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  1. R

    Blue Iris - Motion / Trigger Issue

    tried it briefly, looks like it was still highlighting the car as it was driving down but not as often, still triggered at about the same spot (+ or- 5ft) will give better update tomorrow when there is more traffic driving through area
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    Blue Iris - Motion / Trigger Issue

    6:55:11 blue iris starts putting the squares around item sending motion 6:55:28 blue iris is triggered and sends me alert (im trying to figure out a way to record it so you guys can see whats going on) its a car moving on the camera, i just dont understand why BI doesnt trigger it right away...
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    Changing Storage HardDrive *Upgrading Harddrive*

    Is the is correct method to do it?
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    Changing Storage HardDrive *Upgrading Harddrive*

    i was looking through the forum but cant find anything to address my concern, So i thought i would follow the instructions to change the current harddrive BI recordings are to another letter, and change the new harddrive to "C", howeveri am currently putting all recordings onto "C", and it says...
  5. R

    Is it possible to run 2 blue iris servers on 1 pc ?

    looking to run 2 blue iris server (home / office) at one location (home) currently the home server is up,is there anyway to combine the cameras and view the other server from same BI program that is open ? i tried playing around with "remote server" but couldnt figure anything out there
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    Blue Iris App - doesnt work unless on home wifi

    As an update Zero Tier now has 2 locations that can be checked (HOME / OFFICE) When office location is checked and you are in office- home will not work, office will work When office location is checked and you are out of office- home will not work, office will work When office location is...
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    Blue Iris App - doesnt work unless on home wifi

    adding some more to this incase someone runs into same issue... so i now have 2 separate blue iris machines running, home and work, and what i noticed is using Zero Tier, i am only able to enable one at a time, issue being i cannot get alerts from both (not an issue for me to swap the Zero Tier...
  8. R

    Is it possible to run a swann NVR through Blue Iris ?

    WORKED PERFECT! wow, i was trying to figure out how to do that, cant believe its that easy, thank you
  9. R

    Is it possible to run a swann NVR through Blue Iris ?

    so i added them again and seems to be holding good so far, only issue is every stream is running MAIN @ 8.3MP, 15fps, 1044kb, 5 camera are eatting up 100% Of CPU, at this point scared to add #6 lol weird because my computer seems to be running fine, but according to task manager its 100%CPU and...
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    Is it possible to run a swann NVR through Blue Iris ?

    so something weird... everything was working, i started to copy the cameras and add the other channels was working great, motion alerts were coming all of a sudden all of the cameras were stating " NO SIGNAL ", i went over to the swann app (homesafe), everything working fine, i tried VLC again...
  11. R

    Is it possible to run a swann NVR through Blue Iris ?

    WOW!! it works!! this forum is filled with amazing people man.... thank you all for the help something must have happened with an update or something, but this is awesome now just gotta test to make sure all of BI motion alerts all work, and gotta install the stand alone HD for recordings is...
  12. R

    Is it possible to run a swann NVR through Blue Iris ?

    so i was just playing around with this as i have some free time today, and looks like i got it to work through VLC, does that mean it should work via blue iris ? only question is what details to use
  13. R

    Blue Iris App - doesnt work unless on home wifi

    figured this out as i was reading other posts wanted to reiterate, as this works app works great for me (tested both with Apple & Samsung Phones) HOW TO GET BLUE IRIS TO PUSH NOTIFICATIONS ONTO PHONE OUTSIDE OF WIFI NETWORK Follow Youtube Video Below Also attached a video that has been...
  14. R

    Blue Iris App - doesnt work unless on home wifi

    having a weird issue, something changed in network or something so everything was working fine now very weird... when at home - wifi enabled - blue iris works - pushes notification and i can view cameras when at home - wifi disabled - blue iris works - pushes notification and i can view cameras...
  15. R

    Initialize New Camera

    FML... thank you, completely went over my head, i was thinking any ethernet will power my camera, thank you
  16. R

    Initialize New Camera

    Yes correct , purchased from Andy camera is plugged into ethernet port of the PC via ethernet cable (i do remember this is the way i did it last time)
  17. R

    Initialize New Camera

    I havent done this since i set up the system at home, unfortunately i did not write it down, i tried going through threads to see if anything is done different and im just at a loss i am trying to set u BI @ work, and want to verify complete set up at home and that i can make a camera work...
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    there is something else im not sure if anyone has had issue with, i just noticed it as it did not pop up on my motion alerts since the light just turns on and off, but the courtesy light will randomly come on and off through night i noticed that sometimes when i walk up with keys the light wont...
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    here is a video without night vision (extremely crappy i dont know why) also just attached the night vision video
  20. R

    blue iris motion sometimes not detecting

    can someone please explain this to me so i get home ~ 1130 last night, drive onto driveway 1 camera you can see the tracking (squares) is following me as i get out of car and start walking to door, but did not throw an alert or any notification 2nd camera thats like 20ft away from car, can see...
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    BI Recording/Video Storage time frame

    how can i reset the default place where the files are stored so i cant at least start resolving issue properly also plan was to add another new drive and then just put the BI stuff there, is there any issue with that ? i got rid of the day storage and just did 500gb for now
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    problem with BI ? or 5442 cams

    yes i tried to use the AI but i could not get it to work i was told the AI is amazing but o tried all the steps you did and couldnt get it to go
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    problem with BI ? or 5442 cams

    so this morning i go out to drop off the kids. the doorbell camera through BI throws me an alert for coming and going my 2 cameras on driveway give no alerts at all, when i play back the camera it shows the cameras tracking me with the rectangles, i dont understand why it did not throw me the...
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    dark area hard to see motion at night

    just wondering what someone would advise when i run night vision i get shit ton of false alerts cuz it sees everything when i run no night vision i cant see much. on weekend had someone jump fence and take some crap and only got like 5 alerts for walking back and forth at least 20 times
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    Cam install pics

    ahhh i understand, i thought he had just PTZ in place of 2x fixed
  26. R

    BI Recording/Video Storage time frame

    i just wanted wanted to move where recordings go because my 2nd drive is basically empty (D) 2TB sitting there, where as my main drive is getting tight due to OneDrive how would i go about moving all the recordings to "D" properly so there is no issues
  27. R

    All Alerts Today disappeared, also not alerting new ones

    got home, everything was working fine, i pulled in ,alerted my phone, walk by PC, had bunch of alerts from today 30 minutes ago go to backyard and notice phone not being alerted, walked over to PC and all alerts are gone from all days when i walk by you can see the motion rectangles following...
  28. R

    Cam install pics

    how do those PTZ's work for ya, i wondered if its better to put 2 fixed cameras on a corner, or the PTZ, but i feel like the PTZ would miss a lot
  29. R

    5442 cameras - night vision - strobing effect

    my cameras are so random, they will random strobe like the IR is getting stronger and weaker, strong and weaker, sometimes it happens on one camera, sometimes on the other, so annoying.... does anyone have this happening if so whats solution
  30. R

    blue iris missing motion

    i have the motion detecting set up (the AI does not work with BI and these cameras anymore as other people mentioned, i wasnt able to figure out how to get the AI going - 5442 cams) this morning i went outside and i have 3 cameras that would catch me, door bell camera + 2 outside cameras, i came...