Search results for query: openvpn configuration

  1. M

    VPN coupled with Stunnel Clarification

    Hi Guys, I have been reviewing a few threads here on this forum as well as others on the internet regarding proper camera configuration and set up to allow remote viewing of cameras running Blue Iris while away from your local network. I wanted to get a better understanding on the use of VPNs...
  2. C

    Pfsense on Blue Iris PC or Separate PC?

    This might be true, but I just checked and both my OVPN tunnels are configured as UDP, so would be curious if the OP has UDP or TCP as part of their OVPN configuration (i.e. whether that might be the default or if I just changed it already myself). Regardless there is some overhead associated...
  3. N

    VPN Primer for Noobs

    ...figured they should help. When logging into my router, on the OpenVPN page, I saw a message in yellow letters next to "Export OpenVPN configuration file" that said "unable to connect to VPN server". The support representative suggested restarting the VPN. He said one way would be to delete...
  4. F

    VPN Primer for Noobs

    Good Morning everyone, I need some help. I have an Asus GT-AC5300 connected to the ATT&T Gateway. ARRIS Number BGW210-700 I am using Open VPN on my mobile device. When testing the VPN within my local network I am able to connect and everything seems to work. I am using the Asus OpenVPN server...
  5. C

    Dahua camera phoning home to China

    I found tons of inspirational stuff on OpenVPN on the Ubiquity forum. And your network situation might be a "bit" different than mine, so what I did, was harvest bits & pieces from other peoples tutorials, stool some great ideas, ditched some (seemingly less great) ideas. But by doing trial and...
  6. fenderman

    A topic that concerns me - and should concern you?

    This last post confirmed for me that you are clueless when it comes to network security. First openvpn runs on ASUS router firmware just the same way your Enterprise routers VPN runs. There is a Windows version as well. Second and more importantly the links you provide reference paid VPN...
  7. &

    A topic that concerns me - and should concern you?

    Just my opinion, but I think people latch onto certain things because everyone else is doing it. Not necessarily because they actually know why or the down sides. OpenVPN is software. That's all. It's "good" software for sure. There are still 1000 ways someone with mal intent can...
  8. D

    VPN Primer for Noobs

    I have no doubt. I found that I could occasionally get it to work which was the most frustrating thing to diagnose. I also tried TCP vs UDP on a paid openvpn server to rule out the problem being limited to my configuration. I ended up doing some debugging based on posts i found like this: No...
  9. SouthernYankee

    VPN Primer for Noobs

    All the configuration information is in the client.opvn file that you load into the phone from your asus router. The ddns is set up in the router. Once you are connected via openVPN you are on you home network. You access the items on your network EXACTLY like you would if you are at home.
  10. E

    SOLVED: setup VTO2101E-P + VTH5221DW-C + NVR4104-P-4KS2

    @catcamstar..that's the magic word.. "caching" :lol: dare?? for a second..maybe.. but do not know how? i am a new kid:wave: on the block related to the network/router configuration. but i do not is it possible that a notification could be received on the android mobile (gDMSS...
  11. E

    SOLVED: setup VTO2101E-P + VTH5221DW-C + NVR4104-P-4KS2

    thanks @catcamstar I have made a sketch of my network (test) below. An OpenVPN server / client device now makes it possible to set up a secure connection from my mobile to my home network. Doorbell: To receive incoming messages from the doorbell, there must be a constant VPN connection (from...
  12. J Sigmo

    VPN Primer for Noobs

    In my router, the "switch" I changed is called: "Client will use VPN to access" and the two choices are: "Local network only" and "Internet and local network". My interpretation of that switch's function was to select whether or not VPN clients, when connected, would have access only to the...
  13. C

    SOLVED: setup VTO2101E-P + VTH5221DW-C + NVR4104-P-4KS2

    It is always adviced to draw your network (at least on paper), that will visualise the subnets and routing rules much better. Remember, there are different roads to Rome, there is not "a perfect" way, like with networks. I once started with 1 flat network, then with different (unroutable)...
  14. E

    SOLVED: setup VTO2101E-P + VTH5221DW-C + NVR4104-P-4KS2

    @catcamstar, still need to figure out, how to set the right router rules/configuration to see the subnet ( ip cams poe and doorbell poe). Setup openvpn was sorted out within minutes, but was not able to login on the 2th router (router behind the modem/router, running openVPN server) nor the 1th...
  15. L

