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  1. T

    VCSEL IR Laser 850nm illuminator for long distance spot IR 250+ ft

    I like your tinkering and DIY. Is there any red glow as in leds or is it clean 850nm ? The IR lasers that I have emits radiation in about 90 degrees of what you show, not up from the substrate but alongside the substrate. And good with laser as is much more powerful an more narrow by default...
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    Howdy folks

    Welcome ! it just to start, get a decent pc ( look in the wiki for good processors) and buy some cameras from Andy. And then you are hooked, to tinker and get even better view and lower the CPU load, in iterations.... Brgds TheSwede
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    Lets talk next level PTZ's with Laser IR

    Amazing spot, but still no feedback (if i havens missed it)... If you are in the strong spotlight looking into the camera is there any visible red ??? if not, amazing camera! if there is you know you are spotted and maybe a warning.
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    Lets talk next level PTZ's with Laser IR

    It looks amazing ! Lets hope that the laser dont have the red glare that LEDs have due to broader spectrum. Or else it will be a strong spotlight :-( that really shows what its pointing at. Brgds TheSwede
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    Lets talk next level PTZ's with Laser IR

    This is 850nm ? isnt it ..? How is laser 850 compared to LED 850nm ? still some red flare ? How looks Laser 850nm at a distance of say 100m, still very visible ? Brgds The Swede
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    Wansview W6 disassembly, finding serial console & a question ...

    Funny Nick with a dead CAM Anyway, welcome here ! TheSwede
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    Hello! New swedish member here :-)

    Nice , He didnt esakape and blend the wild one`s then, that could be à monster wild one well, we keep in touch, keep safe. /TheSwede
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    Hello! New swedish member here :-)

    Yes, English now... Ok, to bad about the sheep, the lynx is beutiful but hungry. I have a wildboar hanging in the garage right now that I shoot with a Pulsar nightsight and 940nm. I had to modify the lamp with a screen/tube to get rid of the local glare but now its nice. Yes the 940 is less...
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    Hello! New swedish member here :-)

    Ja det här är ju kul.. Optik, elektronik, POE, nätverk, vpn, brandväggar,Mac Gyver style.... Senaste bygget var en nattkamera för jakt, att spana med så man inte behöver vifta med bössan hela tiden. Har en känsligare kamera på väg från Kina som har bättre optik och känsligare för 940nm.
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    Hello! New swedish member here :-)

    Seems that more shows up here Bitten by the Cam-bug ! We can change to Swedish now for a while. Ja det blir nog fler när man söker på Sweden. Jag bor i Sthlm och har hållit på med med det här en stund så man börjar väl få kläm på't Pma om ni vill dryfta nåt eller hjälp på svenska. /TheSwede
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    SD29204UE-GN alternative - PTZ outdoor wideangle

    I have one oudoors under the soffit, works after 2.5 years. We have the same weather as Poland, rain and cold :-)
  12. T

    splitting 1 Ethernet cable to 2 cameras

    I have some black ALIExpress versions without any protection box mounted under the soffit and it works great after two years.. No waterrpoblems or bugs or dirt. Flashing the leds nicely at night. Might be a bigger problem in hot countries.
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    Hello! New swedish member here :-)

    Welcome ! Now we are about 4 crasy Swedes here ;-) Brgds TheSwede
  14. T

    Cant get Zoom to work in BI on older PTZ

    If you don't succeed with that, try HTTPSpy . Run that program on the same computer you are controlling the camera via webinterface, that is working. Then you can monitor the commands sent to the camera and modify the commands in BlueIris. The drawback is that you need to manually put in all...
  15. T

    Can a old router be used as a repeater/range extender

    Much better way to go.. Instead of installing 220/110V to the places for the cameras, maybe needing a electrician. Buy a POE switch, buy some POE to 5v adapters. Draw CAT5 cables yourself and connect the cameras to the cables via the adapter. And then you have the infrastructure ready for...
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    Can a old router be used as a repeater/range extender

    Dont ! As said before. The DCS-932 uses 2,4 ghz and they will stream continous. It is only 3 practically usable channels on 2,4.... and 2.4 will travel long- more disturbance from neighbours If you have more cameras on the same router/accesspoint (as you do) the channel will be crowded. If...
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    Blue cave vs ac68u

    Buy AC86, not 68 !!!!!!! It's the same but MUCH better CPU for VPN performace. AC86/AC2900 have some diffrent namnes, but its red stripes on the good one. TheSwede
  18. T

    Why Use a Router ?

    Before you ev. buy a new router to get VPN possibilities, check that you have a public IP adress and not a CGNat'ed , CarrierGradeNat. You check with "" and log in to your router and check that the outside IP is the same as Whatsmyip... If not you will never be able to VPN home.
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    Why Use a Router ?

    Pls, observe that the -86 has MUCH better processor for VPN speed. -68 gives about 30Mb and the -86 gives 150-200Mb VPN speed. I use -86 with Merlin and it works fine. Brgds TheSwede
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    Dakang Camera

    4x whitelight light led ???? P2P.... on a LPR... Avoid!
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    Simple Dahua bullet cam 50mm vari-focal mod longe range zoom

    Not Dahua, but a good start for DIY. I'v tried these with good result, very good nightvision, very sensitive. Good seller with a LOT of different choices lens/gang/housing/POE but you must know what you want. You could chose lens, M12 or CS mount, POE or not. They have a good manual lens 5-100mm...
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    Stuck with DLink cameras and they are expensive

    Test B I and you will se all the possibilities, You can do that on the same pc and the same cam at the same time. Download B I , start it, push the + sign at top right to add camera, give the ip adresss and credentials, "Find / Inspect", change receive buffer size to 20Mb, disable "overlays"...
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    Stuck with DLink cameras and they are expensive

    You asked about what was missing in Dlink-NVR. UPDATED VERSIONS, mostly updates was just added more camera models. Only Dlink cameras, not generic ONVIF standard cameras. It is possible to change sensitivity of motion detect, but not: Contrast, zone crossing, zone a>b, b<a, ability to detect a...
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    Stuck with DLink cameras and they are expensive

    Hi ! I'v done the same as You, started with Dlink cameras and the Dlink software. Which IS working but not so many tweaking possibilities. I moved on to BlueIris and had some struggle in the beginning, but that sorts out after a while. Read this forum and the Wiki in the top menu Reused the...
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    Chicken with a tail or mouse with only two legs.

    Yes, a kangaroo is the most similar !
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    Chicken with a tail or mouse with only two legs.

    Yes it might be there the legs are, it is peanut butter in all the traps and also a electric Victor in the background. Guess it would be better to have the butter in some sort of cage so the don't just lick it off. I was up there there just two days ago, that's why I have multiple traps to be...
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    What is normal cpu usage?

    Ok, good that it was resolved and thanks for update !
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    Chicken with a tail or mouse with only two legs.

    From my cottage/country house where we have some mice in the boiler room. He didn't triggered the trap as he didn't use the front legs, but at last he did so he has no problems any longer. Brgds TheSwede
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    Why is my night time picture like this?

    Hi, Its IR reflection. If you turn the loundryhanger the white will move. Test. Brgds TheSwede
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    Spyhole Camera

    It is available at Aliexpress. Dlong asia something is the store. They have small box cameras and you select what type of lens you want and if poe. Brgds TheSwede