Decent dome camera with wide FOV?

Thanks for all the suggestions, I think I am going to go with the 3mp Hikvision as it should serve my needs. We will see when it gets here.

Thanks again all.
Everyone needs to make a mistake once... Btw I am selling Hikvision 3mp 2.8mm turret in case you are interested
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No offense, but you are just being silly with the anti Hikvision stuff at this point. If you honestly think that your signature with the "worst night quality" as Hik is true then you need to try some more cameras. They may not be the absolute best in the world but they are by no means at all the worst. I nominate ACTi for that privileged award myself. Also they would win most unreliable....

I need to purchase from a real company, with a real warranty just in case. I need to purchase in quantity and get my order in a day or two usually. So far Hik and Dahua are real companies but after testing I chose Hik. I have several hundred at this point and night footage is absolutely great, shoot, most never go into night mode. I do not use IR, I shut it off and my night footage is GREAT. I have an insanely large test bed, I have 1,200 cameras of varying brands and they are spread out over 80 locations in 5 US states, 90% of them installed outdoors.

I like that there are other options out there as it keeps other developing. At this point Hik is my go to brand and after installing a whole lot more than a few I am extremely happy with my choices. Other brands may work perfectly for some, then they will not work at all for others. Try not to bash others just because they do not like what you do, or choose another route.
Everyone needs to make a mistake once... Btw I am selling Hikvision 3mp 2.8mm turret in case you are interested

This isn't helpful... You stopped doing this for a month or so and are back at it. Give people credit when they want to buy reputable industry proven cameras with warranties. Not everyone wants to roll the dice with AE and off brand cameras. do you win sometimes in quality, sure, but it's not for everyone.
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No offense, but you are just being silly with the anti Hikvision stuff at this point. If you honestly think that your signature with the "worst night quality" as Hik is true then you need to try some more cameras. They may not be the absolute best in the world but they are by no means at all the worst. I nominate ACTi for that privileged award myself. Also they would win most unreliable....

I need to purchase from a real company, with a real warranty just in case. I need to purchase in quantity and get my order in a day or two usually. So far Hik and Dahua are real companies but after testing I chose Hik. I have several hundred at this point and night footage is absolutely great, shoot, most never go into night mode. I do not use IR, I shut it off and my night footage is GREAT. I have an insanely large test bed, I have 1,200 cameras of varying brands and they are spread out over 80 locations in 5 US states, 90% of them installed outdoors.

I like that there are other options out there as it keeps other developing. At this point Hik is my go to brand and after installing a whole lot more than a few I am extremely happy with my choices. Other brands may work perfectly for some, then they will not work at all for others. Try not to bash others just because they do not like what you do, or choose another route.
My recommendations are based on my personal experience, I bought a lot of cheap cams and I've stuck with Hikvision the longest so I am very much aware about Hikvision quality. You are also failing to see that I am not against Hikvision brand (I only wish I could buy bunch of darknights for $600), I am merely suggesting to look at better options for the same price you can get. Specifically, the dome/turret that's being recommended which I own both and posted comparison against each other as well as newcomer such as Longse s500.

If you think they are "GREAT" at night time that's fine, obviously we have different bar what is considered "great".

But really, it's just annoying with people (who most likely making money on Hikvision) jump on anyone who recommend anything other then those Hikvision domes/turrets. I guess you never heard that everyone is entitled to their opinion.

To OP: if you are inclined to stick with Hikvision then I would suggest to look at either newer 4MP/2MP cams, 3MP is a few years old now and not as good night IQ.

Here is my comparison of 4MP and 3MP for reference
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