Recent content by ponyboy

  1. P

    How to get Blue Iris to automatically start when restarting PC w/Windows 8.1

    I checked that option within BI. I wanted to software to open up and display the cameras. Not sure if that is separate from only the service running.
  2. P

    How to get Blue Iris to automatically start when restarting PC w/Windows 8.1

    Im copying/pasting this in a couple different places as this was the only thing that worked for me in windows 10. The only thing that worked was creating a batch file and dropping it in the startup folder in win10. You'll also want to disable UAC. You can google how to do that. assuming you...
  3. P

    Auto Startup Question Windows 10

    I tried this method but it didnt work. The only thing that worked was creating a batch file and dropping it in the startup folder in win10. You'll also want to disable UAC. You can google how to do that. assuming you installed to default file locaiton, open notepad, copy/paste this: @echo...
  4. P

    Upload Usage question

    Thanks. For some reason I thought since im using teamviewer and im viewing a snapshot of a local machine on my home network, it wouldnt consume bandwidth. Guess that makes sense since my download is only around 100GB but my upload is around 600GB. Good to know!
  5. P

    Upload Usage question

    I checked my ISP usage the other day and it showed my upload for the past 3 months to be around 600GB/month. I only have 3 cameras running 24/7 on BI. I use teamviewer to remote into my PC at home, and view the cameras running within BI. I rarely ever use any apps to view the cameras on my...