Blue iris evaluation version


Getting the hang of it
Mar 3, 2021
I am currently running BI (06/28/2023). Renewed my yearly support plan back in February. Now all of a sudden I see "Blue Iris Evaluation Version" on all cameras and it says my subscription expired on 02/02/23. I see some older post about this from back in 2019. Has anyone else had this problem?
I highly recommend the search's the magnifying glass at upper right.:cool:
These are all since Friday, 7/7/23.

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I am currently running BI (06/28/2023). Renewed my yearly support plan back in February. Now all of a sudden I see "Blue Iris Evaluation Version" on all cameras and it says my subscription expired on 02/02/23. I see some older post about this from back in 2019. Has anyone else had this problem?
I also added a yearly support plan in February. And my BI server switched to Evaluation mode last night. I just needed to re-enter that code I got in February, and BI was out of Evaluation mode.
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I’m having the same issue with the key being expired… it’s fairly fortuitous… as for the past week, I’ve been migrating my system to Frigate. I’ve been a 15 or 20 year Blueiris user. I just have to tell anyone that’s been using Blue Iris for a long time, setting up zones, setting up masks, trying to figure out the transition from Deepstack to CodeProject, etc. Frigate with Home Assistant integration is like, night and day improved over Blue Iris. It truly is a pain to set up Frigate to run the software! However, once you set it up with a coral TPU (now on Amazon), there are no masks, no issues, it just works 100% for human detection. The 24/7 recording now even works fine too.

consider this outage a great time to give it a shot.

I also wanted to thank this site! It’s been a blessing over the years to help set up Blue Iris.
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Got bitten by this and never checked the forums. Unregistered my license key in the process of troubleshooting it and not sure how I'm going to recover it now. Good times.
Did you try the solution ?

View attachment 167423

As I mentioned I cannot find my original license key, I purchased the software quite some time ago and while I am usually pretty diligent about keeping these things I am not able to locate it. I've emailed support and will just wait on them to help me out hopefully later this week or next.

I have my extended maintenance key but that's not going to help me get the software re-licensed.

I was able to locate my BI5 key and do an offline activation so I am finally re-activated.

However, I was not able to do offline activation of my maintenance extension, so I guess I'll have to sit tight until they get their server recovered. Hopefully they had a good backup strategy in place for all of their customer data.

I was able to locate my BI5 key and do an offline activation so I am finally re-activated.

However, I was not able to do offline activation of my maintenance extension, so I guess I'll have to sit tight until they get their server recovered. Hopefully they had a good backup strategy in place for all of their customer data.
I did an online activation of the main key and maintenance key successfully luckily.
Seems to be hit and miss for most.
Odd thing is I lost my group settings but nothing else.
No idea why it would do that without any changes
I did an online activation of the main key and maintenance key successfully luckily.
Seems to be hit and miss for most.
Odd thing is I lost my group settings but nothing else.
No idea why it would do that without any changes

Well, They will likely be dealing with angry customers for months over this and possibly lose business over it.

Whatever melted, they probably won't make the same mistake twice.
Blueiris needs to do more than just restore service. There needs to be a re-architecture so that paying customers are not one failed server crash away from their entire system not working. This type of failure should fail gracefully. Most of us have licenses that are good for the entire Perpetual use of the program at the current version. So to have an outage totally remove the ability of anything to function is wholly unacceptable.
Blueiris needs to do more than just restore service. There needs to be a re-architecture so that paying customers are not one failed server crash away from their entire system not working. This type of failure should fail gracefully. Most of us have licenses that are good for the entire Perpetual use of the program at the current version. So to have an outage totally remove the ability of anything to function is wholly unacceptable.

Yes, agreed. Cloud hosting of servers is cheap, and redundancy in servers is almost always an option as well. If data/server are properly backed up then restore at most is a matter of hours not days.
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I looked it up, my first use was is 2007. Is that not believable for some reason?
I just didn't know how old BI is, that's all.....:cool:
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Hopefully there were, in fact, lessons learned here, not only by Perspective Software but by the users of Blue Iris!

How many of you have bank accounts, credit cards or organization/institution memberships and have no records, no idea of your account numbers and/or password? I doubt very few, if any, of you. So why would you not keep a record of your license number / activation key for a product you paid for? Especially when we all agree how important it is having our surveillance server(s) up and running uninterrupted, 24/7/365?

I understand one would not think such a situation would occur but as they say, "shit happens" as we all know. I hate reviewing every little charge, every little line on 3 credit card, 4 bank account statements and 4 gas, water, electricity, sewer/garbage bills every month but having found mistakes and fraudulent charges before I don't trust them to be infallible.

All 5 if my BI installs ran without incident during this process because they are not allowed to update automatically. That recommendation has been mentioned countless times, over and over ad nauseam in this forum and apparently many of you failed to read that or if you did, you did not feel it was important or you just plain ignored it.

If any of my installs required a license key I have them all at hand, as it is so very BI's "Settings" => "About" tab, just click on the "Email support" button at the lower right and it's copied to your clipboard so you can paste it into Notepad, Word, etc. and save to a place where you can easily find it if needed.

Don't misunderstand me here.....I would agree that Perspective may have dropped the ball here and I'm pretty sure some good will come of it on their part. I know I learned something from it......I put of copy of my keys and codes on a flash drive!
Hopefully there were, in fact, lessons learned here, not only by Perspective Software but by the users of Blue Iris!

How many of you have bank accounts, credit cards or organization/institution memberships and have no records, no idea of your account numbers and/or password? I doubt very few, if any, of you. So why would you not keep a record of your license number / activation key for a product you paid for? Especially when we all agree how important it is having our surveillance server(s) up and running uninterrupted, 24/7/365?

I understand one would not think such a situation would occur but as they say, "shit happens" as we all know. I hate reviewing every little charge, every little line on 3 credit card, 4 bank account statements and 4 gas, water, electricity, sewer/garbage bills every month but having found mistakes and fraudulent charges before I don't trust them to be infallible.

All 5 if my BI installs ran without incident during this process because they are not allowed to update automatically. That recommendation has been mentioned countless times, over and over ad nauseam in this forum and apparently many of you failed to read that or if you did, you did not feel it was important or you just plain ignored it.

If any of my installs required a license key I have them all at hand, as it is so very BI's "Settings" => "About" tab, just click on the "Email support" button at the lower right and it's copied to your clipboard so you can paste it into Notepad, Word, etc. and save to a place where you can easily find it if needed.

Don't misunderstand me here.....I would agree that Perspective may have dropped the ball here and I'm pretty sure some good will come of it on their part. I know I learned something from it......I put of copy of my keys and codes on a flash drive!

I think you might misunderstand the problem. It has been reported that the problem occurred when BI instances were unsuccessful in phoning home and re-confirming activation after BI server crashed. This put the product into eval mode.

If this is in fact the problem then having your license key handy is not a resolution as if BI ever goes offline for an extended time, goes out of biz at some point, etc., potentially the software will become worthless.

This is the reality of all this pay as you go, "temporary license" garbage that has taken over the software industry.
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FYI, they appear to be back up as my product automatically shows my maintenance extension that is good through next summer.