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  1. P

    Some success with a coral tpu (m.2) with CPAI and BI

    Nice! They've made decent improvements as now it appears to work. Still buggy though - not sure what model it is using really as the dashboard always says mobilenet SSD. I switched to yolov5 but all inference speeds seems to be the same for mobilenet, yolov8 and yolov5. I'd like to know how...
  2. P

    How to train a custom YOLOv5 model using CodeProject.AI Training for YoloV5 6.2 module

    If I find another model .tflite file on git how do I program cpai to use that specific custom model? I'm at the bottom of the learning curve..
  3. P

    YOLO v8 issue with Coral TPU

    So coming soon then possibly?
  4. P

    How to train a custom YOLOv5 model using CodeProject.AI Training for YoloV5 6.2 module

    Can these models be used with your coral tpu or just Nvidia gpu/cpu?
  5. P

    Some success with a coral tpu (m.2) with CPAI and BI

    very true - sometimes a compromise - a small fluffy dog or cat may be recognised as a sheep or rabbit on the small model but not at all on the medium - large model. I'm trying to understand how to use some customized models from git but do not understand how to implement and use them yet like...
  6. P

    Some success with a coral tpu (m.2) with CPAI and BI

    Some interesting results testing the tiny, small, medium and large MobileNet SSD with the same picture. The small model found far more objects that all the other models even though some were wrong!
  7. P

    Some success with a coral tpu (m.2) with CPAI and BI

    One odd observation is using the dashboard. Even if I switch model and under the info it says yolov8 or Efficientdetlite for example - the dashboard only ever gives me the option to test with mobilenet ssd. What do you observe?
  8. P

    Some success with a coral tpu (m.2) with CPAI and BI

    Just tried the yolov8 large model which takes significantly longer and it does not detect this bird clearly shown in the snapshot. I would have expected it to pick this up.. maybe contrast issues? My gpu on yolov3.1 picked up anything and everything
  9. P

    Some success with a coral tpu (m.2) with CPAI and BI

    My My son is approaching 15 and starting to get invites to the quinceneras. 15yr old latin celebrations here. Formal parties until 5am!! So us poor parents during the whole year end up either staying up all hours waiting to collect them at 430am or go to bed early and set the alarm clock. Can...
  10. P

    Some success with a coral tpu (m.2) with CPAI and BI

    Thanks but I have limited fibre each month, need to conserve it for working remotely. If I start working on anything in the cloud then it consumes my monthly GB quota and I'm close to the edge each month as it is. I try to keep everything local
  11. P

    Some success with a coral tpu (m.2) with CPAI and BI

    Are you running cpai in a container? If so what is your config to build it with 2 devices? I'm suspecting the usb was just causing issues in my case with multi mode. May well work with 2 pcie/m2 devices better Thanks
  12. P

    Some success with a coral tpu (m.2) with CPAI and BI

    Me too. I've got a couple of spare lenovos -i5 mini pcs with a usb coral and A+E. My M2 coral is used in my unraid. All depends on family commitments though. Son had a sleepover last night and wifey was with her sister looking after their Dad so had all night alone to tinker> I have found the...
  13. P

    Some success with a coral tpu (m.2) with CPAI and BI

    Adding a 2nd tpu did not work for me - the m2 and usb for example. Added the 2 devices in the device settings of the container. /dev/apex_0 and /dev/usb Kept saying libraries are missing and failing on multi mode. Even though they both work independently on single mode.
  14. P

    Some success with a coral tpu (m.2) with CPAI and BI

    I've only had to re-install the coral module when adding a 2nd tpu device on the container side or change from multi- to single on occasions. Model size I can change without issues fortunately.
  15. P

    Some success with a coral tpu (m.2) with CPAI and BI

    hardly any difference in small and medium inference speeds tbh - but big leap from medium to large. Maybe if you want accuracy over speeds then large is the way to go. I will play around with them over the coming days. Large might be better at night time. You could use AITOOL to use 1 server...
  16. P

