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  1. R

    2021 New Product From Dahua

    would be nice toy with that functionality to play with.
  2. R

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    living in Illinois makes me hate myself. Shame on this people. First the republic no child left behind policy now we are just producing fascists.
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    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    lib fact checkers
  4. R

    At least he's not drinking and driving

    whatever blends in
  5. R

    At least he's not drinking and driving

    on his other vids you can see people noticing the camera following them.
  6. R

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Don’t forget the old days of British dividing and ruling as much as they could, at least US started war for a reason not like UK stealing from other countries.... All things aside every European should be thankful of brave Men and Women of USA for saving them from Hitler. Don’t forget the days...
  7. R

    IPC-HFW7442H-Z4 4MP review

    I have mine 20 ft high, and on the street. the pic is for reference. I do not know the code in CA, some states allow cameras to be installed on light poles for security reason, if city needs to view the footage for any reason they will have the authority to do so.
  8. R

    IPC-HFW7442H-Z4 4MP review

    yes mounted on top, i would say 90% zoomed.
  9. R

    IPC-HFW7442H-Z4 4MP review

  10. R

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    msm misspells headline
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    US Elections (& Politics) :)

  12. R

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    1: Again Britain Got the highest homelessness in world. 2: high crime rate with knife 3: if your country is that good why your British people still leaving for US. Why not enjoy the low tax rate. 4: there is not 30 day return policy. Talking about fixing our tax system when you guys have gone...
  13. R

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Blah blah blah, Shitty shitty bang bang The worst is yet to come.
  14. R

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Begging and kneeling works or maybe using our tax dollars and talking dirty to Americans who pays for their safety.
  15. R

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    question: If a person drops out of high school and gives birth to a child should that care be given free? by transferring the burden on someone else through taxing? or he or she is too dumb to have a child without being able to provide. Socialism is cause of Europe slow success. Europe is far...
  16. R

    SD8A840WA-HNF 4K 40x Starlight IR PTZ

    Got this on September 2020, decided not to use this camera, and has never been installed. Anyone interested lmk.
  17. R

    Yet another ALPR catch - Crackheads outside my house

    If they get their cut why should they.
  18. R

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Watch how jobs will go out. Raising taxes will make companies go overseas. End of story Winter is already here
  19. R

    US Elections (& Politics) :)
  20. R

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

  21. R

    Opensource Linux phone to consider buying over ios or andriod.

    Things I liked about it was me being able to shut the camera off etc physically disconnecting any power going to that part of the phone.
  22. R

    Hikvision ColorVu + 4K (DS-2CD2087G2-L)

    will be great to see reviews on hik and dahua. :)
  23. R

    Amazon truck ran over flower garden

    Give the license plate number and company name to your home insurance.
  24. R

    Amazon truck ran over flower garden

    Whomever is reasponsible for sending the individual and van to your address is an insurance policy holder and culprit. If the driver is not under the influence then yes Amazon is liable to pay for damages and mental stres.. If I may be so bold to make a suggestion. Contact you your insurance...
  25. R

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Lol this may help::: try shaking your head maybe the 1/8 lense sit back in place. Wide view is nice sometimes just so we can look out of our cocoon FOV. Just saying :)
  26. R

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    I have been registered as an independent since I have been in USA. The person who put america first gets my vote END of STORY.
  27. R

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Both parties are fucking up Americans hard in a$$, the rinos and socialists can go fk themselves.
  28. R

    LPR failed

    Very good, I am using the nvr firmware. I have openalpr but wanted to use the camera firmware and push for max quality with the setting to get clear image so openalpr have easy time reading the plate.
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    LPR failed

    The day time is very good, I am pushing on max use of the camera @ night.
  30. R

    LPR failed

    As in the video I am talking about the white Honda. Failed to capture license plate.