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  1. Tinman

    5.9.8 - September 18, 2024 PTZ auto tracking beta - Direct PTZ positioning

    Note: If you are running BI as a service, the new click and drag won't draw the red or blue rectangle like in UI3. This will be fixed soon in
  2. Tinman

    Poop Tosser

    She's obviously a Harris voter.
  3. Tinman

    5.9.6 - August 23, 2024 - Client encoding sharing

    Well, is very close now, but that version has a bug in it, so I am back to which isn't close at all. The bug is when you use the "ON ALERT" feature and in my case, I was having a ptz cam go to a certain preset. BI would rename it to preset1 and to whatever location it was in. As...
  4. Tinman

    5.9.6 - August 23, 2024 - Client encoding sharing

    I'm seeing that I still need to run 2.0 on my cpu scale factor to get it close to what BI is reporting. But it does seem better than before.
  5. Tinman

    Joystick for PTZ control...anybody installed one?

    Well, I'm not going to say easier, but these do control it better than using mouse. I have had mine well over a year now and am comfortable with running it and switching between cams. The setting up and configuring DOES take some reading and time AND you must log in every time the Keyboard...
  6. Tinman

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.5

    They changed the dl file as now I am no longer getting the virus warning. I did the install and like you said the first attempt would not start service. I then went in the "C:\Program Files\CodeProject\AI\setup.bat" and it downloaded a update and finished. I then started the CPAI setup file...
  7. Tinman

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.5

    So has anyone else here tried to download CPAI 2.8.0 pre-release for Windows and get a virus warning using W11 Defender? I always like to hear someone else has tried it first :)
  8. Tinman

    Blue Iris not retaining IP address after power loss

    I had a issue like this last year, might be this as well:
  9. Tinman

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.5

    I also was having the issue with it not saving or starting after reboot. Mine was caused by this file missing: "C:\ProgramData\CodeProject\AI\modulesettings.json" I got a copy of the file from my brother who was using a earlier version on the but I just edited it and mine works...
  10. Tinman

    Looking for a special camera mount ? Corner mount

    Sorry, but I am over the hill now and retired and no longer fabricate these. Andy sells something like this on his website.
  11. Tinman

    Fox Eats Stella's Cat Food -- 07-22-24

    Didn't leave much left for your cat!
  12. Tinman

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.5

    Thanks for this info. I tried the P5 (810,810) and it helped a lot, but then tried P3 (1620,1620) and its really working great now.
  13. Tinman

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.5

    For some reason every time I edit the C:\Program Files\CodeProject\AI\modules\ObjectDetectionYOLOv5Net\modulesettings.json file to "True" Upon restart CPAI shows that the module is no longer installed? Am I editing the wrong file? Update: I found that this file was missing from...
  14. Tinman

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.5

    Is there a way to tell exactly what cam was triggered or sent in each line of the log ? Just wondering how to tweak some settings on slower response times but wasn't sure which cam to change some setting on in BI. I have been trying to go by the time, but it can be very tedious and not sure...
  15. Tinman Triggers Webroot Malware Alert for NGROK.EXE

    In the help file:
  16. Tinman Triggers Webroot Malware Alert for NGROK.EXE

    I had issues with that on and it lost all my alerts. Fortunately, I was planning on doing a complete wipe on my clip drives anyway. So, I formatted my clip drives and deleted the DB and started over fresh on, but when I updated to it wanted to do a DB rebuild again...
  17. Tinman

    CodeProject AI/Coral - Thinks my mailbox is a person

    Also note: In order to configure the "Static object analysis" I have found you must check the box and THEN click OK. Then go back in and select the Configure button. Then you should see the current camera view and be able to use the "Analyze now" button.
  18. Tinman

    Win 11 (pro) install WITHOUT using an online MSFT account...

    I just use Rufus and it will take care of all that for you when you build the install thumb drive.
  19. Tinman

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    My Granddaughter was so excited to give me these for Father's Day early...will have some fun with these :lol:
  20. Tinman

    Could BlueIris 6.0 be around the corner?

    I am hoping to see the audio AI to be functional soon. I have a use for this and CPAI works great at identifying my sound.
  21. Tinman

    Having an issue with

    No I don't have any idea :)
  22. Tinman

    Having an issue with

    UPDATE: Ken has found the bug. Something to do with the audio processing on camera startup, it appears to have fixed mine as I now no longer show a yellow triangle that appeared for just sec as well.
  23. Tinman

    Having an issue with

    Ok, look at the clock on these 2 clips. This is just after the BI has been up for 22hrs. After 3 days it get really bad. I'll be sending clips to Ken as well. Fresh restart of service and 22 hrs later.
  24. Tinman

    Having an issue with

    Do report it as here is my response from Ken: Thanks no other reports of this yet. Could it be a memory issue? What do you see in the windows task manager for memory usage over time? Double checked all security software exemptions. None these apply and of course I am still going to pursue...
  25. Tinman

    Having an issue with

    Actually, this issue seems to have showed up on 5.9.x.x and on. I have this issue on 2 other systems and have reported it to support. The issue is when you click ANY camera's settings and then click ok, it takes longer than usual to restart and the clock will hang over 20-25 seconds or longer on...
  26. Tinman

    CPAI 2.62 seems to be really good :)

    I did try that awhile back and I get better results by using cpu mode. My only GPU is the i7-6700k built in Intel HD Graphics 530.
  27. Tinman

    CPAI 2.62 seems to be really good :)

    Been running for little over a month now and in my case, I use CPU mode only on Yolov5.Net using IPCAM custom models. It has been rock solid and with over a 1/4 of a million images processed! Big thank you to the CPAI team !
  28. Tinman

    Clip: Disk can't keep up

    Does your database status screen show any issues? Here are mine to compare:
  29. Tinman

    Clip: Disk can't keep up

    He just said it would be fixed in the next update, and it did indeed fix mine. I did nothing on my end. Mine was an older Dahua cam: