Search results

  1. S

    Review-SD4A425DB-HNY 1/2.8" CMOS 4MP 25x Starlight Auto-tracking MiniPTZ

    Just checked mine and no black dots yet. I will say this, last time I cleaned the bubble it most definitely needed it but you could see it looking directly at it. But after cleaning they were gone. But I have noticed that light has a tenancy to bounce around causing stray reflections. but this...
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    OMG Thermal!

    Found one on eBay for 45 bucks. Should I buy it...
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    Raccoon Mating Season

    Doing the nasty is how you, me and everyone else got here.
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    Pay Attention To Your Surroundings -- January 14, 2025

    Sometimes situational awareness is most important.
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    When the light hits just right....or wrong for security cams

    Think somebody up the road died. The sun sets on another life. o_O
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    Review-SD4A425DB-HNY 1/2.8" CMOS 4MP 25x Starlight Auto-tracking MiniPTZ

    Mine is outside and my hearing is less than perfect so fan or no fan, it doesn't matter.
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    Review-SD4A425DB-HNY 1/2.8" CMOS 4MP 25x Starlight Auto-tracking MiniPTZ

    Cool. I didn't know this. Just turned it on. It's 56 here and camera temp is 93.
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    Amazon Driver hits my pole

    Ah, I see.
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    Proghorn antelope

    I was expecting to see Santa's sleigh at the end.
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    Sleepy Driver Crashes Into Sand Barrels

    I bet that woke him up. :p
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    Hey honey, be dear and get the Amazon for me?

    That's not your porch, it's his porch. :p
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    Amazon Driver hits my pole

    What's the purpose of the pole?
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    Blue Iris sold out?

    I hope there's not a price increase with the next batch.
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    EmpireTech PTZ425DB-AT PTZ stopped working and no image in camera web page

    No sir. I got mine working. Don't remember what I did but it's been working normally ever since. I reset, powered off and on, etc. IE is dead as far as I'm concerned. If you use it then good for you.
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    Blue Iris sold out?

    But no discount at this link. :( And I think Blue iris decided to dump Digital River which is a good thing.
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    About to pull the trigger on Server 2019

    I can only speak of my experience. I ran into issues installing it, nothing serious, just annoying. Ran into issues loading drivers, as usual, some were missing from Supermicro's download page. Click on download and you end up at SM's main page. There were a few other issues but it's been awhile...
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    About to pull the trigger on Server 2019

    Server versions come with greatly reduced nagging. And you're able to update at your convenience and not Microsoft. Having said this I'd go with Server 2022 rather than 2019. 2019 is a bit glitchy in my experience.
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    Does the latest version of BI work with Windows Server 2022?

    Web site says Windows 10 and 11 makes no mention of Server. The version I have now is running on Server 2012 R2. Just want to make sure before I commit.
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    B.I. support and Digital River payments !

    Had an issue with Digital River that left me with no support and a vow I would never do business with them again. Crap company.
  20. S

    OK, this is driving me crazy, how do I exit draw mode????

    I have hit every key on the keyboard, I've clicked the mouse, I've double clicked the mouse, I've searched the internet and I cannot find how to exit the draw mode when setting up trip wire, etc. Absolutely nothing I've tried works. Please, somebody tell me how to complete drawing and exit draw...
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    EmpireTech PTZ425DB-AT PTZ stopped working and no image in camera web page

    I use Vivaldi and it probably did update but even it was the problem, how was it fixed without updating anything else? The firmware I flashed was the same as was already loaded in the cam and I'm running Windows 2012 R2 which doesn't update at all. Last time this happened it was also out of the...
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    EmpireTech PTZ425DB-AT PTZ stopped working and no image in camera web page

    I don't use Internet explorer, never have and never will. Found some instructions on The Dahua Wiki that said delete the webrec folder but I can't because it's being used by god only knows what. I'm rebooting the server and will try again. I'm assuming that once I do the web page will ask to...
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    EmpireTech PTZ425DB-AT PTZ stopped working and no image in camera web page

    I still have no image in the web interface and i can find nothing about a plugin. :(
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    EmpireTech PTZ425DB-AT PTZ stopped working and no image in camera web page

    I reloaded the firmware then did a redetect and it started working again. But after the redetect, the setting are all different. They're not the same as they were before PTZ stopped working. Some time ago PTZ stopped working and the fix was to select PTZ Dahua New V4. This time this setting...
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    EmpireTech PTZ425DB-AT PTZ stopped working and no image in camera web page

    Ptz425DB-AT PTZ controls stopped working and when I log into the camera directly I can get no image form anywhere within the camera. However I do get an image in BI and tracking seems to be working. I've rest the cam endless times, I tried every cam setting in BI, I've tried multiple browsers...
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    Blue Iris Tools - Weather Overlay, Watchdog & more!

    Why on Earth would anyone want to Insert Google Analytics into web server files into their web server files ???????
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    Blue Iris UI3

    I use Windows Server 2012 R2 for my BI server. MS leaves it alone so God's in his Heaven and all is right with the world. :)
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    All of the above.