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  1. Tinman

    EmpireTech latest New firmware, Device Guide video, Manual WEB5.0

    Look at the Hot selling models PDF Andy has here: those links work for me.
  2. Tinman

    Short review of Dahua NBK1000 Keyboard from EmpireTech

    Picked one of these up from Andy. I always wanted a joystick to control my PTZ cameras. A few years ago, I tried to use a Windows gaming joystick through BlueIris, but it just had to much lag and worked like crap. This NBK1000 connects directly to your PTZ through your network. In my case, I use...
  3. Tinman


    You already asked this:
  4. Tinman

    Review: Dahua 8MP / 4K 25x Starlight IR PTZ - PTZ5A4K-25X / SD5A825GA-HNR

    I also found a little quirk in the SD5A425GA-HNR system reboot process with Blue Iris. I have the camera configured to do a system reboot once a week but, after the reboot Blue Iris thinks the camera's IP is the default and then of course it never comes back In Blue Iris. The camera...
  5. Tinman

    Strange loss of Code Project AI custom models

    I would run BI (latest) and CPAI 2.1.9 (latest). They both have addressed timing issues and I have run 2.1.9 for a couple months now with zero issues. CPU mode using Yolov5.NET
  6. Tinman

    Had the Dahua PTZ SD59230U-HNI previously failed on me some years later. looking to replace it with Dahua PTZ SD59430I-HC-S2 Just click start a conversation.
  7. Tinman

    Had the Dahua PTZ SD59230U-HNI previously failed on me some years later. looking to replace it with Dahua PTZ SD59430I-HC-S2

    I buy directly from Andy, but I would send him a message and ask. I believe he said they would be in Amazon warehouse this week for sale.
  8. Tinman

    Had the Dahua PTZ SD59230U-HNI previously failed on me some years later. looking to replace it with Dahua PTZ SD59430I-HC-S2

    Here is sale details: Depends on your budget. I have the model I listed above and really like it. Looks like $710 plus you get a free lottery ticket.
  9. Tinman

    Had the Dahua PTZ SD59230U-HNI previously failed on me some years later. looking to replace it with Dahua PTZ SD59430I-HC-S2

    You do realize that is not an IP camera. Wait for Andy's sale on this model: : EmpireTech Ultra Smart 4MP 1/1.8" CMOS Starlight 25x Optical Zoom POE+ IP PTZ Camera Support Auto Tracking 3.0 and IVS,SMD 4.0,IP67, IK10 : Electronics
  10. Tinman

    Evaluation Watermark out of nowhere

    I am thinking that if you DO NOT have a current maintenance plan then your only option is too de-activate and then activate using your license key. I have done this many times when swapping out machines, so it won't hurt anything to try. Now if you DO HAVE a current maintenance plan, then you...
  11. Tinman website down (2023.07.07)

    I use my old BI 3 as a backup LOL I never have had to yet, but its ready to go.
  12. Tinman website down (2023.07.07)

    Just tried mine. It went right in and gave me my last order details.
  13. Tinman

    Slow DB access message, what to do?

    That seems like a LOT of files for that amount of storage. Try making your cam clips to 1 hour.
  14. Tinman


    Not sure on that, here are my settings I use and things you must do for it to work good in BI.
  15. Tinman

    For those who forgot or misplaced their BI key (solution)

    If you can't find your license code you can always install this: GitHub - bp2008/biupdatehelper: A Windows service which helps manage Blue Iris updates It will find your key from the BI registry, provided you are not installing from scratch on a clean system of course.
  16. Tinman website down (2023.07.07)

    I did not see this on my 2 family members machines. I simply re-entered their code for the maintenance plan. The software did NOT go out of service mode the entire time. BTW, you can run BI in service mode while in demo mode.
  17. Tinman


    You must use SmartPSS and then you can configure the doorbell.
  18. Tinman


    Did you format the SD card (using the storage manager in DMSS) ? It should show capacity and free space if it formatted correctly.
  19. Tinman

    Blue iris evaluation version

    Did you try the solution ?
  20. Tinman website down (2023.07.07)

    I always run a utility that backs up the entire BI registry for things like this and since I test new releases. It has been a VERY useful tool :)
  21. Tinman website down (2023.07.07)

    3 of my family's BI installs all went to Eval mode, but mine stayed intact ?? Must just be a timing thing maybe ? All are connected to Internet at all times.
  22. Tinman

    Review: Dahua 8MP / 4K 25x Starlight IR PTZ - PTZ5A4K-25X / SD5A825GA-HNR

    Do you feel this is also present in the SD5A425GA-HNR? I will attach another tracking example here for you to see. I do see some blocking in grass, but I guess I can accept that, the subject seems to remain good. This is a customer that knows I see everyone before they ring my doorbell :)...
  23. Tinman

    PTZ question for any of the newer Dahua auto tracking models.

    Have you ever disassembled the camera and clean the lens on the inside? My old SD49225 required this once and it made a big difference. When I swapped it out for my new SD5A425GA-HNR I took SD49225 apart and cleaned it again before giving it to my daughter. It's still going strong :)
  24. Tinman

    PTZ question for any of the newer Dahua auto tracking models.

    No I did not know that...but I do now ! Thanks :)
  25. Tinman

    More sidewalk action :)

    She actually went down in my yard, but it was in the shadow of my tree. Might have to go back to IR mode on my other cam to get better lighting there :) The night people know not to use my front sidewalk now as the outdoor floods will come on.
  26. Tinman

    PTZ question for any of the newer Dahua auto tracking models.

    Sure can, all that part works great. It is mostly just using the arrow keys that is a little sluggish. I have on order from Andy a NKB1000 and hope this works great for me. I will post a review when it shows up. Here is your example:
  27. Tinman

    When new Dahua cameras only support IE in 2023, should we look elsewhere?

    Why Andy and Dahua always recommend you do firmware updates using the latest config tool and NOT IE or any browser as it may crash.
  28. Tinman

    When new Dahua cameras only support IE in 2023, should we look elsewhere?

    I only have a few Dahua cams that still require IE and plugin. In Edge I use the IE Tab extension and it works pretty well, but you still need plugin.
  29. Tinman

    BI bug

    Just noticed this update screws up my schedules. Go back to and its back to normal. I sent support a note. Before update: After update: UPDATE fixed this issue
  30. Tinman

    Review-SD4A425DB-HNY 1/2.8" CMOS 4MP 25x Starlight Auto-tracking MiniPTZ

    I would try one of these: