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  1. MrSurly

    Professional Taxi Driver my ass.

    Get into, start up and move a parked car.
  2. MrSurly

    So I roughly have installed a 5442 6mm birdhouse camera on lamp post 50' from my front door....with tire slashing incursion discussion

    I sure hope they will do something. It would seem that without video of the actual vandalism that they'll not be able to do much. i mean, today's video places her squarely at the time/place, but not doing anything. We've got to hope that the overall pattern and history and your video evidence...
  3. MrSurly

    A Couple Of Truck Captures

    Ah, expendable human cargo straps. You can bet that someone said those famous words "at ain't goin' no whar" when the subject of tying it down was mentioned. The red truck appears to be doing a 'burn out' just roasting a tire purely by choice. He's clearly burning up a tire that someone ELSE...
  4. MrSurly

    Professional Taxi Driver my ass.

    Might have simply been caused by the ice?
  5. MrSurly

    So I roughly have installed a 5442 6mm birdhouse camera on lamp post 50' from my front door....with tire slashing incursion discussion

    Is that the camera that recorded this video? Because she is Squarely looking at THIS camera and looking at it from a couple of angles. MAYBE she doesn't see the camera, but she at least suspects one in this spot. If the cam that recorded this is NOT the secret CIA cam, then what did the Secret...
  6. MrSurly

    So I roughly have installed a 5442 6mm birdhouse camera on lamp post 50' from my front door....with tire slashing incursion discussion

    I know why.... because your neighbor doesn't have cameras. She is clearly looking squarely at your new cam placement, checking it out. Among the things I don't quite understand; Did she slash your neighbor's tires? Do you have multiple other views? Did your siren go off? (Not that it should in...
  7. MrSurly

    Deer alert, dog dispatched

    Now, that's cool. I can foresee your next innovation will be the automatic operation of the doggy door, based on the deer detection system. way cool
  8. MrSurly

    How to Implement Dual Purples?

    Yes. Add a folder, name it new or name it whatever to aux 2 and you’ll see it appear as a drop down option
  9. MrSurly

    Added second Storage drive

    Take a look here, learn with me(!)
  10. MrSurly

    Monoprice TVI IR PTZ looks suspiciously like a Hikvision...

    Well, technically.... we can still buy new floppy discs. What I’m hoping will come along is some new whiz-bang replacement of traditional WiFi. Something Uber-fast AND inherently more secure. Something as radical as the change from analog crystal transceivers to digital-spread-spectrum radios in...
  11. MrSurly

    Monoprice TVI IR PTZ looks suspiciously like a Hikvision...

    This called “Necro-threading”, btw. It is a bit glaring how different the tech is a mere three years on. Still using TVI? Still running RG6 CATV cabling? This weekend I’m remodeling and while at it, actively Discarding/removing Coax that was previously installed for CATV/Dish/Direct and now ALL...
  12. MrSurly

    Morning Neighborhood Car Thieves

    Now, there’s another new debate technique! Oh well. Door checkers absolutely make livid. I recall being at a hotel in CA and at 2:30AM there were five or six men on bicycles checking every door handle in the parking lot. I had to leave at this time every day and everyday they were circulating...
  13. MrSurly

    Morning Neighborhood Car Thieves

    Are you serious? You’re equating forgetting to lock the car door with LEAVING THE KIDS IN THE CAR OVERNIGHT??? I sure as heck hope you’ll actually discover real debate technique rather than sophistry. Do you lock your car door EVERY SINGLE TIME you step away? You stop by the house, but you are...
  14. MrSurly

    Morning Neighborhood Car Thieves

    You.... don’t understand being forgetful? Must be awesome to never forget anything.
  15. MrSurly

    It’s hard to tell the difference between a Ford and a trash can

    That’s funny, that right there.
  16. MrSurly

    Resetting Ipc hfw1831ep

    No evidence of any moisture intrusion in the connectors. No staining, no corrosion or discoloration. When assembled, the connections are all secured at the top of the box. As a side note: the upper white portion of the cam is plastic and will snap off...alas, nothing there.
  17. MrSurly

    Resetting Ipc hfw1831ep

    Anyone? Is there another method or a process to try to verify the silly thing is truly and fairly dead?
  18. MrSurly

    Resetting Ipc hfw1831ep

    I asked this previously months back and was told the button was behind the front cover. I did not actually need to test that at the time, but now, I do. One of my 13 cams has stopped working (no signal) so, I need to try to reset before giving up and seeking out Andy and warranty...