Search results

  1. D

    Intel J5005 capable of 8x 1080p cameras?

    That's a 120W continuous. That is a bit too much for me.
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    Post your BlueIris PC setup with power consumption

    True, there are many posts, but wouldn't it be nice if we could somehow group it instead of the information being scattered over multiple threads ?
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    Intel J5005 capable of 8x 1080p cameras?

    0.12 kwh per day or per hour? :-)
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    Using Raspberry Pi B+ / Raspbian to view Blue Iris UI3!

    I highly advice using a read only FS together with overlayfs. This will prevent your SD card fron going corrupt in case of power failure or excessive writes
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    Post your BlueIris PC setup with power consumption

    Hi, I want to start this thread so people can share their PC setup en power consumption figures (excluding cams en switches). Might be usefull if you're in the market for a new (power efficient) setup, like me :-) My current i5-3330 setup (Asrock P67 Pro3 + SSD & 6 TB HDD) is using 57W with on...
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    Script to Detect Colour, Make and Model of Car and People from IP Camera (Updated July 2019)

    Could you put the script on GitHub so I can contribute ? I used AWS Rekognition in the past. Because I live next to a busy road, it would always find cars in the image. I've created a transparant image (frontdoor_mask.png), that I overlay on top of the image snapshot. This way it doesn't detect...
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    PC NVR Power Consumption Sample

    Thanks for sharing @fenderman ! I'm in the market for replacing my I5 3330 setup which draws ~65W (5 cams, 12 fps, 3&4 MP) with one remote monitor displaying UI3. It's running at 50% load. I wish more people shared their power consumptions.
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    Blue Iris 4 to 5 Migration Guide

    I had no UI3 at all in the www folder, had to grab the version from github
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    Looking for integrated home security options.

    I have a dedicated alarm panel, and the status is communicated using dry contacts which are read by a raspberry pi (could also be a 5$ ESP device). HomeSeer reads the status and updates the BlueIris state. I am moving away from HomeSeer and switching to HomeAssistant though. Already have the...
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    Homeassistant sensor, Bash-script with curl and json

    Since you are using HomeAssistant anyways, I'd switch to MQTT
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    Blue Iris version 5

    Well it's quite easy to be honest. I have a Hue hub, HomeAssistant and BlueIris. Using this custom component you can trigger automations in Home Assistant when motion is detected. If that happend, my actions is to capture a snapshot with a simple http get. I'll post the automation when I'm back...
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    Blue Iris version 5

    You can get motion sensors cheaper if they are not smart and work on mains power. However, I do not have power (only POE) at that particular location. I bought 2x of them at a discount at 35 euro/piece. Futhermore, it 1.5 meters away from my camera, because it would give to many triggers due to...
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    remote device triggers

    Personally I used HomeSeer (now HomeAssistant) to trigger relais or lights based on BlueIris motion detection. It allows for a more flexible setup and easier integration.
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    Blue Iris version 5

    I just integrated the Hue outdoor motion sensors on my install. 50 euro per piece, attached to Home Assistant. If HA detects motion, it triggers a recording. I've spent lots of hours on finetuning zone crossing and other settings, but I could not get the false positives to an acceptable level...
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    Dell optiplex 9020

    What is your current power consumption ?
  16. D

    Dell optiplex 9020

    Looking to purchase the same system. How many cams do you have, and what is the power consumption of your PC ?
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    IR illuminator in standard flood bulb form - LIFX+

    Anyone uses this? In combiniation with hikvision cams (i believe those are 850nm ?)
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    4.8.5 - BIG NEWS No movement trigger and New AI integration/update

    Lets see how it plays out. I was very pleased to read this, untill i saw it uses email for sending the pics. Makes you dependent on 2 services: email and sentry. Might go the amazon route then, they have an API
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    How come my zone crossing doesn't trigger when a vehicle crosses?

    Obviously i was experimenting already...
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    How come my zone crossing doesn't trigger when a vehicle crosses?

    @Dasstrum can you comment on the above ?
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    How come my zone crossing doesn't trigger when a vehicle crosses?

    How do you detect a car is parked ? Swich profile ? Or just create 4 zones, and have it trigger from A>B (road to driveway) and C>D (driveway to road)
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    How come my zone crossing doesn't trigger when a vehicle crosses?

    I hit the like button ... But that would not indicate how much I appreciate your effort. So .... THANKS !!!!! But how would you fix it in this particular situation ?
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    How come my zone crossing doesn't trigger when a vehicle crosses?

    Oh, ok. So it really needs to exit zone A for the trigger ? It's not enough if it crosses zone B while still within A ?
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    How come my zone crossing doesn't trigger when a vehicle crosses?

    But that would make it sensitive to light changes due to cloud formations. This is a problem for me, because my driveway entry is from the south ...
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    How come my zone crossing doesn't trigger when a vehicle crosses?

    I have the exact same thing ... Reversing from our driveway always triggers the motion, but driving in from the road doesn't. Yet my trigger is defined as A-B
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    Post a camera still to a URL?

    I will recreate the script once i have time ;-)
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    Post a camera still to a URL?

    How about triggering an alert (run a batch file) and have that bat file download the image from BI. That's how I did it in the past (the script got lost in a disk crash though ...)
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    Post a camera still to a URL?

    Don't know if it can upload directly to an ftp server, but you could fire a python script from a trigger and have that upload it ...
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    Gaps in continuous recording

    Internal drive, not having power problems ...
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    Gaps in continuous recording

    Hi, When looking at the timeline this morning, I noticed that there are a few gaps while continuous recording is enabled for all profiles. Anybody know how to debug this ? Thx ! Deva