has option to limit space allocated on a per-folder basis. That isn't the reality for folders storing video, which is dynamic. Folders do not have space constraints in normal PC situations, the drives do. I'd be limiting my space if I limited say folders...
  15. Matt L.

    Get alert images... www json... Etc

    JSON syntax for alert images.... I KNOW IT EXISTS. help doesn't say explicitly what it is... UI3 has alert lists so it must know filenames. I want a count of alert images in past hour, etc...