    Some success with a coral tpu (m.2) with CPAI and BI

    Medium yolov8 - 15-20ms round trip or so Large - 235ms!! BIg difference. Not sure if it gives such a x times difference in accuracy
  17. P

    Some success with a coral tpu (m.2) with CPAI and BI

    Certainly is fast is all I can say. My old gpu was no slouch -40ms or so but at the cost of generating lots of heat in my pc $$$ (and room) I use mqtt to nodered also but mainly for some automations like lights and sprinklers(for stray cats) We should do some comparision between the small and...
  18. P

    Some success with a coral tpu (m.2) with CPAI and BI

    LOL This is where the AITool comes in very handy with this method. Filters out all the crap and you can fine tune the % to image ratio for each object. With the AI options in BI you can only specify the % confidence not min/max size. Hope that comes in the future. Is the yolo8-small more...
  19. P

    Some success with a coral tpu (m.2) with CPAI and BI

    Certainly not as accurate as yolov5 using gpu. Did not pick up a small dog during the night. So in 2 minds still as to whether pay the extra keeping my gpu running or compromising detection for savings
  20. P

    Some success with a coral tpu (m.2) with CPAI and BI

    So far so good. Removed my gpu. Switched off the Blueiris AI tick option. So all triggered jpegs go into a local folder and aitool processes them for cpai. Can finely tune each object better. Faster also. 15-19ms round trips and 8.6 inference speeds AItool flashes through them in a blink of an...
  21. P

    Blue Iris App - doesnt work unless on home wifi

    Load of options out there now. Tailscale, twingate, openvpn (asus router built in vpn if you have one also).
  22. P

    M2 mini A+E Google Coral TPU work with this nvme adaptor?

    update: Didn't realise the A+E cards fits into an M.2 wifi slot!! Had one on my unraid server with a B550 asrock board. Slotted that in and downloaded the unraid plugin for coral drivers. Piece of cake and super fast inference speeds.
  23. P

    Some success with a coral tpu (m.2) with CPAI and BI

    It's working very well in combination with the AI-Tool also which I just re-added.
  24. P

    Some success with a coral tpu (m.2) with CPAI and BI

    Tweaked a few things - medium model and unticked 'use mainstream if available' on BI Better 129 - failed 5. I'll have a look at the dat files on BI
  25. P

    Some success with a coral tpu (m.2) with CPAI and BI

    I believe those failures were due to some cams not set up properly or something, still got some days of testing, observations and tweaking to do.
  26. P

    Some success with a coral tpu (m.2) with CPAI and BI

    Tried the large MobileNet SSD and was much slower, back to medium and will test over the next few days to observe stability and accuracy. Not sure how it works on small animals yet Not pulling my gpu out just yet
  27. P

    Some success with a coral tpu (m.2) with CPAI and BI

    Thought I'd see what was new in the latest coral cpai module. Trying to reduce the consumption of my servers and having the old gtx970 (solid and fast) sucks up quite a bit running just for this 24/7 Last year I had zero success with tpu/cpai and bi combo. Last night I managed to get it...
  28. P

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.5

    I'm observing odd behaviour YOLOv5 3.1 works with my GTX970 YOLOv5 6.2 stopped working with GTX970 with the last 2 updates YOLOv8 works with my gtx970 but does not have the custom models yet as far as I see Haven't figured out why 6.2 has stopped working - only works with the cpu. Does not...
  29. P

    Poor quality of detected objects using CPAI with Coral

    I have frigate set up also in a docker container with a tpu m2 wifi now (had been using the usb but find the tiny footprint of the m2 tpu ideal and it is faster). Frigate integration with homeassistant so I can manage the switches and get alerts from telegram. mqtt integration also.. It's a good...
  30. P

    CPAI on proxmox containers? Not talking to each other

    Got it fixed! Manged to get the macvlan network working and local network IP for the alpine container with cpai joined to mesh