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  1. Razer

    Good reason to have two DVRs I guess - Not mine.

    Okay, so needless to say this is not my clip, but this story is interesting more so than the actual clip. The video shows the cops raiding a place a purposefully breaking the cameras, then removing the DVR. The place had a backup 4 camera system hidden and it continued to record. The cops...
  2. Razer

    Meth head crashes his car into my caravan/wall and drags person 60 feet+

    Wow, good video and glad you property was not too badly damaged as it could have been much worse it appears. Also, I congratulate you on your attitude. It seems as if you are not horribly bent out of shape over this and are taking it in stride. Much better than being all personally upset as...
  3. Razer

    Motion blur - ghosting

    Hey, I finally have a site with a camera I can share briefly! Here is a 4mp camera at three settings for DNR, 30, 70 and 100. These images are cropped down to show the traffic going by where you can see the traffic, not the best examples but hey, it is what I got! :) DNR 30 DNR 70 Then...
  4. Razer

    Motion blur - ghosting

    Agreed, this is almost certainly the problem especially if you have it happening during the day too. DNR on the 3mp cameras can be set to 70 or even 100 without major issues but anything over 50 on a 4mp camera causes the ghosting problem for me. I set DNR to 30 on 4mp cams just to be safe as...
  5. Razer

    DS-2CD3345-I strange interference when WDR turned ON: 4 horizontal lines appear

    All of my Hikvision cameras do this and always have when pointed at a florescent light. This happens with Turrets, Bullets, and box cams, with WDR on or off. I just tested it to be sure and all do this, if you want to have real fun change the hertz setting from 60Hz to 50Hz and then you will...
  6. Razer

    PoE maximum length?

    Haha, I had a hard enough time finding the far end on my half full 530 foot test spool, Like to never got to the far end to terminate it lol. I would love to try 1k but don't have the patience to get to the end of a full spool! Here are a few examples of the wireless shots and equipment on...
  7. Razer

    Exacq data point - 29 IP cameras at 81 MP on an i5

    Oh don't worry at all, I did not think you were answering in a bad way at all so no worries there! :) I just wanted to explain why the pricing while high in some cases (personal cameras for home user for example) it also make total sense in other cases. When looking at business/enterprise...
  8. Razer

    Hikvision 4MP Cameras Motion Blur - Please help me with settings - Pictures Inside

    Re: Hikvision 4MP Cameras Motion Blur - Please help me with settings - Pictures Insid The ghosting issue being caused by noise reduction is a new problem unique to the 4mp Hikvision cameras, I have many of my 3mp cameras set to 100 on noise reduction and they have no issues. The exact same...
  9. Razer

    Exacq data point - 29 IP cameras at 81 MP on an i5

    QuickSync has made a major impact on BI and I'm very glad to see the improvements that have been made in the software recently that is for sure! Impressive gains in a pretty short time for anyone. Pricing on Exacq is not bad when you look at it from a business perspective - also I do not need...
  10. Razer

    Exacq data point - 29 IP cameras at 81 MP on an i5

    Just sharing a quick data point on an install I just completed last week using Exacq as my NVR software. After install I have been monitoring the system and thought I'd share the results with you guys as we all love fun info right? This install has 29 IP cameras, 25 of them are 3mp Hiks (LTS)...
  11. Razer

    PoE maximum length?

    As a note, yes, I have more than a few 500 foot runs now and they are all working fine. I have had 500 foot runs going for over a year with no issues at all of any kind actually which surprised even me. I am running Hikvision bullets at the end of these long runs and I have at least 20-30 500...
  12. Razer

    Steps to take after a burglary

    I have video turned over to the police all the time, literally a weekly occurrence and this is going to police over a 5 state area in the USA. With 100 locations that means a lot of town/city, sheriffs, and even state police needing to see video. In the last couple of years I have run into one...
  13. Razer

    Exterior Cat6 - Never realized it was so hard to find actual "real" outdoor cable

    Nah, I think you did fine. I have had a few runs that had very minor amounts of gel leak out over time but I am talking very minor amounts like a drop or two at the end so it was not a big deal at all. Running a ton of cable I moved away from the gel stuff as it is just a mess after installing...
  14. Razer

    Exterior Cat6 - Never realized it was so hard to find actual "real" outdoor cable

    I used to use ubiquiti but at times it was hard to get and they had a bad run a while back that did not hold up outdoors at all. Outer plastic fell apart easily after sunlight but they were aware of it and fixed it in later runs. I like it and it treated me personally well but the problems...
  15. Razer

    Decent dome camera with wide FOV?

    No offense, but you are just being silly with the anti Hikvision stuff at this point. If you honestly think that your signature with the "worst night quality" as Hik is true then you need to try some more cameras. They may not be the absolute best in the world but they are by no means at all...
  16. Razer

    Decent dome camera with wide FOV?

