Recent content by Phil.g00

  1. P

    Tree Cam Installation

    I think you did a good job. I think if you overlaid irregular pure black patches to break up the manmade regular forms and outlines, it would improve it.
  2. P


    This is all I have to go on, and I don't have any previous experience with these 2K$ PTZs.
  3. P


    Andy, says the weather isn't conducive to making a decent YT clip. Here are 2 test files I have been sent though.
  4. P


    No news from Andy yet.
  5. P

    Burglars run after getting fright on their life

    Does anyone have a 25-30W 12V horn speaker attached to the line out of a cam? That's about the highest wattage internal amp IP66 12V speaker I can find. I'd like to know if it would be loud enough to invoke a reaction like that. Does anyone have a related experience one way or the other?
  6. P

    EmpireTech 2024 Spring Sales

    I am in Ireland and have bought from Andy many times (and recently). Just email him directly.
  7. P

    NVR suggestions

    I think, ( but can't confirm) that a wireless mouse may do the trick.
  8. P


    Well, I pulled the trigger on the SD8C260PA1-HNF (500m IR). Andy said he'd test it is 100% before shipping it to me, and I have asked him to upload a day and night scene on his YT channel as it seems very little is known about this camera.
  9. P


    I am thinking hard about pulling the trigger on this camera. There are two similar models: The SD8C260PA1-HNF (500m IR) and the SD8C260PA-HNF (250m IR with dual light fusion). I assume that means that one model has only IR LEDs and the other has a mix of IR and white light LEDs. The area I want...
  10. P


    Andy has gracefully offered to contact Dahua to enquire if there are further details about this camera.
  11. P


    This camera intrigues me. It is a 2MP on a 1/1.8 starlight sensor. (60X Zoom with 500m IR) I interpret the sensor/MP ratio to mean night vision should be outstanding. However, I cannot find any footage anywhere on the web. Even Andy has no footage. Does anyone have this camera or is it just too...
  12. P

    Is thermal right for me?

    @luk8899 I would like to know more details about this alternative model.
  13. P

    2nd Amendment thread

    He wanted the lady's car, so she gave it to him as fast as possible.
  14. P

    EmpireTech 2023 Autumn Sales Sep.20th-30th

    It was fun. I didn't win anything but enjoyed it immensely. Well done, Andy.
  15. P

    Various viewing stations throughout a house?

    Worse than that, I use the internet, hence I know Google's business model to harvest my information. It is a price for survival in a high-tech world. I don't like it, and where there is a realistic choice I choose not to use it. I don't follow the logic that they already know I eat cornflakes...