Post your BlueIris PC setup with power consumption


Getting the hang of it
May 22, 2015

I want to start this thread so people can share their PC setup en power consumption figures (excluding cams en switches). Might be usefull if you're in the market for a new (power efficient) setup, like me :-)

My current i5-3330 setup (Asrock P67 Pro3 + SSD & 6 TB HDD) is using 57W with on avg 55% load.

Looking forward to your figures.

True, there are many posts, but wouldn't it be nice if we could somehow group it instead of the information being scattered over multiple threads ?

I want to start this thread so people can share their PC setup en power consumption figures (excluding cams en switches). Might be usefull if you're in the market for a new (power efficient) setup, like me :)

My current i5-3330 setup (Asrock P67 Pro3 + SSD & 6 TB HDD) is using 57W with on avg 55% load.

Looking forward to your figures.


oh lord, I really don't want to send myself into such a depression if I found out. And if the wife discovered 1/2 of our electric bill was being caused by my home office/lab....eeek!
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