    I am using the 3mp Hikvision cameras in 2mp mode (could just get 2mp and be done but I buy one camera in bulk to make my life easier) and the 2.8mm turret gets 90 degrees at least, slightly more as I can fully see both walls when mounted in the corner of a room. I am using this camera...
  17. Razer

    Differences Between Hikvision 4mp DS-2CD3345-I And Hikvision 4MP DS-2CD2345-I

    I have used both, and I greatly prefer the 2332 IR coverage personally. I have pretty well lit areas compared to most people though and virtually all of my cameras have IR disabled due to the bug and spider problems that IR causes. I have primarily used bullet cameras and the insect issues...
  18. Razer

    New setup advice, ditching 4mp

    I personally would keep the 2.8 mm shot at the front door, in the 3mp mode for the tall fov like you had before. The garage shot looks fine to me at 4mm, I would keep that but move to the 3mp camera. If you will not want the tall fov on the garage the 3mp camera in the wide view is only 2mp so...
  19. Razer

    Differences Between Hikvision 4mp DS-2CD3345-I And Hikvision 4MP DS-2CD2345-I

    Agreed. I use a few cameras, as in over 1,000. I have a few hundred of the 3mp Hikvision cameras and I own 40 of the new 4mp 120dB WDR cameras too. I have installed all 40 at various locations in totally different areas and lighting conditions. After installing them and comparing against the...
  20. Razer

    Placement Turret 4mp

    I use a ton of my Hiks in day mode all night due to having at least decent light. Set the exposure to 1/30th at the lowest to 1/60th if the light is good enough. I have a couple actually managing 1/120th day mode at night amazingly enough, but I suspect the 4mp will not do that, or at least...
  21. Razer

    Box Camera?...Why use one?

    Well, the box is kind of an older design that predates modern bullets as we know them now. I have over a thousand cameras and only have 13 box cameras as they were inherited when we purchased a location with them. They will be replaced this year finally. That said, there are places and use...
  22. Razer

    Curious why there is no ACTI specific section

    Haha, yes let anyone reading this in the future know that we are totally not joking about these being hot at a level I would have NEVER thought was safe. When I say you can take two and make a George Foreman grill there is a great chance you could totally cook bacon on the back of these just...
  23. Razer

    Curious why there is no ACTI specific section

    I'm not sure honestly. Being totally serious here too. In my case, and I would assume some others were/are like me, I did not take the Hiks very seriously when I first ran into them as I assumed they were just home use cheapo cameras. I just figured that I was getting a better camera with...
  24. Razer

    Curious why there is no ACTI specific section

    I'm sitting here at home with 7 ACTi e32 cameras, one ACTi KCM-5611 and two Hikvision cameras, one 3mp and on 4mp. The Hiks are KILLING the ACTi cameras in performance and then I can buy 6 of them for what the one 5611 camera cost. I have many of them up and running but at this point I love it...
  25. Razer

    is it necassary to use Surveillance HDD vs the standard desktop drive?

    I had great luck with my black drives too and they were great performers for me. Pretty sure I still have one in my desktop at home for backup purposes. Moved on to SSDs now though. Today when I build a basic NVR I usually start with an off the shelf system that has a 500gb or 1tb drive in...
  26. Razer

    is it necassary to use Surveillance HDD vs the standard desktop drive?

    Good lord not Greens! Anything other than those, they have to be the worst drives ever made I swear. When I said above "use any old hard drive you want" I should have specified "other than WD Greens!" Black, Red, Seagate Surveillance, just not Green. (I've had some issues with them as you...
  27. Razer

    Clean Install of Win10 and HDD Partitions - need advice

    As a note I am upgrading everything to Windows 10 both personally and professionally and I have had zero issues. All my home devices and machines have had it for a while now, and I am upgrading all my NVRs to Win10 and they are doing great. I'm literally making installation media right now to...
  28. Razer

    is it necassary to use Surveillance HDD vs the standard desktop drive?

    Not needed no - you can use any old hard drive you want. That said I recently tested some drives performance to compare normal drives vs the WD Purple specifically. The normal drive beat the Purple drive in every single test by 10-25% except for one, random writes, which is what your...
  29. Razer

    Project and current cost

    I follow this just in case I get some smaller personal projects, or installing at the in laws or whatever. I'm up to 1,256 cameras as of yesterday and growing. I have 40 something sitting in boxes behind me staged to go out for expansions. BI is not going to work for me needless to say, but I...
  30. Razer

    Project and current cost

    Very nice job, love the weather overlay and such on the cameras. Also, I've been in French Lick many times and am not very far away from you at all, just a little ways north, small world! Great info on the usage of your hardware in BI, I do not use it but try to keep up with the general info...