Search results for query: frigate

  1. T

    Foscam FI9821W V2 with go2rtc/frigate

    Hello, I have a FI9821W V2 running firmware version which seems to be the latest. I am trying to use this camera with go2rtc/frigate but getting a lot of tearing in the frames. This is my config, cameras: bedroomback: enabled: true ffmpeg: global_args...
  2. Peg1987

    Alternative to blue iris

    OK but a question: what should change from using BI with Google coral and frigate with Google Coral? Just in term of performance. On frigate page you see that google coral can manage 100+FPS, but my sistem is about 160fps.
  3. M

    Frigate 0.14 UI updates

    I've been running Frigate with a mPCIe Coral Module in an LXC under Proxmox for some time. I've mainly using the integration for Home Assistant to view video and also to send me video from the doorbell camera via Signal Messenger when the doorbell is rung. I recently noticed that the the...
  4. T

    Alternative to blue iris

    As noted, you can have AI built into your cameras, NVR, or use third party AI software to add this functionality to BI and other systems. If you want to use the AI built into the camera, you need to use ONVIF triggers. The camera will send out an ONVIF trigger when it's AI senses the correct...
  5. Peg1987

    Alternative to blue iris

    I'm using coral TPU on BI already. Frigate supports only h264, for this reason I'm not considering it.
  6. Mark_M

    Alternative to blue iris

    If you really want to change to something else, try Frigate and buy the Coral TPU. Frigate is something a lot of people in the Home Assistant automation groups like to use (the free version).
  7. H

    NEW SD59225U-HNI Latest New Firmware SD-Eos_MultiLang_PN_Stream3_V2.812.0000007.0.R.210706

    Understood, and yeah it's working fine, would be kinda nice to see if new firmware would make autotracking work in frigate but not worth risking the camera haha, can't wait to pick up some new cameras from you here at some point.
  8. H

    NEW SD59225U-HNI Latest New Firmware SD-Eos_MultiLang_PN_Stream3_V2.812.0000007.0.R.210706

    ...does anyone know if there were performance increases worth upgrading for? I don't really care about security, my cameras can't talk to the internet however, I just moved from BI to frigate NVR and autotracking isn't supported with my old firmware so I am curious if it would be with this new one.
  9. H

    SD59225U-HNI rtsp stream

    So this PTZ was in storage for a long time and I've got it out now and trying to connect it to frigate. I tried the same URL as my old dahua turret cameras and It's not working, I have all of the same settings as those in the GUI. Here is the URL I am using...
  10. bp2008

    BI hardware question

    There are lots of free(ish) VMS products. Shinobi Frigate NVR The Blue Iris license is perpetual, you just can't use updates that were released after your support plan expires.
  11. P

    8-9ms inference speeds with OpenVino on a cpu 7th gen!!

    Well after using coral tpu devices (usb and m2) with Frigate, I came across openvino model on Frigate. Decided to give it a try, very simple set up, just a few lines of code in the config. Fire it up on my dell 7th gen intel with no gpu or tpu. Well I'll be dipped! Faster than the coral usb...
  12. P

    Some success with a coral tpu (m.2) with CPAI and BI

    ...and A+E. My M2 coral is used in my unraid. All depends on family commitments though. Son had a sleepover last night and wifey was with her sister looking after their Dad so had all night alone to tinker> I have found the usb to be fairly unstable with the coral module though. Frigate no issues.
  13. I

    Motorhome, RV cameras

    ...via home assistant and I can route my Rtsp feed through homeassistant, unfortunately it does not have the computing power to run blue iris or frigate etc. I did think about the cameras used on lorries instead of side mirrors, but I feel I'm over complicating the issue. I might buy a eufy or...
  14. honkkis

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.5

    Well, have to disagree! I have had Coral M.2 running since last autumn, interference times have improved greatly during that period and cpu load is really low (around 6% on average). Reliability of recognition is very good. Win 11, BlueIris (almost newest), Ryzen 3 3200G and 4 FHD cameras and...
  15. C

    Anyone has success running Frigate in Home Assistant?

    The only Frigate processes that have any appreciable CPU usage in my Debian 12 server are ffmpeg and object detection. The object detection process is set up to use the server's Intel N200 GPU via Openvino and there's an ffmpeg process for each camera. These processes should be present whether...
  16. shaywood

    Anyone has success running Frigate in Home Assistant?

