Recent content by Nicholas Odorizzi

  1. Nicholas Odorizzi

    Blank cameras in timeline view.

    When I click on the timeline view I get random cameras that show black. There are recordings and alerts, so they are recording and working, just in the view they show black. It is pretty random also as to which ones will be black. I have been able to reproduce this with two other machines at...
  2. Nicholas Odorizzi

    Had an early morning visitor

    Must just be scouting, because everyone was safe this morning.
  3. Nicholas Odorizzi

    Camera to Cloud (no NVR) recording. Need help

    I have used the google drive app, and then point it to mirror/upload the Blue Iris alerts/clips folder. It works fairly well. It is not instant but that all depends on how much activity you are recording etc. I did this in case I was broke into and my BI server was stolen or something. Its...
  4. Nicholas Odorizzi

    5.3.1 - July 16, 2020 Your Blue Iris web server now is also an RTSP server.

    Is there a limit on how many can be accessing the RTSP feed at once? Wondering if I can put up a live feed of a came on our reader board and numerous people can be watching it at once? And is there a way to have it not ask for login?
  5. Nicholas Odorizzi No longer working

    What does the script do? Blue Iris IP lookup I have the checkbox marked to register the IP but I too just get the white page with the ip.
  6. Nicholas Odorizzi

    5.3.1 - July 16, 2020 Your Blue Iris web server now is also an RTSP server.

    This is exactly what I needed for a project. Thanks!
  7. Nicholas Odorizzi

    Long view, zoom/lense

    I think I may have secured a place for power. So a PTP radio link may work. I had not thought about that idea. Thanks.
  8. Nicholas Odorizzi

    Long view, zoom/lense

    So I am working on a project in my small rural town to help secure the town streets in and out. There is only 3 ways in or out of town. I have two covered but need to cover one more but there is no homes or internet closer than mine to accomplish the view. According to google maps its approx...
  9. Nicholas Odorizzi

    Locked down viewing options

    I thought you just wanted to monitor it, (that BI was on server somewhere else). Sorry if I misunderstood.
  10. Nicholas Odorizzi

    Locked down viewing options

    Why not just setup a basic user with no rights and use a web browser to view the BI server remote access viewing? It can show the cameras, or just groups of cameras etc. You can even turn off the ablitiy of them to see the clips, just live view.
  11. Nicholas Odorizzi

    4MP Budget Cam Black Friday Giveaway

    I would put one on the end of my house overlooking the valley. It would catch the planes that use the municipal airport across they way and also the stunning sunsets.
  12. Nicholas Odorizzi

    Camera system over hay press

    The building is 100ft x 350ft.
  13. Nicholas Odorizzi

    Camera system over hay press

    I forgot to mention that the Blue Iris server will be across the property at the main office and these will stream via a fiber connection to there, which will also have approx 3-6 cameras at that location.
  14. Nicholas Odorizzi

    Camera system over hay press

    Hey everyone. I have been tasked with installing a camera system over a hay press in a building. The most important areas are over the work stations of the press but they would also like a general view of the entire area. A huge problem I see is going to be the hay dust this machine creates...
  15. Nicholas Odorizzi

    Any Opinions On Ubiquiti Protect/Cloudkey?

    I have used Ubiquity network products for ages with great success. I am not familiar with their cloudkey or nvr but am familiar with the brand and have had good luck with everything I have used.