Auto Startup Question Windows 10


Getting the hang of it
Feb 15, 2017
I read a lot of threads on auto startup. I followed this guide.

Elevated Program Shortcut without UAC Prompt - Create - Windows 7 Help Forums

I have UAC set to Never notify

I have created a Task in Task Scheduler. I can run that task and BI starts up. If I double click to run my shortcut that I created though it does NOT run the task IE start BI. Here is the Target on the shortcut I created.

C:\Windows\System32\schtasks.exe /run /tn "BlueIris"

Any suggestions?
Figured it out...

One thing to watch out for is that the task name must uniquely identify the task, so you must make sure to use the correct path in the task name if the task is not in the root. For example, if you created a task-scheduler folder called Startup and then created a task called Blue Iris, you have to use /tn "Startup\Blue Iris"

Hopefully this will help someone else
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I'm certain it will. Thanks for taking the time to post the solution. thumbsup.gif
Ok spoke to soon. I can run my shortcut and it will execute my task and start BI. However it does not Start BI until I log into the computer.

The shortcut is located in the following location:

C:\Users\AVS\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
Thanks that did the trick. My goodness that is a lot of steps just to get a program to start automatically with Windows...
I tried this method but it didnt work. The only thing that worked was creating a batch file and dropping it in the startup folder in win10. You'll also want to disable UAC. You can google how to do that.

assuming you installed to default file locaiton, open notepad, copy/paste this:

@echo off
cd "C:\Program Files\Blue Iris 4"
start BlueIrisAdmin.exe

save as abc123.bat You can name it whatever you want, you just need the .bat at the end. In windows 10, press the windows key and R...this will bring up the run window. Type shell:startup and press copy/paste that .bat file you just created in this folder. This will start BI at startup.

I gotta say...this is one of the most difficult programs I ever tried to auto start. The .bat file is much easier than running through task scheduler (even though task scheduler didnt work for me.)
This works on my Win 10 BI server:
  • In Win 10, turn off UAC (Go to Control Panel, User Account Control Settings, pull slider down to "Never Notify" , click on "OK".
  • Close BI (Blue Iris).
  • Install BIT (Blue Iris Tools), get it here.
Run BIT, configure it:
  • Under "Options" tab, check "Start when Windows Boots" and optionally, "Minimized on Startup".
  • Under "Watchdog" tab, check the "Enable" for "Watchdog [Program Monitor]".
  • Close BIT.
In Windows, go to Task Manager (CNTRL-ALT-DEL), Startup and insure BIT is "enabled". If not, go to "Settings", "Apps", "Startup" and insure BIT is set to "ON"
  • Close all windows.
  • Reboot PC.
If all goes well, BIT will launch (may minimize if so checked) then after 5 -10 seconds, BI will open.
Works for me!
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I tried this method but it didnt work. The only thing that worked was creating a batch file and dropping it in the startup folder in win10. You'll also want to disable UAC. You can google how to do that.

assuming you installed to default file locaiton, open notepad, copy/paste this:

@echo off
cd "C:\Program Files\Blue Iris 4"
start BlueIrisAdmin.exe

save as abc123.bat You can name it whatever you want, you just need the .bat at the end. In windows 10, press the windows key and R...this will bring up the run window. Type shell:startup and press copy/paste that .bat file you just created in this folder. This will start BI at startup.

I gotta say...this is one of the most difficult programs I ever tried to auto start. The .bat file is much easier than running through task scheduler (even though task scheduler didnt work for me.)
The elevated command prompt does in fact work. You are just doing it incorrectly. I have it running on 20 or so systems. There are several threads that explain how to do it.
Has anyone got BIT to auto-start on start-up without the UAC?

I was able to get this to work with Blue Iris but not with Blue Iris Tools - first step:
Elevated Program Shortcut without UAC Prompt - Create - Windows 7 Help Forums

then needed to set triggers to complete it:
Task - Create to Run a Program at Startup and Log On - Windows 7 Help Forums

Issues I seen when trying the same steps with BIT:

When i set it up following above directions I linked with the Blue Iris Tools application in this location: "c:\program files (x86)\Blue Iris Tools" - it just opens up the folder on start-up.

