Recent content by toonwolf

  1. toonwolf

    People counter using camera

    Ended up doing a manual count and also made a video that will be used for getting sponsors aboard If we need more people counting I will be checking out other options like you say Raspberry PI or Arduino. OPENCV looks interesting awell
  2. toonwolf

    People counter using camera

    Yes I live in Hamar. Moved back to my hometown about 7 yrs ago..
  3. toonwolf

    Need Help or Suggestions for Sharing .jpg Image to Wunderground

    So I've got a reply from BI after I raised a feature request. I guess this means it's not on top of their priority list. I guess we are stuck with the % option for now..
  4. toonwolf

    PTZ with autotracking can it be used for automated sports broadcast?

    Thank's for your feedback. I guess what I really need is something like this or maybe this but I guess both would be way over my budget. Oh well maybe I'll get someone to do some old manual shooting..
  5. toonwolf

    Made a tune that will scare any thief away

    Poor guy. It's someone I know and he is just parking his bicycle for the night. Well at least I know it's working
  6. toonwolf

    PTZ with autotracking can it be used for automated sports broadcast?

    I had this crazy idea. Would it be possible to use a ptz camera to broadcast sports? What I would like to achieve is an unmanned broadcast of let's say a soccer game. It doesn't need to be perfect TV if you know what I mean. This is not MLS, more like amateur leagues. I have no experience with...
  7. toonwolf

    Blue Iris Snapshot on Grimm?

    I've been watching all episodes of Grimm. In S03E21 aired last saturday Capt. Renard shows some surveillance footage from a hotel. The overlay looks exactly like the ones in BI. Or is this used in many other systems aswell?
  8. toonwolf

    Storhamar Football club

  9. toonwolf

    Need Help or Suggestions for Sharing .jpg Image to Wunderground

    He was my hero when growing up. Always wanted to be a PI but ended up a computer geek, oh well.. BTW: feature request sent to BlueIrisSoftware, will let you know the outcome
  10. toonwolf

    Need Help or Suggestions for Sharing .jpg Image to Wunderground

    What would really fix this problem once and for all is if BI could add a new feature that can limit the file size in addition to the percentage. Should be easy to implement (I think) I'm going to send a feature request to them.
  11. toonwolf

    Need Help or Suggestions for Sharing .jpg Image to Wunderground

    I can now confirm it's the same with my image(s) aswell. The filesize for the local posted file is 128 kB but when I download it from wunderground it's 161 kB. But don't you think the limit on 150 kB would be for the uploader, and whatever wunderground does with the image that makes it grow...
  12. toonwolf

    Storhamar Football club

    You may be curious :nuts: @icerabbit! I'd go for a new PC if you can afford it. The reason I'm running BI on an old computer is just because that was what was available at the time. I'm working on getting sponsors to donate new hardware. As for the CPU/RAM performance on this old pc it's not so...
  13. toonwolf

    Need Help or Suggestions for Sharing .jpg Image to Wunderground

    You need to make sure that your image size never get's over the limit. I had to adjust my Quality all the way down to 55%. Keep in mind that the image size will vary depending on the time of day. Seems like the image size is bigger at night (I don't use IR). An easy way of finding the correct...
  14. toonwolf

    Need Help or Suggestions for Sharing .jpg Image to Wunderground

    You need to make sure that your image size is below the limit of 150kb. As I understand it wunderground will not accept images above this. That's probably what I'm seeing in my logfile FTP: 226-Error during write to file 226-Transfer aborted. That's probably wunderground FTP server saying that...
  15. toonwolf

    People counter using camera

    I got a reply from Ken and the log-file does actually record motion detection. Now I only need to adjust the motion detection settings so it does not record "false positives"