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  1. T

    The official "WTF" thread

    That was hard for me to watch (emotionally).
  2. T

    T180 illuminator light control using the API

    Edit: Answer in the next post. I can't find an API command to change the profile. The latest API spec I have is V2.8.4. Help!
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    T180 illuminator light control using the API

    I'll give that a shot. Thanks.
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    T180 illuminator light control using the API

    I'm trying to turn the lights on and off using the API. It either doesn't work right, or I'm missing something that I'd like to know the solution for. With the "Get" command, I receive this...
  5. T

    I think I Bricked it?

    Somebody else will know more than me. I believe the pigtail RS485 is used for controlling the PTZ functions, and the serial port you need is somewhere inside the camera case.
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    Recommendation Needed: 30x Optical Zoom

    I noticed the same thing and "assumed" that both cameras were at their maximum optical zoom, which is less than 30x in the chinese market camera. Since I'm very good at making bad assumptions, a clarification would be helpful :).
  7. T

    Recommendation Needed: 30x Optical Zoom

    The 2 cameras don't use the "same" sensor. They use different sensors that are approximately the same physical size, with one having more and smaller pixels than the other. Smaller pixel = less light to gather. When I ran a 4MP 5442 and 8MP 5842 side-by-side, I was pleasantly surprised that...
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    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Do you follow Levin? He's an even bigger narcissist than Obama, and wants the US to be a territory of Israel. I listen to him because he occasionally has a good point about something and good guests. His show is 50% commercials, 40% idolizing himself, and 10% good content.
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    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Vacant house seats in a new congress are filled by special election. Period. No appointments. Rules for vacant Senate seats vary by state. In Florida and some other states the governor appoints the replacement, followed by an election that could be a couple years off. Filling vacancies in...
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    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    I think tariffs are simple. Maybe I'll get corrected. They might be closer to a one-time VAT than a sales tax. Just a percentage tax on the value of the imported goods, paid to the federal treasury. Like so many other things they can be used for manipulation and social engineering in...
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    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Joke of the day... Sen. Chuck Schumer Warns Republicans Not to Abandon Bipartisanship When They Take Control
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    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Liberal Oregon established a "corporate activity tax" a few years ago. It simply a tax on a company's revenue, not profit. It's exactly the same as a tariff and includes USA goods, too. The libs argued that companies would not raise prices because of this tax (which turned out to be a lie...
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    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    I'm in an oregon district that just flipped to the dems. The dem that won the seat is a disgusting liberal. The one that lost was a RINO. So for the short term we've lost a 50% bad vote in the house for a 100% bad vote in the house. Short term loss but we flushed out a RINO. Long term...
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    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    ^^^^ Several House GOP members are now ACTIVELY OBSTRUCTING the TRUMP AGENDA and mandate given by the American people.. This is why having a majority of seats doesn't mean republican control. This election flushed out a lot of RINOs, but there are still enough left to subvert whatever the...
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    OK, this is driving me crazy, how do I exit draw mode????

    Another one of those once you know what to do it's easy things.
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    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Open senate seats in Florida are filled by the governor, then up for election in the next special election. Open house seats are filled only by a special election, so if Trump pulls republicans out of the house, those votes will be unavailable for a while.
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    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    But all of the networks I look at have the count between 213 and 215, with a bunch of uncalled races. There are 6 seats where the republican is ahead, some with a very small lead and the vote count under 80%, so there's plenty of time left for cheating to turn it upside-down. I see 6 uncalled...
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    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    There are still RINOs in both chambers. A bunch of them got flushed out, a bunch are still there, and let's hope Trump doesn't put any into the white house again..
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    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    "Problem solved" The only reason I won't give you a like on this is that I'm on the wrong side in Democrat hell.
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    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    How does Washington’s Top-2 Primary work? The top-two primary is a type of primary election in which all candidates are listed on the same primary ballot. The top two vote-getters, regardless of their partisan affiliations, advance to the general election. Therefore, it is possible for two...