If I add .exe on the end of "blue iris tools" application it says: "windows cannot find c:\program files (x86)\Blue Iris Tools.exe. Make sure you type the name correctly, and then try again."

If anyone else had success with this please let me know what I am doing wrong... thanks
Has anyone got BIT to auto-start on start-up without the UAC?

I was able to get this to work with Blue Iris but not with Blue Iris Tools - first step:
Elevated Program Shortcut without UAC Prompt - Create - Windows 7 Help Forums

then needed to set triggers to complete it:
Task - Create to Run a Program at Startup and Log On - Windows 7 Help Forums

Issues I seen when trying the same steps with BIT:

When i set it up following above directions I linked with the Blue Iris Tools application in this location: "c:\program files (x86)\Blue Iris Tools" - it just opens up the folder on start-up.

If I add .exe on the end of "blue iris tools" application it says: "windows cannot find c:\program files (x86)\Blue Iris Tools.exe. Make sure you type the name correctly, and then try again."

If anyone else had success with this please let me know what I am doing wrong... thanks
I've been trying to get Blue Iris Tools to auto start in Windows 10 Pro without fully disabling UAC with no luck for some time. I always get the UAC prompt. There is clearly something I am missing.

I've tried:
Elevated Program Shortcut without UAC Prompt - Create - Windows 7 Help Forums

I've tried directly importing the XML files that @fenderman posted:

I've tried making a scheduled task for Windows 10 from this guide:

Nothing seems to work outside of turning off UAC fully, which I'd prefer not to do.

Any ideas of what I am missing?
I've been trying to get Blue Iris Tools to auto start in Windows 10 Pro without fully disabling UAC with no luck for some time. I always get the UAC prompt. There is clearly something I am missing.

I've tried:
Elevated Program Shortcut without UAC Prompt - Create - Windows 7 Help Forums

I've tried directly importing the XML files that @fenderman posted:

I've tried making a scheduled task for Windows 10 from this guide:

Nothing seems to work outside of turning off UAC fully, which I'd prefer not to do.

Any ideas of what I am missing?

Did you do this:
Did you do this:
I have tried that, although not the step of making a new folder within the Task Scheduler. However, I just went through and did that step by step to no avail.

I have tried having the scheduled task simply run the program:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Blue Iris Tools\Blue Iris Tools.exe"

And I have tried adding arguments:
Action:Start a Program
Add arguments:
/c start "Blue Iris Tools" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Blue Iris Tools.exe"

I have tried making the Trigger: "At system startup"
And I have also tried making a desktop shortcut of the task and putting that in the startup folder.
schtasks /run /tn "Blue Iris Tools"

C:\Users\[User Name]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

I have also configured for Windows 10 (which is what I am running), and for Windows 7.

Clearly there is something I am not grokking.
Did you do this:

Ok, I resolved it. Thanks for the reply.

I started from scratch and finally got it to work. My issue is just general unfamiliarity with Windows. So, for posterity a recap of what I did for auto-starting BI Tools in Windows 10 and bypassing UAC :
  • Go to Task Scheduler. Right click on Task Scheduler Library
  • Create task
    • General:
      • Name:BITS
      • Run with highest privileges (checked)
      • Configure for: Windows 10
    • Actions
      • New
      • Program/script:%windir%\System32\cmd.exe
      • Add arguments:/c start "BITS" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Blue Iris Tools\Blue Iris Tools.exe"
    • Conditions
      • Uncheck "Start the task only if the computer is on AC power"
    • Press OK
  • Go to the desktop and right click and select New/Shortcut
  • Type the location of the item:schtasks /run /tn /BITS
  • Type a name for this shortcut:BITS
[Optional: right click on the shortcut and edit Properties. Change the icon to Blue Iris Tools.exe by navigating there (C:\Program Files (x86)\Blue Iris Tools\Blue Iris Tools.exe).]

Now take this shortcut and drag it into the Startup folder on Windows 10.
I put it in this startup folder:
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp
Something small was probably missed on first go. I am happy to hear you go it to work.