    VPN Primer for Noobs

    Hallo catcamstar, Thanks a lot. Config /all show I don't get everything, but shall be aware of possible overlapping ip-range. May be same problem: In the Asus 68u manual under 4.3.5 DDNS it is a warning I don't really understand: *NOTE DDNS service will not work under these...
  16. C

    VPN Primer for Noobs

    Maybe they didn't grasp your use case. What they tell you is not wrong: IF you configure your home ROUTER as a VPN client, and let it connect to your VPN server in your cabin, the "most logical" solution would be to toggle the "redirect gateway" option, which means that all WAN traffic of your...
  17. J

    Tasker and BlueIris

    Here's an approach that might meet your needs... It will intercept a Blue Iris notification, and immediately 1) start OpenVPN, 2) wait a few seconds, and 3) "touch" the actual Blue Iris notification in Android’s notification tray (e.g., if the notification is an alert, Blue Iris should open at...
  18. P

    Tasker and BlueIris

    I'm having a small issue with this. When I click the BI icon, the VPN starts fine but I get a can't connect error on BI. When I go back in and hit connect again it works. It seems like BI is connecting faster than it is really detecting the VPN as running. Any ideas?
  19. R

    VPN Primer for Noobs

    Take a look at my instructions NetGear R7800 - OpenVPN Sounds like you need the smart_phone.ovpn file, which you have to download from the router.
  20. E

    VPN Primer for Noobs

    Hello, I'm sort of new here and I'm looking to install 2 Dahua Starlight Varifocal Turret (IPC-HDW5231R-Z) cameras. I've been informed to setup a PC with Blue Iris, along with a VPN w/ OpenVPN for the best security, which is challenging to me. However I've been getting a lot of help from this...
  21. Olof23

    Stream with IP cam where I don't have access to router settings

    Thanks for your reply! Yes, I will always have power from the mains and access to internet (wifi or cable), so that is not any issue. Your solution sounds really interesting and "out of the box" for sure! It is a great idea that I will look into further. Have you tried this setup yourself?
  22. C

    Stream with IP cam where I don't have access to router settings

    Let's think out of the box - you want to stream 24/7, but also want to be mobile (but still can depend on electricity/power outlets?) ? If your configuration allows some networking gear, you might be able to hook up an additional (mini)router, which can act as "gateway" to the wifi you want to...
  23. T

    Asus RT-AC68 router OpenVPN setup

    Yea I noticed the dates as well which seemed weird. tek@RT-AC68U:/tmp/etc/openvpn/server1# cat config.ovpn # Automatically generated configuration # Tunnel options proto udp multihome port 443 dev tun21 sndbuf 0 rcvbuf 0 keepalive 15 60 daemon vpnserver1 verb 3 status-version 2 status status...
  24. W

    Some specific questions on OpenVPN setup

    SOLVED - Partially user error, partially varying degrees of DD-WRT and OpenVPN with some parts seeming to work, others don't... or I just don't know enough about it. SOLUTION: 1) Blindly following some pretty How-To guides, the server side protocol in the configuration was set to TCP. Yet the...
  25. W

    Some specific questions on OpenVPN setup

    My first shot at setting up a VPN, and feel like I have been spinning my wheels for the last day and a half- I read the VPN primer (at least half of it :)), and have googled excessively, but can't seem to get iphone to connect. I think I am close. Here is my situation: 1) I have a cable...
  26. C

    Asus RT-AC68 router OpenVPN setup

    No problem, we all were noobs :) If you have 2 windows pc's, my test is still feasible (however, in windows 10 file & printer sharing is a bit more difficult, but still doable). As long as you disable the file sharing afterwards, it is ok. Quick steps to file sharing: Step 1: open explorer Step...
  27. T

    Asus RT-AC68 router OpenVPN setup

    Thanks for the reply CC. However I am a complete networking noob. Also I do not have a NAS and having a brief read on Samba Share it seems to be a sharing network between a linux and windows machine. I only have windows pc and laptop. so I am unsure if I would be able to replicate your steps...
  28. C

    Asus RT-AC68 router OpenVPN setup

    Hi te2k, TAP are mostly used for same-segment extensions (eg having the same subnet information left side and right side) - basically for site2site VPN situations. That's the reason why mobile apps don't support TAP. My conclusion so far is that your OpenVPN server does work well (otherwise you...
  29. T

    Asus RT-AC68 router OpenVPN setup

    After several days cracking my head trying to get this to work, I have narrowed down my problem. It seems there is something with the TUN configuration my network / router / switch does not like. I just created a TAP configuration and used it on my laptop tethered to my mobile 4G network and was...
  30. N

    VPN Primer for Noobs

    What does pi stand for?