    I can install Frigate via HA addon or as a Proxmox VM. I'd like to give the HA route a try. Will Frigate add a lot to resource load, disk space (other than video storage), or logs? Also, I run HA in a VirtualBox VM. Can I save the video outside the vm on Windows and use hardware acceleration?
  17. weswitt

    Anyone has success running Frigate in Home Assistant?

    it's best to run frigate in a separate docker container. then just install the frigate integration in ha.
  18. Arjun

    Anyone has success running Frigate in Home Assistant?

    Anyone has success running Frigate in Home Assistant?
  19. A

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0 even harder. If monitoring closer/larger objects then the Small and maybe even the Tiny model will work for you. I've seen people swear by Frigate and the Tiny model but then their examples are photos of there 20 x 20 deck or people standing right in front of their doorbell camera. If that...
  20. I

    New Reolink Wired POE Doorbell Cam ?

    I found it worked horriblly, integrated it with Frigate and now it's 99.99% reliable for me.
  21. I

    New Reolink Wired POE Doorbell Cam ?

    By any chance, if someone is using the WiFi version, using Frigate NVR via the Home Assistant add-on and is able to get the high-resolution feed within Home Assistant, while simultaneously recording in high-resolution, please PM me. I can get the recording in high-resolution (looks great,) but...
  22. Archy54

    Dahua Tioc Alarm and voice over POE?

    ...Camera. Can all of the functions be used over just POE, so alarm, lights, 2 way voice, AI wizsense. Hoping to use Home Assistant running frigate NVR + a 24/7 NVR and just a single poe cable per camera. Thought the deterrence might be cool. Can they output a signal to turn on a seperate IR...
  23. J

    IP8M-2496E dauha equivalent

    I am wondering which is the dauha equilvalent of the IP8M-2496E/B. i'm straggling to find some good setting for frigate Thanks
  24. P

    Poor quality of detected objects using CPAI with Coral

    I have frigate set up also in a docker container with a tpu m2 wifi now (had been using the usb but find the tiny footprint of the m2 tpu ideal and it is faster). Frigate integration with homeassistant so I can manage the switches and get alerts from telegram. mqtt integration also.. It's a good...
  25. H

    Poor quality of detected objects using CPAI with Coral

    ...poor. My mailbox is a toilet, my garage is a truck, the street is a train, a tree next to a distant house is a traffic light. I also am using Frigate NVR with a Coral USB on a Linux machine, with Home Assistant to handle notifications. It took a while to get it set up, but it's very accurate...
  26. P

    Poor quality of detected objects using CPAI with Coral

    I've had no luck with cpai on coral tpu. From my experience best to stick with frigate. Even the slower intel cpus are faster than the coral tpu on cpai! 6ms with my tpu on frigate and decent accuracy. 40ms cpai with my gpu or 200ms on cpu
  27. IReallyLikePizza2

    Does anyone LiveStream their camera on youtube?

    You could also get a really low power x86 system to do it, I just got this to run Frigate $169.99 all in, not bad
  28. N

    ONVIF / Non-Admin Camera Users

    ...applications. In terms of client apps that need camera access, I currently or soon will have: Blue Iris Scrypted for HomeKit viewing Frigate A random cam app on my Roku TV Account Strategy Pro Con 1 - Create one generic ONVF user and share it across all cameras and all apps Simple...
  29. R

    Camera configuration for EmpireTech bullet camera IPC-B54IR-Z4E-S3

    Hello, I bought an EmpireTech bullet camera with speaker and variable zoom (IPC-B54IR-Z4E-S3). For me, this works partly in Frigate. Image quality seems very good. (although next time, I by a camera with built-in lighting). Microphone works, too. If you want sound to be recorded: 1. Set...
  30. L

    Is this NVR selection satisfying? (Dahua or an alternative) ?

    Hello all, currently I am planning a system for a friend. I need some input regarding NVR because personally I am using frigate as NVR in combination with different Dahua and EmpireTech IPC-Color4K-T cameras. For my friend we planned for the initial phase with 5x EmpireTech IPC-Color4K-T...