Long view, zoom/lense

Nov 16, 2017
So I am working on a project in my small rural town to help secure the town streets in and out. There is only 3 ways in or out of town. I have two covered but need to cover one more but there is no homes or internet closer than mine to accomplish the view. According to google maps its approx 1565ft from my roof eve to the stop sign. What sort of camera do any of you know that can see this far? I don't have to read plates or anything like that, but it would be nice to tell if what type of vehicle and color it is if possible.

You can see the view from my deck where the camera could be installed. Attach0.jpgAttach01.jpg
Any ideas?
solar powered, with a point-to-point RF link?
Some folks here have st up similar solutions.

Good luck!
Locating cam near intersection will give many more options for cam mounting to really capture cars, ie, for views, many angles & heights for cam. Including a 2nd cam dedicated to LPR, if you later add that capability. Many here head down that path much later, after they are unsatisfied with deciphering plates, esp in the dark.
Check the LPR forum here.
Having pwr gives the option of auxiliary Ir illuminators, or a laser line to get rock-solid alarms re: cars passing. Much more dependable than MD, and avoids false triggers. Connect the Ir alarm out to the camp's alarm In. My laser line catches coyotes & other critters who don't trip MD, or IVS rules. Pick a cam that has alarm-in.
Alerts are far superior compared to viewing hours & hours of video to spot something. Consider false positives & false negatives, and alert dependability, esp if you enable email to push snapshots to your phone for alert events.
Check "like" when folks here give useful posts.
Have fun,
Locating cam near intersection will give many more options for cam mounting to really capture cars, ie, for views, many angles & heights for cam. Including a 2nd cam dedicated to LPR, if you later add that capability. Many here head down that path much later, after they are unsatisfied with deciphering plates, esp in the dark.
Check the LPR forum here.
Having pwr gives the option of auxiliary Ir illuminators, or a laser line to get rock-solid alarms re: cars passing. Much more dependable than MD, and avoids false triggers. Connect the Ir alarm out to the camp's alarm In. My laser line catches coyotes & other critters who don't trip MD, or IVS rules. Pick a cam that has alarm-in.
Alerts are far superior compared to viewing hours & hours of video to spot something. Consider false positives & false negatives, and alert dependability, esp if you enable email to push snapshots to your phone for alert events.
Check "like" when folks here give useful posts.
Have fun,
Would actually like to hear more about this setup.

A chance to build your Google-fu!

Here's some info re: dependable motion detectors (PIR with Radar) , and laser lines.
You'll also learn about the challenges people face when trying to get trustworthy alerts (ie: few false positives and false negatives) :

Read, read, plan. My system evolved through several iterations as I learned.

Do your homework, have fun, and you'll create a solid system....
