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  1. c hris527

    Worlds First Review - Dahua DH-IPC-PFW5849-A180-E2 - Dual Lens 180 Degree Full Color 4K (8MP Stitched) Camera

    I'm really curious about that too, I'm testing its competitor from hikvision the DS-2CD2T87G2P-LSU/SL and stitching IS a Issue to some extent, kind of hard to find a happy medium with it right now.
  2. c hris527


    EYE Rolling, ya I get that, she is 12 so yup, She was distracted by eating doughnut holes and a latte besides having her phone stuck in her face, she actually went with me to the Road show. Thanks for the Info on the browsers. Seems with the latest windows update Microsoft added in a redirect to...
  3. c hris527


    Thanks Alastair, I threw everything in to one basket, I should have said I made sure everything was disabled, I think it WAS disabled by default, I just unchecked everything, I have the config backed up so it should be no issue to default the camera, I will most likely do that soon anyway, I...
  4. c hris527


  5. c hris527


  6. c hris527


    So I have been super busy but I managed to get a few more functional tests and what I would consider Important on the placement of this camera. First of all, being a 180 degree camera, its most likely not a good Idea to mount this near a bright outdoor motion light . In the pic, its about 5 feet...
  7. c hris527


    Hello All, This will be a Moderate review of a Hikvision DS-2CD2387g2p-LSU/SL Multi-sensor 180 degree 4mm camera. I received the camera for testing from Hikvision USA (THANK YOU GUYS) and I told them I would post a review here on IpCamtalk. Going to give the good, the bad and the ugly. I...
  8. c hris527

    What cha listening to?

    Wow this could be addictive, I LOVE guitar shredders, with no doubt Gary Moore was one of the best, Its a old video but Man!!! RIP Gary.
  9. c hris527

    Shipping Costs..HELP!!

    "To ship a 12-metre container from Shanghai to Los Angeles 12 months ago would have cost less than $2,000. Now the price is closer to $14,000." Quoting a article from The National <---whoever they are...
  10. c hris527

    Shipping Costs..HELP!!

    Thanks Arjun...TNT is now FedEx the other places I will have to look into when I get a chance. So I actually did a Calculation in USD for the package, Its still going to be around $800 us without any Insurance added,
  11. c hris527

    What cha listening to?

    I love hard rock, If you like Ronnie James Dio, these kids are the real deal, good to see the torch passed on.
  12. c hris527

    Shipping Costs..HELP!!

  13. c hris527

    Shipping Costs..HELP!!

    Long Story Short, I have a expensive piece of test equipment in the UAE, United Arab, It prob weighs about 20 lbs or so, The Guy who has it says its about $2400 to ship DHL back to the states. I did check the site, I wonder if that was Their currency, or USD, either way seems really expensive...
  14. c hris527

    What Are The chances Of This Happening ?

    So Hikvision USA did keep good on their word, I had a choice of the solar powered remote or the Colorvu pano stitched 8mp DS-2CD2387g2p-LSU/SL, I took the Colorvu and received it This week. I will be testing and reviewing that camera soon. We will see how that goes, did a bit of playing around...
  15. c hris527

    Are you ready for a EMP attack?

    If there is ever a Emp attack, we are all screwed anyway and If you bought one and it did not work, do you think you will be able to hunt them down for the warranty? Ha, That's like the Funeral Director trying to sell you a watertight Casket, did anybody ever check if its working? :D Meanwhile...
  16. c hris527

    Are you ready for a EMP attack?

    Well Things just got a whole lot better, I actually just saw Ted Nugent Vouch for them on Their Youtube Channel...WTF Ted 4 EMP LOL
  17. c hris527

    Are you ready for a EMP attack?

    HaHaHa, I know I did that year, I sold more new computers that year than ANY other year.
  18. c hris527

    Are you ready for a EMP attack?

    Ya Know, Last year after hearing chatter early on of a monkeypox outbreak, It always seems the higher ups seem to project or predict what will come next. For years I have been hearing about a EMP attack on our grid be it man made or Mother nature doing the deed. Could this be the answer to...
  19. c hris527

    What Are The chances Of This Happening ?

    HaHa I doubt it, she has better things to do like her phone glued to her face.
  20. c hris527

    What Are The chances Of This Happening ?

    So I had to meet a friend, she was dropping off a laptop for me to work on, we decided to meet at a Fast food place but as she would be visiting her mom and she ended up late on the way back, I had mY 12 yr old daughter with me and got DADDD Im Hungry.. Ok So we stop off at a dunkin Doughnuts...