Recent content by TallPaul

  1. T

    EmpireTech 2023 Thanksgiving Day and Black Friday Sales Nov.20-24th

    Must... Not... Order... More... Camera's....
  2. T

    IPC-T2431T-AS 4MP problems

    Are you just saving to the pi via ftp then rather than running an application as an NVR? I doubt it’s the camera firmware, I have one of those and it’s been pretty solid (although I am using Software not ftp upload). I would more suspect your hitting a limit on the pi if you have gone from 1...
  3. T

    IPC-T2431T-AS 4MP problems

    What sort of connection problem? what bit rate are you running? pi does not have the best network connection and you can saturate it
  4. T

    Worlds First Review - Dahua DH-IPC-HDW5849H-ASE-LED / IPC-Color4K-T - 2.8mm Turret

    @bigredfish Having studied both clips very carefully in detail I can only reach one logical conclusion. Your delivery people are a lot prettier than mine.
  5. T

    European import tax when ordering from AliExpress?

    If you order direct from Andy via email you should have no problems. If my orders arrive ok on “brexit island” I am sure he can ship to Germany no problem!
  6. T

    2023 EmpireTech Spring Sales

    I could be wrong, but I think the refurbs are just Amazon returns - great value for the US guys
  7. T

    Best camera for garage?

    I would suggest looking at a IPC-T2431T-AS S2, the build is not as good as the 5442 but if it’s in a garage the plastic mount is less of a concern and the quality is very good with IR IMHO Andy has a cheap price on these as well
  8. T

    2023 EmpireTech Spring Sales

    Hi Andy, just FYI the FW link in the PDF for IPC-Color4K-T does not work, can you share link here?
  9. T

    Review-Dahua/EmpireTech Dual lens IPC-HDBW5441F-AS-E2 (The Boobie Cam Upgrade)

    You need to add another camera with the second feed stream, it uses two licenses - I think its discussed already in this thread, or the original "boogie cam" thread if its not in this one.
  10. T

    Covid19 Update

    Yes I read its not good - stay safe Andy and team.
  11. T

    db corruption detected error in log file

    I think it’s a thing, I upgraded yesterday as it’s the latest stable release and had this error overnight. can you not run a regenerate/repair manually? I can only see the schedule option to run everyday? EDIT: ok it’s right click then database in the clips window, not in the server...
  12. T

    Latest "stable" release of BI?

    Thanks, looks like a good option then for now - been watching the senseAI 2.0 stuff as well. I had hoped to have my nvidia jetson by now to play with AI more, only ordered 12 months ago!
  13. T

    Latest "stable" release of BI?

    Not that old a release, I updated in the summer - which does have the initial support for the move towards a focus on SenseAI and away from Deepstack. My plan is to dabble with that in the near future, so I would usually look to be on the latest stable release before making a change with...
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    Latest "stable" release of BI?

    I know Bi supports "Critical and highly stable updates only" in the GUI, but my BI VM is isolated from internet so I manually install updates when needed, anyone know where there is a maintained list of the "stable" releases? I am aware of the BI update list on the forum: Blue Iris Updates (32...
  15. T

    2022 EmpireTech Chirstmas Sales

    Have you been speaking to my wife? :lol: