Funny / Satire


Known around here
Sep 17, 2021
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Tennessee USA
One of my 2 stepsons is 42 and has been a ER nurse in a major metro hospital for 12 years now. He says the "new batch" of RN's coming in, ages 22 to 30-something, can't handle the working hours or number of days in a schedule and just call-in or no-show whenever things get tough. All this does is increase the work load for those that are there, trying to do their jobs (the veteran RN's that are in the 40 to 60's). :confused:

Not all but proportionately TOO MANY of the latest gen kids can't hack it, don't want to hack it and couldn't care less. Hanging out with their friends is more important....not sure where they'll come up with the money to keep doing that though.
Gen Z's general expectations are: A 20 hour work week and $40.00/hr. We have some new Gen Z individuals in our shop. (Greenhorns: zero experience, no aptitude, no energy, no interest) In talking with them, they think that is fair. They say that working 40 hours a week just tires them out so much and it takes time away from their busy social life. The only reason they even looked for a job is because mom and dad threatened to kick them out of the house if they didn't go get a job. They will all be replaced within 2 months.


Getting comfortable
Dec 3, 2021
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At my last job I gave my employer a 2 month notice that I was leaving. I was actively involved with finding and hiring the guy who was going to replace me. So I could give him some training before I left.

While going through the reply's from Indeed I was blown away at how many jobs the "under 30" crowd has had. It would not be uncommon at all for these kids to have changed jobs 3-4 times a year. I generally would just delete those applicants.


Known around here
Jul 18, 2016
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USA, Oregon
One of my 2 stepsons is 42 and has been a ER nurse in a major metro hospital for 12 years now. He says the "new batch" of RN's coming in, ages 22 to 30-something, can't handle the working hours or number of days in a schedule and just call-in or no-show whenever things get tough.
I ran this by my daughter-in-law nurse and she said it sounds about right.


Known around here
Sep 17, 2021
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Tennessee USA
I could get away from a smart phone, if a dumb phone had a IPhone 12 Plus type of camera on it. I take pictures at work, the occasional text message and I talk to my wife on the way home from work everyday. Other than that, nothing. On the weekends,, I don't even have my phone on. It sits on the night stand all weekend. Todays psychiatrists would probably call my lack of exhibited social skills as alarming..........fuck e'm.